Constitutional Myths
I hear frequently from people who believe our Constitution to be unlawful or in some way invalid. From others who believe that Canada is still under the rule of the British monarchy. And still others with various theories and questions. I am certainly not an expert in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights or the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
But Mr. Brian Peckford is an expert. Brian Peckford served as the 3rd premier of Newfoundland from 1979 to 1989 and is the sole surviving author of the Charter.
The information on this page comes directly from Mr. Peckford. There is, in my opinion, no more qualified person in our country to answer these questions.
For my several interviews with Mr. Peckford you will find links below.
Will Dove
Founder and Director
Strong And Free Canada
The below myths and responses were authored by the The Honorable Brian Peckford, sole surviving author of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Will's Interviews with Brian Peckford

The Life and Times of Brian Peckford
Brian Peckford is a Canadian hero.
He served as the third premier of Newfoundland from 1979 to his retirement from politics in 1989. He is the sole surviving author of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and the author of the book ‘Someday the Sun Will Shine and Have Not Will Be No More’.
He has tirelessly fought against the government overreach and violations of our constitutional rights imposed upon Canadians by the Trudeau government. Brian has also worked with lawyers to bring cases before the courts in regards to those same violations.
His travel ban case was shut down by the courts after they declared it moot, as the violations were no longer in place. Somewhat akin to declaring an assault case moot because the assault is no longer in progress.
During the Public Order Emergency Commission, government lawyers blocked Mr. Peckford’s testimony. He would have told them that the EMA was a clear violation of the Charter he helped to write.
While today Mr. Peckford lives with his wife Carol on Vancouver Island, he grew up in Newfoundland. It was a different time. With different values.
In this in-person interview, Brian shares some of his memories of his childhood, and his life.

Government Lawyers Attempting to Dodge Justice
In early February, the Honorable Brian Peckford, who is the sole surviving author of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, filed an affidavit with the Federal Courts to charge the Liberal government under Justin Trudeau with violating our Charter rights to freedom of movement with the Covid travel bans. The case is currently on hold, as government lawyers have moved to have the case dropped, claiming it is now moot because travel restrictions have been suspended. Suspended, not cancelled. This means they can come back at any time.
In addition, declaring this case moot would be similar to judging an assault case moot because the assault is no longer in progress. A crime has been committed against the Canadian people. In this interview, Mr. Peckford provides a timeline of the case to date, with details on the mootness hearing.

Canada Day is Not Communist Day - Yet
On the eve of Canada Day, Brian and Will discuss the ongoing battles with censorship, discrimination and the breakdown of justice Canadians are facing. The fight is ours to lose if we let this continue….
On tyranny and Canada’s political prisoners….
That we need unbelievable structural reform in our system has become more powerful and more valid as every day goes by. You and I adding these elements into it from Tamara Lich, my own lawsuit, to printing firms suddenly not wanting to print things because they don’t like what’s in it, to speaking engagements getting canceled for September here in Vancouver, speaks to a pretty ugly period that we’re starting to enter into.
On the hypocrisy that is our government…
To add to that where I talked about the Senator coming out and saying, how Ottawa was being occupied and terrorized and …with her coming out and saying what she said and was carried in the national press. Of course, it was carried in the national press because she’s pushing the narrative that the press has been pushing the government narrative and then came out in the mainstream press in the last 24 hours about a judge who’s now saying, how her life was threatened several times during the trucker’s convoy.
Another message to get across, that we’re all a bunch of terrorists that were all racist, that were all misogynists, like the prime minister…the chief justice of this country – the top legal officer weeks ago, talked disparagingly about the trucker’s convoy. And he is one of the people in the Supreme Court of Canada will be sitting to hear cases that are going to be appealed to him from the trucker’s convoy. Yet he’s already prejudiced to court against it getting a fair hearing in this country. So, we got top political person in Canada calling us misogynists and racists.

A Suspension - Not a Cancellation
In this very timely interview, the Honorable Brian Peckford, the sole surviving author of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms addresses the decision announced today by the federal government that as of June 20th travel restrictions within Canada will be dropped for the unvaccinated, and all federal employees who were released from their positions for refusing the ‘vaccines’ will be allowed to return to work. Mr. Peckford also discusses his proposed ‘Canadian Magna Carta’, on how we can make legislative changes that will ensure that governments across Canada will not be able to violate our constitutional rights in the future, as well as justice for those who already have.

This Land is Ours, The Defense of Our Right to Move Freely (Pt. 2 of 2)
The Honourable Brian Peckford is a Canadian politician who served as the third Premier of Newfoundland 1979-1989 and participated in the creation of Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms. He joins us today for the second time to shed more light on how he is still involved in protecting Canadian’s rights and speaks to the law suit he recently filed with the Federal Court.
On the violation of our right to move freely…
The federal government has mandated that I can't get aboard a plane in British Columbia and go and see my family in Newfoundland. I can't go and see my family in Ontario or Nova Scotia. I can’t visit any of my friends. I can't go to the trucker’s rally on the weekend unless I can drive. We chose the federal mandate because it was going straight to the federal Court and we'd only have two steps. What I'm arguing is that the Government of Canada, through this mandate has violated my rights to travel across Canada or leave Canada, Section 6, all Canadians are in that same boat. This one in particular, the federal government has not demonstrably justified.
On how this suit is not limited to just personal travel…
This case has got ramifications beyond just a person's right to get on an airplane. The cross-border trucking industry, which is estimated that if the government gets away with what they're trying to do with the truckers, we're looking at a shortage of 230,000 pounds of goods per day, coming into Canada. We're already starting to see some bare store shelves, getting certain types of cars, certain types of electronics is becoming very difficult because it's not coming across the border. This is going to affect a whole lot more than just someone's ability to go to Hawaii on vacation.
On how a real emergency is supposed to be managed…
The first principle is that it's a multifaceted approach because if a disaster or something very difficult happens, it's going to affect everybody. So, we better involve everybody; private sector, public sector, all the departments of government that are relevant and come up with a multifaceted approach and target the real problem, the real core. So much about the situation is so bizarre and therefore they completely ignored their own bureaucracy on this. And when it was a very clinical issue, it wasn't a multi-issue approach. When they started to institute this, there were going to be no repercussions from the lockdowns, but that is clearly not the case.

Your Rights Under the Charter: Brian Peckford, sole surviving architect of the Charter (Pt. 1 of 2)
*For the parts on the Charter, skip to the 54:00 minute mark.
Mr. Brian Peckford is the sole surviving architect of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, served as the third premier of Newfoundland under the PC party from 1979 until his retirement in 1989 and is the author of the 2012 best-selling book Someday The Sun Will Shine and Have Not Will Be No More.
On the betrayal of the Canadian people by our governments…
“They have abdicated their role from being servants of the people, to being masters of the people.”
On corruption in our government…
“This was a cabal, centered in the Prime Minister’s office, the privy council office, who actually obstructed justice, and most of them should be in jail.”
On the Charter of Rights and Freedoms…
“There’s no question that what the Charter stands for is to protect the rights and freedoms of the individual and supercedes everything else and in the present context we have our governments passing regulations and laws which violate those provisions. If some government is going to override these rights and freedoms they must demonstrably justify this with reasonable limits by law that exist within a free and democratic society. Not one government, the federal government, the governments of the provinces and the territories have demonstrably justified [the violations of our rights and freedoms].”
On holding the traitors in our government accountable…
“[Their actions] lead one to believe that the courts and the governments are very nervous, because they know this is a Pandora’s box where the Centre for Constitutional Freedoms and other freedom loving organizations are going to go to court and they’re going to bring [the experts] and make a travesty of the things the governments have done.”