Gays Against Groomers: Protecting Our Kids from the Trans Agenda
Jaimee Michell
December 4, 2024
For the past decade, our children have been the targets of a concerted campaign by the trans movement. Kids are told that if they only transition, they will feel that they fit in, and their parents are told that their kids will kill themselves if they are not allowed to.
But both of these claims are outright lies.
Fortunately, better informed people are now pushing back, and perhaps no organization has done so as effectively as Gays Against Groomers, an American anti-trans agenda movement launched in 2022 by founder Jaimee Michell.
So far Gays Against Groomers has succeeded in having anti-trans legislation passed in no less than 22 states. Their website contains a wealth of truth about the trans agenda, from news, to scientific studies, and now two books, one of them, titled “Born Perfect: Jack’s Story” was just released and is the first in a planned series of children’s books written to push back against the trans agenda books which have infiltrated our school libraries.
Jaimee began her campaign years ago, when she became dismayed at the fact that the trans movement was effectively hijacking the pride movement to the extent that many gays today no longer use the pride flag as a symbol. It used to be symbol of equal rights for consenting adults. It has become, under the agenda of the trans movement, a symbol of the victimization of our children.
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