The Iron Will Report | Friday, November 12

November 12, 2021

interview featured image Jeff Matheson
83% of First-Trimester Women Miscarry After Getting the Jab
interview with rob anders featured image
How We Broke Politics in Canada: And How We Fix It
interview featured image mark trozzi
‘Vaccine’ Dependency: How the Covid ‘Vaccines’ Create New Variants
inteview featured images stephen malthouse
It is Illegal to Advertise Vaccines in Canada: How Dr. Malthouse is Going After Offenders
inteview featured images prof allen
The Deadly Cost of Lockdowns: Interview with Prof. Douglas Allen, Dept. of Economics, SFU
Featured image be the virus speech
Be the Virus: How We Defeat Tyranny
august update featured image
Will’s August Update
Featured image interview sylvain henry
National Referendum to End All Lockdown Measures in Canada

Start your weekend with a laugh.

In this week’s report…

• The small flaw in Pfizer’s plan
• California Governer Gavin Newsome
• 40% of Canadians are ‘conspiracy theorists’
• Support staff assisting with patient care
• Quebec and Ontario back down on mandatory vaccines for health care workers
• B.C. Minister of Health is A. Dix
• Flawless logic from a retired nurse

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