The Iron Will Weekly News Report | December 9, 2022

December 9, 2022

Could Mark Carney Delay Canada’s Election Until 2026?
IWR News for January 24th |
Could Mark Carney Delay Canada’s Election Until 2026?
Smoke and Mirrors: The Truth About Taxes in Canada
Smoke and Mirrors: The Truth About Taxes in Canada |
Kris Sims
Whole Life or Term? Understanding Your Insurance Options
Whole Life or Term? Understanding Your Insurance Options |
Oliver Ross
Sacrificing Growth for Revenue: Trudeau's Illegal Capital Gains Tax
IWR News for January 17th |
Sacrificing Growth for Revenue: Trudeau’s Illegal Capital Gains Tax
The Truth About Chinese Interference in Canada
The Truth About Chinese Interference in Canada |
Leon Lee
Demons Disguised as Guardians: The Trans Agenda
Demons Disguised as Guardians: The Trans Agenda |
Jason W
Zuckerberg’s Meta Backpedals on Censorship
IWR News for January 10th |
Zuckerberg’s Meta Backpedals on Censorship
UNDRIP: A Double Edged Sword?
UNDRIP: A Double Edged Sword? |
Glenn Bogue

In this week’s Iron Will Report…

  • Banks Spy on Freedom Supporters
  • Woman Trampled at Convoy to Sue
  • Censorship Bill Will Pass Soon
  • Press Evicted from Press Gallery for Actually Doing Job
  • Legacy Media Crushed in Debate
  • Who’s Funding Google YouTube Fact Checkers?
  • Polio Latest Fearmongering Tactic

And in the member’s report, above PLUS:

  • Assisted Suicide is a Global Agenda
  • New Mask Mandates – Up in Smoke?
  • CBC and Ilk Labelled ‘State-Controlled Media’ on Twitter?
  • Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria May be Major Threat to the Vaxxed
  • Woke Judge Okays Attack on Blind Senior
  • Climate Change Crazies Fight Fido Farts
  • Ontario Government Pays for ‘All Ages’ Christmas Drag Show
  • Mommy, Is Santa Dead?

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1 Banks Spying on Freedom Supporters
POEC Inquiry Finds That Desjardin Was Reporting to the RCMP
In a final blow against our rights revealed at the Public Order Emergency Commission, which wrapped up two weeks ago it was revealed that some banks were colluding with the government to identify Convoy supporters. Credit Union Desjardins sent an email to the RCMP in February listing some of their customers who they believed were supporting the convoy, or who were doing transactions in Ottawa at the time of the convoy and especially those who made fuel purchases. The email requested further instructions from the RCMP.
During Chrystia Freeland’s testimony it was further revealed that the original suggestion to label supporters of the convoy as terrorists came from a banking CEO, but of course the name of that CEO was redacted, along with just about everything else in the documents. Sadly this also means we’ll never know the name of the one bank CEO who spoke out against the measures, citing concerns that the banking system would be used as a political weapon of the government.
2 No Justice for Trampled Woman
Candace Sero Suing Police After SIU Drops Case
And remember Candace Sero, the aboriginal woman who was trampled by police horses at the Freedom Convoy? Rebel News reporter Alexandra Lavoie interviewed her outside the commission, which Candace attended. Candace is still in pain from her injuries. Is there any justice for her? Of course not. The special investigation unit stated that she was not quote hurt enough to justify investigating further, and the case was dropped. Candace will be pursuing legal action against the police.
3 C-11 Coming Soon
Bill Will Pass Despite Resistance From Brave Senators
The Canadian government is continuing to pursue control of the message. A proposed amendment to bill C-11 that would have restricted the bill to only the largest programmers with revenue in excess of 150 million a year was rejected by the Senate in a 10 to 4 vote. Which means exactly what you think. When they pass this bill, and they will, it will apply to whoever they say it applies to. Senator Denise Batters, who has been vocally opposing the bill and who sponsored the amendment stated “All Canadians could potentially be targeted,” and that the bill “is so vague it could include everything from Amazon Prime to everyone with a website and a podcast.”
Ostensibly the purpose of the bill is to give the CRTC the power to regulate quote commercial internet content. But of course there is no definition in the bill of what constitutes commercial.
Senator Leo Housakos, who also opposes the bill said “The more and more we’ve debated and we’ve heard from the Minister and the government, and the current chair of the CRTC, constantly I get this feeling of, ‘I reserve the right to do tomorrow what I am promising not to do today,’”
This is why it is vital to sign up for our newsletters at either or They can block us from some social media sites such as Youtube, but as I’ve explained in the past, I’ve taken steps to see that they can’t take down our sites. As long as we have your email address, we can reach you with the truth.
Investigative Journalist Organization Blocked for Demanding Accountability
Bill C-11 is only one form of censorship. I reported recently on the harassment of Blacklock’s Reporter’ managing editor Tom Korski by the Press Gallery in Ottawa. Blacklock’s is undeniably one of the best sources of investigative journalism in our country, constantly monitoring and reporting on activities our government doesn’t want us knowing about.
Blacklock’s is the only Press Gallery member eligible for federal subsidies that neither solicits nor accepts government funding. Blacklock’s recently published Access To Information records detailing a private meeting between 35 unnamed publishers and the Canada Revenue Agency on distribution of $595 million in subsidies.
The next day, last Friday, December 2nd, Blacklock’s was evicted from the Press Gallery by executives accompanied by armed police. This is the first time such an eviction has happened in the entire history of the National Press.
It seems the other members of the gallery really don’t want us to know just how much money each of them are receiving from the government, but we do know how much they want.
In 2020, Blacklock’s revealed that Canadian Press petitioned the commons finance committee for federal grants in the amount of half a million dollars per week, to offset lost revenues from Canadians who are no longer subscribing to legacy media.
It’s almost like Canadians don’t want to pay for lies.
Even Malcolm Gladwell Couldn’t Save Them
Of course all that the tyrants achieve by such draconian measures as barring the only non-subsidized news source from the Press Gallery is convincing more and more people to switch to independent journalists. For those of you unfamiliar with Munk Debates, they are a series of semi-annual debates which are held in Toronto. Tickets typically sell out quickly and an audience poll is taken both before and after the debate. The purpose is to determine which side won the debate by measuring how many people are persuaded to change their viewpoint.
The subject of the most recent Munk debate was on whether or not Canadians should trust mainstream media. Prior to the debate 48% of the audience felt that mainstream media should not be trusted, while 52% responded that they did trust them.
After the debate, those who stated they did not trust mainstream media comprised 67% of the audience. That’s a 39% vote gain. In one debate.
Andrew Lawton with our friends at True North tweeted early this week that “A professor speaking at the Emergencies Act inquiry was alarmed at the “large following” that independent news outlets have amassed and how online media “appear just as credible” as mainstream media.”
Aww, shucks, professor. You’re just sayin that.
Among the debaters was well known author Malcolm Gladwell, who was arguing for trusting legacy media and who stated that quote “A newspaper is not merely a monopoly protected by the printing press…there are a separate set of skills that are difficult to acquire and worthy of preservation. You can’t start blogging at 23 and call yourself a journalist.”
While I’ve enjoyed your books, Malcolm, get your head out of your ass. You’re not the only one who studied journalism. I did too. And I can tell you that while being a good journalist does require a certain skill set, a classroom isn’t required to learn those skills.
In fact, I dropped out. Even at that young and naïve age I realized quickly that the instructors weren’t just teaching us skills. They were indoctrinating us with the idea that only mainstream media is qualified to deliver the message. So I quit.
And clearly, Malcolm, it’s not because I lack the skills.
6 Who’s Funding the Fact Checkers?
But having more people waking up and realizing that mainstream media can’t be trusted is only part of the problem. Those who continue to steadfastly believe that news organizations that are funded by the government are actually telling them the truth, are also fond of checking the counter narrative from misinformation artists such as myself against fact checker sites.
Released earlier this week, my own interview with Dr. Robert Malone on his recent book Lies My Government Told Me focused on how social media is not only being censored, but is actively partnering with governments and globalist agencies to craft the narrative. For example, Zuckerberg was exchanging emails with Anthony Fauci in the early days of the scamdemic to determine what the Facebook approved narrative would be, and Dr. Malone also revealed that the WEF is partnering with Google to filter search results.
So you won’t be surprised to find out that Google and Youtube announced last week that they will spend 12 million to create a Global Fact Check Fund that will support a network of 135 fact-checking organizations operating from 65 countries in more than 80 languages under the umbrella of the International Fact-Checking Network or IFCN, a division of the nonprofit media institute Poynter
It also won’t surprise you to learn that Poynter is funded by private corporations and governments.
So the fact checkers, who are telling you that anything that goes against the mainstream narrative is misinformation, are themselves funded by the same people who fund the mainstream narrative.
7 Polio Latest in Fearmongering
Analysis: How the WHO Will Leverage Polio to Inject Billions
Watch for the fearmongering machinery to get to work on yet another viral threat. No, not Covid. Not Monkeypox. Not the new tri-demic. Polio.
You know, that disease that is now so rare a single case is news.
In July a single case of polio surfaced in New York state. This was shortly after the UK announced they had found live polio virus in London wastewater.

To find out how the WHO is going to leverage a handful of polio cases to push billions of new vaccines on the global population, sign up for a 15-day free trial at Memberships are just 9.95 per month and give access to my full weekly counter narrative news reports as well as exclusive interviews. All funds raised from memberships go toward our fight at to recover and defend our rights and freedoms.
In this week’s member’s report, we go deep down the rabbit hole to see how the polio virus is just one more tactic that the globalists will use to attempt to force more toxic injections on billions, the international assisted suicide agenda is now targeting six year olds, some real science with which to fight mandatory masking, Elon Musk agrees the CBC should be labelled as state run media, a common bacteria that may become a lethal problem, yet another example of blatant discrimination against whites, dog and cat farts contributing to global warming, Doug Ford’s government now funding drag shows for kids, and well, dead Santa.

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