Trudeau Knows

January 3, 2022

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“Suicide Has Gone Through the Roof in the Deaf Community”, says Canadian Spokesman for the Deaf
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A Succinct Summary of Covid Tyranny, by Dr. Mark Trozzi
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“The FDA Has Become an Arm of Pfizer”, Interview with Dr. Jane Ruby
jccf policing the pandemic featured image
Policing the Pandemic: The Police State of Canada
interview featured image Patrick Phillips
Almost All People Getting the ‘Vaccines’ Are Being Coerced
interview featured image Jeff Matheson
83% of First-Trimester Women Miscarry After Getting the Jab
interview with rob anders featured image
How We Broke Politics in Canada: And How We Fix It
interview featured image mark trozzi
‘Vaccine’ Dependency: How the Covid ‘Vaccines’ Create New Variants

Trudeau, Tam, Health Canada, the provincial health officers and NACI have all known since April 2021 that the vaccines are killing and permanently injuring the Canadian people at far higher rates than COVID.

Through threats of firings and loss of freedom they are intentionally forcing people to their deaths. By approving the vaccine for children they are now killing and injuring kids.

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