Wholesale Treason: The Iron Will Report for the Week of March 31st (EXCERPT)

March 31, 2023

Will AI Replace Doctors? Is Your Job Next?
IWR News for February 7th |
Will AI Replace Doctors? Is Your Job Next?
yyc ROCKS: Building a Private Membership Association
yyc ROCKS: Building a Private Membership Association |
Suing Trudeau: For $34 Million Dollars
Suing Trudeau: For $34 Million Dollars |
Eddie Cornell
The Climate Lie: Part 1, Debunking the 'Science'
The Climate Lie: Part 1, Debunking the ‘Science’ |
Frank Lasee
Did Smart Meters Make the California Fires Worse?
IWR News for January 31st |
Did Smart Meters Make the California Fires Worse?
Persecuted for Protecting Children: Pastor Derek Reimer
Persecuted for Protecting Children |
Pastor Derek Reimer
Investing in Gold and Silver: The Beginners Guide
Investing in Gold and Silver: The Beginners Guide |
Greg Mather
Could Mark Carney Delay Canada’s Election Until 2026?
IWR News for January 24th |
Could Mark Carney Delay Canada’s Election Until 2026?

In this week’s Iron Will Report:

  • Gates Buys Off Media Around the World
  • Governor General’s 100K per day Travel Costs
  • Trudeau Appoints Crony Investigator…Again
  • 198 Canadian Companies Blacklisted in Government Email to Banks
  • Wholesale Treason: The Leftist Sellout of Canada

And in the Member’s Version at IronWillReport.com:

  • They Won’t Shut Down the Internet…or Maybe They Will
  • Another Climate Alarmist Dilemma: Greenland Ice Cores
  • Eco-Cult Leader Guilbeault Blows 1.8 Mil at Non-Green Resort
  • The Next Virus Scare Revealed by Big Pharma
  • ‘Turbo’ Testicular Cancers: Dr. William Makis
  • McDonald’s Partners with U.S. Government to Push mRNA
  • A State Law Criminalizing mRNA Injections
  • Canada Pays More for Shots than Any Other Nation
  • The Woke Cancel Fun in Regina

To see the Full Report Subscribe to:


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The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is the largest private foundation on Earth, reporting over $51 billion in assets at the end of 2019. Bill Gates says his foundation spends a majority of its resources “reducing deaths from infectious diseases,” and through this philanthropy, he seems to have bought a name for himself as an infectious disease expert.

‘Bought’ being the operative word.

After sorting through over 30,000 individual grants, MintPress revealed that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has made over $300 million worth of donations to fund media projects.

Recipients of this cash include many of America’s most important news outlets, including CNN, NBC, NPR, PBS, and The Atlantic. Gates also sponsors a myriad of influential foreign organizations, including the BBC, The Guardian, The Financial Times, and The Daily Telegraph in the United Kingdom; prominent European newspapers such as Le Monde in France, Der Spiegel in Germany and El País in Spain; as well as big global broadcasters like Al-Jazeera.

the true figure is undoubtedly far higher than 300 million. First, it does not count sub-grants — money given by the Gates Foundation to non-media recipients and then passed on to media outlets around the world. And while the Gates Foundation fosters an air of openness about itself, there is actually precious little public information about what happens to the money from each grant, save for a short, one- or two-sentence description written by the foundation itself on its website. Only donations to press organizations themselves or projects that could be identified from the information on the Gates Foundation’s website as media campaigns were counted, meaning that thousands of grants having some media element do not appear in the list examined by MintPress.

Gates also bought himself the role of the star of a Netflix docu-series, “Pandemic: How to Prevent an Outbreak,” which was released just weeks before the plandemic and was produced by a New York Times correspondent, Sheri Fink, who previously worked at three Gates-funded organizations (Pro Publica, the New America Foundation, and the International Medical Corps).

Now that we know about Gates buying off the media to promote his agenda, and that the figure of 300 million is almost certainly well short of the actual figure, don’t you wonder how much Trudeau has really paid to mainstream media in Canada to be his mouthpiece?

Trudeau’s Jamaican holiday last Christmas cost taxpayers almost $163,000. Expenses included $33,677 to have an RCAF flight crew shuttle Trudeau and his family to the Caribbean and remain on standby.

According to the Inquiry of Ministry documents obtained by Blacklock’s Reporter, “As per longstanding government policy and for security reasons the Prime Minister must travel on government aircraft whether he is on official or personal business, as was the case with previous prime ministers, when traveling for personal reasons the Prime Minister and any guests traveling with him reimburse an equivalent commercial airfare.”

Riiight? I looked up business class airfare from Toronto to Jamaica return. 5 grand a pop. Accounting for Sophie and three kids do any of us really believe Turd ponied up 25 large out of his own pocket for the flight? I looked up business class as I couldn’t find any first-class fares. Maybe airlines don’t do that anymore, I wouldn’t know. I do know that if Justin and family ever did fly on a commercial airline, they certainly wouldn’t sit in coach with us plebes. Why, someone might slip something into his drink that would cause him to behave in a manner unbecoming of a Prime Minister.

And sure, security reasons. The U.S. President jets around on Air Force One. But he has the nuclear launch codes. What does Justin have? His latest post-it note reminders from Klaus? And besides, I kinda doubt they gave Biden the launch codes. Poor guy would start world war three thinking he was playing the powerball lottery.

And in case you’re thinking the press is picking on Justin by uncovering out of the ordinary travel expenses, The Canadian Taxpayers Federation wants Turd to reimburse the public for the $6,000 per night hotel room in London that he stayed in during his Queen Elizabeth II funeral trip.

Last week, it became public that Trudeau stayed at the Corinthia London Hotel in the $6,000 per night river suite, which includes a butler.

The river suite cost taxpayers $30,000 for Trudeau’s five nights visit to London..

After access to information requests returned blacked out name records, the CTF took the Office of the Information Commissioner to court to force the Trudeau government to disclose the individuals who stayed at the river suite.

But in fact, 30 grand for five nights is cheap. At least, to Governor General Mary Simon who had an RCAF flight crew log nearly 3,000 kilometres so she could attend a six-minute ceremony.

I’m not making this up.

Yet more documents obtained by Blacklock’s tracked air mileage by Department of National Defence flight crews to ferry Simon back and forth between Ottawa and Halifax last August. Expenses were $12,589 excluding the actual cost of aviation fuel and flight crews as the military would not disclose what it charged taxpayers for those apparently top-secret services.

On August 23 Simon flew from Ottawa to Halifax for opening ceremonies of a Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference. Simon traveled with an official photographer and five aides.

Simon, following a brief appearance at the Conference remained in the province to holiday at “a private residence in Nova Scotia,”. Her host was not named.

On August 30, a week later, Simon flew back to Ottawa by military aircraft to attend the swearing-in of a new Minister of Public Works – the ceremony lasted six minutes. She then immediately returned to her Nova Scotia holiday.

So, when Turd travels simple math says he’s costing us on average about seven grand a day. When Mary flies, figuring a six-minute speech and 4 hours return of flight time, approximately a hundred grand a day.

I know. I know. You think I’m exaggerating to make a point.

Last October the King’s official representative took an $8,300 RCAF flight courtesy of the taxpayer from Ottawa to Peterborough, Ont. to make a speech and visit the Canadian Canoe Museum. Peterborough is three hours from Ottawa by car or train.



It’s only been a few weeks since known Liberal party supporter and Trudeau crony Judge Paul Rouleau exonerated our Supreme Leader on his use of the Emergency Measures Act to clear those terrorist truckers out of Ottawa.

Since the recent revelations of Chinese meddling in the last two federal elections, MPs have been calling for a full inquiry. Even Liberal MPs. Heck, even Han Dong, who just this last week resigned over allegations that he received funding and votes from Chinese influenced Canadians, is insisting upon an inquiry.

So what did Turd do?

He appointed one guy. 81-year-old David Johnston as the ‘special rapporteur’ on suspected election fraud. Trudeau has given him two months to decide whether or not a full inquiry should be called. But MPs already voted for that. The Commons last week by a vote of 172 to 149 ordered cabinet to appoint an independent public inquiry headed by a commissioner selected by all House leaders.

Did Trudeau appoint an inquiry? No.

Was his special rapporteur elected by those same MPs? No.

And if you don’t remember who the heck David Johnston is, take heart, in a few years no one will remember who Mary Simon was either. Johnston, currently serving as the Leaders’ Debates Commissioner, which means he arranges debates during Canada’s federal elections trained for that exhausting job by being Canada’s Governor General from 2010 to 2017.

So it won’t come as any surprise to you that Johnston was previously appointed as a director of the Trudeau Foundation and is a lifelong friend of the Trudeau family.

Any bets on what his recommendation will be in regards to a full inquiry?

And if you thought you’d heard the last of the Liberal EMA treachery, well, no.

Also reported by Blacklock’s this past week, records show that 198 companies were blacklisted by the Liberals as suspected contributors to the Freedom Convoy. I say suspected because no one ever confirmed the list. What Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland’s office did do is email that list to Canadian officers of foreign banks in China, India, France, Pakistan, South Korea, and the U.S. as well as to Canadian banks.

The blacklist was also distributed to Questrade of Toronto, an online discount stock brokerage, Wealth Simple Incorporated of Toronto, an online investment company, Douugh Bank Limited, an Australian-based app operator, the very recently bankrupt Silicon Valley Bank of Santa Clara, California, State Street Corporation of Boston and Edward Jones, the chain of private financial advisors.

And who supplied Freeland’s office with this list?


Are you old enough to remember Sergeant Preston of the Yukon, the 50’s series from back when even the RCMP thought it was their job to protect Canadians?



Many of you will know by now that our government finally closed the Roxham Road immigration highway last Friday. You’ll know this because the Canadian BorderCrossing Corporation reported in a fit of leftist hand-wringing on how it would lead to unsafe clandestine border crossings that will undoubtedly result in mass deaths among illegal immigrants. As evidence for this they cite the cases of two men, Fritznel Richard and Jose Leos Cervantes who both died earlier this year attempting an illegal border crossing. Never mind the fact that they were sneaking out of Canada and into the U.S.

Since Roxham Road re-opened in November of 2021 almost 50,000 people have entered Canada there, approximately 90% of all ‘asylum seekers’ who have entered our country in the past 16 months via the U.S. border.

All of this our state-sponsored media will be happy to tell you. Now here’s what they won’t tell you.

Recently our government released information on what the free flow of illegal immigrants at Roxham Road is costing us.

From April 1, 2017, to September 30, 2022, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada has incurred expenditures totaling $269.4M for Roxham Road alone.

Of this figure, over 112 million has been spent since Roxham Road reopened in late 2021.

And of that 112 million, the vast majority of it was spent on “Temporary accommodations for unvaccinated asymptomatic asylum seekers without a suitable quarantine plan” to the tune of 87.8 million dollars.

87.8 million spent on quarantine hotels for illegal immigrants works out to approximately 2,000 per immigrant. Cost to returning Canadian citizens to stay in a Covid quarantine hotel under threat of arrest if they left? Approximately 2,000 dollars. Draw your own conclusions.

But the approximately 40,000 illegal immigrants who entered Canada last year at Roxham Road are just a drop in the bucket. According to StatsCan data published just last week 2022 saw the highest annual population growth since 1957. In 57 the post war baby boom resulted in an annual increase of 3.3%. The 2.7% recorded last year was almost entirely driven by immigration and puts us in the top 20 countries in the world for population growth, first among G7 nations and only exceeded globally by mostly African nations.

Now think about all the unrest in the last few years in Europe as a result of unbridled immigration and then remember that last year, not a single European country had an immigration rate as high as ours. Even the government admits that if that rate of growth were to continue, and you can bet Trudeau and his globalist masters plan for it to do exactly that, Canada’s population will double in the next 26 years.

Now I have nothing against immigration in principle. Heck, my wife and I are renting out our Calgary home to Ukrainian refugees while we rent a cheaper house to help cover our costs.

The fact is we need immigrants to prop up our social programs that are, let’s face it, just pyramid schemes on a national scale. We’re not having nearly enough babies to keep the game going, so we need immigrant workers to fund things like health care and old age pensions. All of this was well proven in the excellent 2019 book Empty Planet by Canadian authors Darrell Bricker and John Ibbitson.

But there’s a difference between bringing in enough immigrants to continue funding social programs, and bringing in so many that culturally speaking, Canada stops being Canada. The most recent published census data from 2016 showed that 22% of the Canadian population was not born here, and it’s higher now, likely closing in on one in every four people. One in every six Canadian ridings is minority white, and the white conservative population who believe in traditional Canadian values is being increasingly painted by the mostly-white rhetoric chanting left as an enemy to all.

Personally I think those white leftists ought to be tried for treason.

I’ve received many emails from viewers and subscribers at Strong And Free Canada in the past couple of years expressing concerns that the government will simply turn off the internet to prevent us from accessing information and coordinating our actions. And I always respond with, ‘they’ll never do it because they need the internet too.’

But I might be wrong.

Earlier this month the Indian state of Punjab shut down internet access completely for 27 million citizens. For four days.

What’s more frightening is the reason they did it. They are searching for Amritpal Singh, a popular leader within the separatist Khalistan movement which seeks to create an independent state for followers of the Sikh religion, who are a minority in the country. The purpose of course was to prevent people from organizing demonstrations in support of Singh. Originally the shutdown was to last 24 hours, but it got extended, then extended some more.

Sound familiar?

The World Sikh Organization of Canada criticized the “security operations” against Amritpal Singh and the cyber lockdown and “called on the Canadian Government to demand accountability from India and call for the immediate restoration of civil rights and internet services in Punjab,”.

Uh, guys. You’re the World Sikh Organization of Canada. Presumably you live in Canada. Have you been paying any attention to what’s going on in our country? If you’re expecting human rights support from our government you’re looking in the wrong place.

Closer to home, combating disinformation has been elevated to a national security imperative under the Biden administration, The National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism, published in June 2021 calls for confronting long-term contributors to domestic terrorism.

And who are these domestic terrorists?  The document cites as a key priority “addressing the extreme polarization, fueled by a crisis of disinformation and misinformation often channeled through social media platforms, which can tear Americans apart and lead some to violence.”

For those not fluent in doublespeak, allow me to translate. This means ‘if we don’t stop Americans from accessing the truth, we’ll have to resort to violence against our own citizens to stop protests’.

They plan to combat these dangerous purveyors of disinformation through media literacy taught in schools, starting in kindergarten. The Digital Citizenship and Media Literacy Act, introduced by Democrat Senator Amy Klobuchar would fund a media literacy grant program for state and local education agencies, among other entities.

This translates to brainwashing programs in schools, starting as young as possible, to indoctrinate them with the belief that only state-approved information sources can be trusted.

Because here’s the thing. Maybe you can get away with turning off the internet in India for a few days. A lot of people in India are so poor they don’t have internet access, and even the ones who do usually have real life problems.

If America shut off the internet for five minutes, there’d be a rash of jumpers fueled by dopamine micro-hit addicts who think that not being able to access their TikTok feed is a life ending crisis.

In yet another crushing blow to climate alarmism, my diligent researchers found a video this past week that was posted to Rumble a year ago. If you need any more confirmation that the entire climate alarmist hysteria is nothing but a steaming pile of BS, here is Professor Jørgen Peder Steffensen of the Niels Bohr Institute at the University of Copenhagen.

Did you catch that? The lowest point for global temperatures was in 1875, exactly when the human race started tracking temperatures.

Also note that 4,000 years ago temperatures were 2.5 degrees higher than they are now. But how can that be when the climate alarmists keep telling us that a 2 degree increase will destroy all life on earth.

Wanna give a climate alarmist conniptions? Show him this, then remind him that he believes a 2-degree increase would make the earth uninhabitable, then ask if he concludes from that that all life on earth must have been created less than 4,000 years ago.

But of course, actual science can’t be allowed to interfere with the sacred and politically correct mantras of our day.

Lending giant HSBC has reportedly suspended a senior banker after he dismissed climate change warnings as “unsubstantiated” and claimed central bankers have exaggerated global warming risks.

Stuart Kirk – head of responsible investing at HSBC – has been suspended while the bank carries out an internal investigation into a controversial presentation he made at an event in London last week, according to the Financial Times, which first reported the story.

The bank has come under pressure to sack Mr Kirk after he told a conference there is “always some nut job telling me about the end of the world” and showed slides stating that “unsubstantiated, shrill, partisan, self-serving, apocalyptic warnings are ALWAYS wrong”.

Now that’s woke logic. Appoint a guy who can think clearly as ‘head of responsible investing’, then sack him when he suggests the bank should engage in responsible investing.

Here at home of course we are much fairer minded in our approach to protecting the environment. Why, just last week former ecoterrorist and now Trudeau appointed Environment Minister Stephen Guilbeault told the Commons his critics lacked a sense of urgency on environmentalism. Said Guilbeault “We collectively need to act to fight climate change, something the Official Opposition does not seem to have understood,”

Last November Guilbeault led the 266 member Canada delegation to the United Nations Conference on Climate Change in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt. The cost to taxpayers for the delegation to attend this conference on the completely fictitious threat of global warming was 1.8 million dollars, over 800,000 of which was for 106 rooms at the Domina Coral Bay Hotel resort.

In a sly and politically savvy move that surely no one would notice, Egypt’s Minister of Tourism made enrollment in the Green Star program mandatory for all hotels in the area just a few months prior to the conference. Green Stars are awarded according to a hotel’s level of environmental performance and make it easier for environmentally-minded guests to choose a hotel where they can get plastered by the pool guilt-free.

So how does the Domina Coral Bay Hotel resort score?

While the hotel only has three out of five stars, and there are 28 other hotels in the area with a higher rating, the Domina Coral Bay does feature a private beach, eight swimming pools, “fantastic theme parties,” a disco club, spa, camel rides, three buffets, and thirteen bars.

Rooms booked by the delegation ranged from 400 to 1300 dollars per night, but I’m certain Stephen stayed in one of the cheapest ones in order to reduce his carbon footprint.

I think I’m going to start a betting pool on when the next viral scare will start.

Remember a few weeks ago when I reported on Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel asking his staff to figure out how to make 100 million doses of mRNA shots in late 2019, because there was quote going to a pandemic next year?

Moderna is one of several companies claiming they are prepared to make hundreds of millions of bird flu shots for humans within months if a new strain of avian influenza ever jumps across the species divide.

According to the WHO, one current outbreak of avian flu known as H5N1 clade has killed record numbers of birds and infected mammals. Human cases, however, remain very rare, and global health officials have said the risk of transmission between humans is still low.

Didn’t they say that about Covid, just before they locked down the entire planet?

But forget about the trillions to be made from toxic shots for humans. There’s only 8 billion of us. There’s currently a push among big pharma companies to develop a shot for poultry. There are an estimated 26 billion chickens in the world. Just imagine the profits to be made from that? And with the added bonus that if the meat isn’t cooked until it’s dryer than cat litter the spike proteins can be passed to the humans who eat the chickens.

Moderna plans to launch a small human trial of an mRNA pandemic flu vaccine tailored to the new avian influenza subtype in the first half of 2023, although the results will be closely watched, as the data on Moderna’s seasonal flu candidate was mixed.

And by mixed, they mean shares nose-dived after the trial vaccine not only didn’t work, but killed people.

But of course we all know the vaccines are safe and effective and couldn’t possibly be causing the rash of testicular turbo cancers in young athletes, as reported on by Dr. William Makis. In his article posted at Globalreasearch.ca Dr. Makis provides a link to a fact check article which denies any link between the cancers and the shots, but which does admit that Four football players from the German first league have developed testicular cancer since the spring of 2022.

Except it’s not just 4 German football players. It’s actually 14. And that doesn’t count the rugby players, skiers, cricket players, etc. or all the non-athletes. In many cases death follows only months or even weeks after diagnosis, and in one extreme case, 21-year-old Irish cricket player Daniel Donnan, days.

Dr. Makis, a highly qualified Canadian oncologist admits even he doesn’t really know why the rate of testicular cancers is so high, although he does point out that mRNA continues to accumulate in the testes over time.

Here we go down the rabbit hole again, Alice.

Remember how Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel knew in 2019 there was a pandemic coming?

Pfizer’s COVID-19 mRNA vaccine partner BioNTech received European approval for a new testicular cancer treatment on June 23, 2022, just as testicular cancer cases exploded across the German Bundesliga.

Interestingly, their novel treatment targets heavily pretreated patients with relapsed or refractory advanced testicular cancer. In other words, particularly aggressive or as Dr. Makis calls them, turbo testicular tumors that don’t respond to conventional treatment.

It’s almost as if they knew.

Also posted at GlobalResearch.ca this past week an update on an article originally published in January of last year which listed hundreds of studies showing the clear link between the shots and severe adverse reactions and deaths caused by blood clotting, myocarditis, pericarditis, thrombosis, thrombocytopenia, anaphylaxis, Bell’s palsy, Guillain-Barre, cancers, and a laundry list of other side effects.

The list of studies is now in excess of one thousand. Not one thousand globally. The list on this page is just from science-and-government-gathered data from the UK Health and Security agency.

But actual science cannot be allowed to interfere with profits.

Last week I left on the cutting room floor an article about 11 million deaths annually in the U.S. alone from the toxic food supply. I did so because you don’t need me to tell you that the manufactured foods diet is lethal and that Americans consume it at a higher rate than any other country in the world.

So is it any wonder that The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services enlisted not a health food company, fitness outlet or even a hospital or medical facility but McDonald’s to promote its COVID-19 narrative. McDonald’s created new packaging with imaging and text promoting HHS’ We Can Do This initiative, which was intended to quote “increase confidence in COVID-19 vaccines and reinforce basic prevention measures”

I can hardly wait for the new mRNA happy meal.

Remember those one thousand plus studies based on data from the UK Health and Security agency? Vaccine victims in the U.K. have launched a lawsuit against AstraZeneca and their government assured legal indemnity may not protect them.

“The claim is under the Consumer Protection Act 1987, which holds manufacturers liable for injury caused by a defective product,”

The Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme is a one-off tax-free payment of £120,000 if someone is proven to have been severely disabled or has died as a result of vaccination from diseases such as measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR), swine flu, and more.

In December 2020, ministers agreed to add COVID-19 to the scheme to demonstrate “government confidence in the safety profile” of any vaccine being used in the programme.

One in 20 claims made to the UK vaccine injury scheme are successful in the case of COVID-19 jabs, according to data obtained by Freedom of Information requests in March. Which means there is a strong precedent for courts to rule that the product is defective.

According to responses, 44 claimants have been notified they are entitled to a Vaccine Damage Payment, which means over £5 million has so far been paid out.

And in the U.S., former Pfizer employee turned whistle-blower Karen Kingston convinced Collier County Florida Commissioner Chris Hall to stop the $1.4 million in NIH funding to the CDC by proving that Pfizer produced bioweapon injections with the help of the government!

And in Idaho two Republican senators have sponsored a House bill that would make administering an mRNA injection to either humans or animals a criminal misdemeanor which would mean a fine if found guilty.

Meanwhile in Canada the Commons public accounts committee last week ordered the Department of Public Works to surrender secret Covid vaccine contracts for scrutiny. Pfizer executives responded by threatening that Canada could lose its “reputation” and foreign investment if MPs insisted on reading the vaccine contracts that cost taxpayers $5 billion dollars.

The health department ordered 238 million doses of Covid vaccines from Pfizer Canada alone including 30 million to be delivered in 2023 and 2024. Prices were not disclosed.

The Department of Health signed vaccine contracts with six other manufacturers in addition to Pfizer: AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson, Medicago, Moderna, Novavax, and Sanofi. MPs voted to have the public works department hand over all contracts. They would only be available to 11 members of the public accounts committee in a closed room without access to smartphones, cameras or written notes.

Cabinet earlier demanded MPs take an oath of secrecy as a condition of seeing the vaccine contracts. The committee said no. It likely won’t surprise you to learn that the Canadian House of Commons Standing Committee on Public Accounts is one of only five federal standing committees chaired by a member of the opposition, currently Conservative MP Kelly Block.

Industry rates from all vaccine manufacturers ranged from $14.50 per dose in the European Union to $19.50 in the United States. Canada’s Auditor General in a December 6 report said costs averaged about $30 per dose here in Canada.

It’s time for the woke news, but for the first time in months I have nothing to report. The wokies did nothing of note this past week.

Just kidding. Of course, they did.

In news from the world of those who are offended by absolutely everything, the city of Regina recently apologized to those who were offended by their latest ad slogans, “Regina, the city that rhymes with fun”, and “Show us your Regina”.

Sidestepping the fact that I personally find these ads very clever, we’ve gotta ask just what is it that the woke find offensive about them.

After, all, in Alberta and Saskatchewan Glassmasters Auto Glass has had great success with their ‘Show Us Your Crack” radio commercials. Just between you and me I think they stole it from Australian auto glass company Novus.

So it can’t be because the ads make reference to a part of the body normally kept hidden. It must be because it refers to sexual organs.

Nope. That commercial was also extremely popular, so it can’t be that either.

Oh, wait, I’ve got it, it’s because it refers specifically to female sexual organs, which offends the woke because, because…

It’s offensive to pussies.


That is all for this week’s Iron Will Report.

Interviews coming out next week Bob DuBroy, who I last interviewed on Paramedic deaths, on the attack upon freedom of speech and freedom of religion. Bob has worked extensively both for the CBC and the Catholic Church. And Professor Barry Cooper, co-author of the excellent book Canada’s Covid, The Story of a Pandemic Moral Panic. There have been many books written now on the Covid narrative but few from the Canadian perspective and none as well researched as this.

Stories that got left on the cutting room floor this week but that are available in our weekly Research Report, CBC News in Manitoba gets plastered with signs commemorating those who have died from the shots; Heritage Canada thinks our museums are too colonial; scammers used AI to con Newfoundland seniors out of 200,000 dollars; the City of Calgary proposes charging residents to park – in front of their own homes; and the U.N. Security Council refuses to launch an independent inquiry into the Nord Stream gas pipeline explosions. Those stories and many more can be found in the research reports by upgrading to a Centurion level membership.

This week please tell someone about the Iron Will Report. We’re working hard to bring people the truth and it helps a great deal when you spread the word.


The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is the largest private foundation on Earth, reporting over $51 billion in assets at the end of 2019. Bill Gates says his foundation spends a majority of its resources “reducing deaths from infectious diseases,” and through this philanthropy, he seems to have bought a name for himself as an infectious disease expert.

‘Bought’ being the operative word.

After sorting through over 30,000 individual grants, MintPress revealed that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has made over $300 million worth of donations to fund media projects.

Recipients of this cash include many of America’s most important news outlets, including CNN, NBC, NPR, PBS, and The Atlantic. Gates also sponsors a myriad of influential foreign organizations, including the BBC, The Guardian, The Financial Times, and The Daily Telegraph in the United Kingdom; prominent European newspapers such as Le Monde in France, Der Spiegel in Germany and El País in Spain; as well as big global broadcasters like Al-Jazeera.

the true figure is undoubtedly far higher than 300 million. First, it does not count sub-grants — money given by the Gates Foundation to non-media recipients and then passed on to media outlets around the world. And while the Gates Foundation fosters an air of openness about itself, there is actually precious little public information about what happens to the money from each grant, save for a short, one- or two-sentence description written by the foundation itself on its website. Only donations to press organizations themselves or projects that could be identified from the information on the Gates Foundation’s website as media campaigns were counted, meaning that thousands of grants having some media element do not appear in the list examined by MintPress.

Gates also bought himself the role of the star of a Netflix docu-series, “Pandemic: How to Prevent an Outbreak,” which was released just weeks before the plandemic and was produced by a New York Times correspondent, Sheri Fink, who previously worked at three Gates-funded organizations (Pro Publica, the New America Foundation, and the International Medical Corps).

Now that we know about Gates buying off the media to promote his agenda, and that the figure of 300 million is almost certainly well short of the actual figure, don’t you wonder how much Trudeau has really paid to mainstream media in Canada to be his mouthpiece?

Trudeau’s Jamaican holiday last Christmas cost taxpayers almost $163,000. Expenses included $33,677 to have an RCAF flight crew shuttle Trudeau and his family to the Caribbean and remain on standby.

According to the Inquiry of Ministry documents obtained by Blacklock’s Reporter, “As per longstanding government policy and for security reasons the Prime Minister must travel on government aircraft whether he is on official or personal business, as was the case with previous prime ministers, when traveling for personal reasons the Prime Minister and any guests traveling with him reimburse an equivalent commercial airfare.”

Riiight? I looked up business class airfare from Toronto to Jamaica return. 5 grand a pop. Accounting for Sophie and three kids do any of us really believe Turd ponied up 25 large out of his own pocket for the flight? I looked up business class as I couldn’t find any first-class fares. Maybe airlines don’t do that anymore, I wouldn’t know. I do know that if Justin and family ever did fly on a commercial airline, they certainly wouldn’t sit in coach with us plebes. Why, someone might slip something into his drink that would cause him to behave in a manner unbecoming of a Prime Minister.

And sure, security reasons. The U.S. President jets around on Air Force One. But he has the nuclear launch codes. What does Justin have? His latest post-it note reminders from Klaus? And besides, I kinda doubt they gave Biden the launch codes. Poor guy would start world war three thinking he was playing the powerball lottery.

And in case you’re thinking the press is picking on Justin by uncovering out of the ordinary travel expenses, The Canadian Taxpayers Federation wants Turd to reimburse the public for the $6,000 per night hotel room in London that he stayed in during his Queen Elizabeth II funeral trip.

Last week, it became public that Trudeau stayed at the Corinthia London Hotel in the $6,000 per night river suite, which includes a butler.

The river suite cost taxpayers $30,000 for Trudeau’s five nights visit to London..

After access to information requests returned blacked out name records, the CTF took the Office of the Information Commissioner to court to force the Trudeau government to disclose the individuals who stayed at the river suite.

But in fact, 30 grand for five nights is cheap. At least, to Governor General Mary Simon who had an RCAF flight crew log nearly 3,000 kilometres so she could attend a six-minute ceremony.

I’m not making this up.

Yet more documents obtained by Blacklock’s tracked air mileage by Department of National Defence flight crews to ferry Simon back and forth between Ottawa and Halifax last August. Expenses were $12,589 excluding the actual cost of aviation fuel and flight crews as the military would not disclose what it charged taxpayers for those apparently top-secret services.

On August 23 Simon flew from Ottawa to Halifax for opening ceremonies of a Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference. Simon traveled with an official photographer and five aides.

Simon, following a brief appearance at the Conference remained in the province to holiday at “a private residence in Nova Scotia,”. Her host was not named.

On August 30, a week later, Simon flew back to Ottawa by military aircraft to attend the swearing-in of a new Minister of Public Works – the ceremony lasted six minutes. She then immediately returned to her Nova Scotia holiday.

So, when Turd travels simple math says he’s costing us on average about seven grand a day. When Mary flies, figuring a six-minute speech and 4 hours return of flight time, approximately a hundred grand a day.

I know. I know. You think I’m exaggerating to make a point.

Last October the King’s official representative took an $8,300 RCAF flight courtesy of the taxpayer from Ottawa to Peterborough, Ont. to make a speech and visit the Canadian Canoe Museum. Peterborough is three hours from Ottawa by car or train.



It’s only been a few weeks since known Liberal party supporter and Trudeau crony Judge Paul Rouleau exonerated our Supreme Leader on his use of the Emergency Measures Act to clear those terrorist truckers out of Ottawa.

Since the recent revelations of Chinese meddling in the last two federal elections, MPs have been calling for a full inquiry. Even Liberal MPs. Heck, even Han Dong, who just this last week resigned over allegations that he received funding and votes from Chinese influenced Canadians, is insisting upon an inquiry.

So what did Turd do?

He appointed one guy. 81-year-old David Johnston as the ‘special rapporteur’ on suspected election fraud. Trudeau has given him two months to decide whether or not a full inquiry should be called. But MPs already voted for that. The Commons last week by a vote of 172 to 149 ordered cabinet to appoint an independent public inquiry headed by a commissioner selected by all House leaders.

Did Trudeau appoint an inquiry? No.

Was his special rapporteur elected by those same MPs? No.

And if you don’t remember who the heck David Johnston is, take heart, in a few years no one will remember who Mary Simon was either. Johnston, currently serving as the Leaders’ Debates Commissioner, which means he arranges debates during Canada’s federal elections trained for that exhausting job by being Canada’s Governor General from 2010 to 2017.

So it won’t come as any surprise to you that Johnston was previously appointed as a director of the Trudeau Foundation and is a lifelong friend of the Trudeau family.

Any bets on what his recommendation will be in regards to a full inquiry?

And if you thought you’d heard the last of the Liberal EMA treachery, well, no.

Also reported by Blacklock’s this past week, records show that 198 companies were blacklisted by the Liberals as suspected contributors to the Freedom Convoy. I say suspected because no one ever confirmed the list. What Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland’s office did do is email that list to Canadian officers of foreign banks in China, India, France, Pakistan, South Korea, and the U.S. as well as to Canadian banks.

The blacklist was also distributed to Questrade of Toronto, an online discount stock brokerage, Wealth Simple Incorporated of Toronto, an online investment company, Douugh Bank Limited, an Australian-based app operator, the very recently bankrupt Silicon Valley Bank of Santa Clara, California, State Street Corporation of Boston and Edward Jones, the chain of private financial advisors.

And who supplied Freeland’s office with this list?


Are you old enough to remember Sergeant Preston of the Yukon, the 50’s series from back when even the RCMP thought it was their job to protect Canadians?



Many of you will know by now that our government finally closed the Roxham Road immigration highway last Friday. You’ll know this because the Canadian BorderCrossing Corporation reported in a fit of leftist hand-wringing on how it would lead to unsafe clandestine border crossings that will undoubtedly result in mass deaths among illegal immigrants. As evidence for this they cite the cases of two men, Fritznel Richard and Jose Leos Cervantes who both died earlier this year attempting an illegal border crossing. Never mind the fact that they were sneaking out of Canada and into the U.S.

Since Roxham Road re-opened in November of 2021 almost 50,000 people have entered Canada there, approximately 90% of all ‘asylum seekers’ who have entered our country in the past 16 months via the U.S. border.

All of this our state-sponsored media will be happy to tell you. Now here’s what they won’t tell you.

Recently our government released information on what the free flow of illegal immigrants at Roxham Road is costing us.

From April 1, 2017, to September 30, 2022, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada has incurred expenditures totaling $269.4M for Roxham Road alone.

Of this figure, over 112 million has been spent since Roxham Road reopened in late 2021.

And of that 112 million, the vast majority of it was spent on “Temporary accommodations for unvaccinated asymptomatic asylum seekers without a suitable quarantine plan” to the tune of 87.8 million dollars.

87.8 million spent on quarantine hotels for illegal immigrants works out to approximately 2,000 per immigrant. Cost to returning Canadian citizens to stay in a Covid quarantine hotel under threat of arrest if they left? Approximately 2,000 dollars. Draw your own conclusions.

But the approximately 40,000 illegal immigrants who entered Canada last year at Roxham Road are just a drop in the bucket. According to StatsCan data published just last week 2022 saw the highest annual population growth since 1957. In 57 the post war baby boom resulted in an annual increase of 3.3%. The 2.7% recorded last year was almost entirely driven by immigration and puts us in the top 20 countries in the world for population growth, first among G7 nations and only exceeded globally by mostly African nations.

Now think about all the unrest in the last few years in Europe as a result of unbridled immigration and then remember that last year, not a single European country had an immigration rate as high as ours. Even the government admits that if that rate of growth were to continue, and you can bet Trudeau and his globalist masters plan for it to do exactly that, Canada’s population will double in the next 26 years.

Now I have nothing against immigration in principle. Heck, my wife and I are renting out our Calgary home to Ukrainian refugees while we rent a cheaper house to help cover our costs.

The fact is we need immigrants to prop up our social programs that are, let’s face it, just pyramid schemes on a national scale. We’re not having nearly enough babies to keep the game going, so we need immigrant workers to fund things like health care and old age pensions. All of this was well proven in the excellent 2019 book Empty Planet by Canadian authors Darrell Bricker and John Ibbitson.

But there’s a difference between bringing in enough immigrants to continue funding social programs, and bringing in so many that culturally speaking, Canada stops being Canada. The most recent published census data from 2016 showed that 22% of the Canadian population was not born here, and it’s higher now, likely closing in on one in every four people. One in every six Canadian ridings is minority white, and the white conservative population who believe in traditional Canadian values is being increasingly painted by the mostly-white rhetoric chanting left as an enemy to all.

Personally I think those white leftists ought to be tried for treason.

I’ve received many emails from viewers and subscribers at Strong And Free Canada in the past couple of years expressing concerns that the government will simply turn off the internet to prevent us from accessing information and coordinating our actions. And I always respond with, ‘they’ll never do it because they need the internet too.’

But I might be wrong.

Earlier this month the Indian state of Punjab shut down internet access completely for 27 million citizens. For four days.

What’s more frightening is the reason they did it. They are searching for Amritpal Singh, a popular leader within the separatist Khalistan movement which seeks to create an independent state for followers of the Sikh religion, who are a minority in the country. The purpose of course was to prevent people from organizing demonstrations in support of Singh. Originally the shutdown was to last 24 hours, but it got extended, then extended some more.

Sound familiar?

The World Sikh Organization of Canada criticized the “security operations” against Amritpal Singh and the cyber lockdown and “called on the Canadian Government to demand accountability from India and call for the immediate restoration of civil rights and internet services in Punjab,”.

Uh, guys. You’re the World Sikh Organization of Canada. Presumably you live in Canada. Have you been paying any attention to what’s going on in our country? If you’re expecting human rights support from our government you’re looking in the wrong place.

Closer to home, combating disinformation has been elevated to a national security imperative under the Biden administration, The National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism, published in June 2021 calls for confronting long-term contributors to domestic terrorism.

And who are these domestic terrorists?  The document cites as a key priority “addressing the extreme polarization, fueled by a crisis of disinformation and misinformation often channeled through social media platforms, which can tear Americans apart and lead some to violence.”

For those not fluent in doublespeak, allow me to translate. This means ‘if we don’t stop Americans from accessing the truth, we’ll have to resort to violence against our own citizens to stop protests’.

They plan to combat these dangerous purveyors of disinformation through media literacy taught in schools, starting in kindergarten. The Digital Citizenship and Media Literacy Act, introduced by Democrat Senator Amy Klobuchar would fund a media literacy grant program for state and local education agencies, among other entities.

This translates to brainwashing programs in schools, starting as young as possible, to indoctrinate them with the belief that only state-approved information sources can be trusted.

Because here’s the thing. Maybe you can get away with turning off the internet in India for a few days. A lot of people in India are so poor they don’t have internet access, and even the ones who do usually have real life problems.

If America shut off the internet for five minutes, there’d be a rash of jumpers fueled by dopamine micro-hit addicts who think that not being able to access their TikTok feed is a life ending crisis.

In yet another crushing blow to climate alarmism, my diligent researchers found a video this past week that was posted to Rumble a year ago. If you need any more confirmation that the entire climate alarmist hysteria is nothing but a steaming pile of BS, here is Professor Jørgen Peder Steffensen of the Niels Bohr Institute at the University of Copenhagen.

Did you catch that? The lowest point for global temperatures was in 1875, exactly when the human race started tracking temperatures.

Also note that 4,000 years ago temperatures were 2.5 degrees higher than they are now. But how can that be when the climate alarmists keep telling us that a 2 degree increase will destroy all life on earth.

Wanna give a climate alarmist conniptions? Show him this, then remind him that he believes a 2-degree increase would make the earth uninhabitable, then ask if he concludes from that that all life on earth must have been created less than 4,000 years ago.

But of course, actual science can’t be allowed to interfere with the sacred and politically correct mantras of our day.

Lending giant HSBC has reportedly suspended a senior banker after he dismissed climate change warnings as “unsubstantiated” and claimed central bankers have exaggerated global warming risks.

Stuart Kirk – head of responsible investing at HSBC – has been suspended while the bank carries out an internal investigation into a controversial presentation he made at an event in London last week, according to the Financial Times, which first reported the story.

The bank has come under pressure to sack Mr Kirk after he told a conference there is “always some nut job telling me about the end of the world” and showed slides stating that “unsubstantiated, shrill, partisan, self-serving, apocalyptic warnings are ALWAYS wrong”.

Now that’s woke logic. Appoint a guy who can think clearly as ‘head of responsible investing’, then sack him when he suggests the bank should engage in responsible investing.

Here at home of course we are much fairer minded in our approach to protecting the environment. Why, just last week former ecoterrorist and now Trudeau appointed Environment Minister Stephen Guilbeault told the Commons his critics lacked a sense of urgency on environmentalism. Said Guilbeault “We collectively need to act to fight climate change, something the Official Opposition does not seem to have understood,”

Last November Guilbeault led the 266 member Canada delegation to the United Nations Conference on Climate Change in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt. The cost to taxpayers for the delegation to attend this conference on the completely fictitious threat of global warming was 1.8 million dollars, over 800,000 of which was for 106 rooms at the Domina Coral Bay Hotel resort.

In a sly and politically savvy move that surely no one would notice, Egypt’s Minister of Tourism made enrollment in the Green Star program mandatory for all hotels in the area just a few months prior to the conference. Green Stars are awarded according to a hotel’s level of environmental performance and make it easier for environmentally-minded guests to choose a hotel where they can get plastered by the pool guilt-free.

So how does the Domina Coral Bay Hotel resort score?

While the hotel only has three out of five stars, and there are 28 other hotels in the area with a higher rating, the Domina Coral Bay does feature a private beach, eight swimming pools, “fantastic theme parties,” a disco club, spa, camel rides, three buffets, and thirteen bars.

Rooms booked by the delegation ranged from 400 to 1300 dollars per night, but I’m certain Stephen stayed in one of the cheapest ones in order to reduce his carbon footprint.

I think I’m going to start a betting pool on when the next viral scare will start.

Remember a few weeks ago when I reported on Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel asking his staff to figure out how to make 100 million doses of mRNA shots in late 2019, because there was quote going to a pandemic next year?

Moderna is one of several companies claiming they are prepared to make hundreds of millions of bird flu shots for humans within months if a new strain of avian influenza ever jumps across the species divide.

According to the WHO, one current outbreak of avian flu known as H5N1 clade has killed record numbers of birds and infected mammals. Human cases, however, remain very rare, and global health officials have said the risk of transmission between humans is still low.

Didn’t they say that about Covid, just before they locked down the entire planet?

But forget about the trillions to be made from toxic shots for humans. There’s only 8 billion of us. There’s currently a push among big pharma companies to develop a shot for poultry. There are an estimated 26 billion chickens in the world. Just imagine the profits to be made from that? And with the added bonus that if the meat isn’t cooked until it’s dryer than cat litter the spike proteins can be passed to the humans who eat the chickens.

Moderna plans to launch a small human trial of an mRNA pandemic flu vaccine tailored to the new avian influenza subtype in the first half of 2023, although the results will be closely watched, as the data on Moderna’s seasonal flu candidate was mixed.

And by mixed, they mean shares nose-dived after the trial vaccine not only didn’t work, but killed people.

But of course we all know the vaccines are safe and effective and couldn’t possibly be causing the rash of testicular turbo cancers in young athletes, as reported on by Dr. William Makis. In his article posted at Globalreasearch.ca Dr. Makis provides a link to a fact check article which denies any link between the cancers and the shots, but which does admit that Four football players from the German first league have developed testicular cancer since the spring of 2022.

Except it’s not just 4 German football players. It’s actually 14. And that doesn’t count the rugby players, skiers, cricket players, etc. or all the non-athletes. In many cases death follows only months or even weeks after diagnosis, and in one extreme case, 21-year-old Irish cricket player Daniel Donnan, days.

Dr. Makis, a highly qualified Canadian oncologist admits even he doesn’t really know why the rate of testicular cancers is so high, although he does point out that mRNA continues to accumulate in the testes over time.

Here we go down the rabbit hole again, Alice.

Remember how Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel knew in 2019 there was a pandemic coming?

Pfizer’s COVID-19 mRNA vaccine partner BioNTech received European approval for a new testicular cancer treatment on June 23, 2022, just as testicular cancer cases exploded across the German Bundesliga.

Interestingly, their novel treatment targets heavily pretreated patients with relapsed or refractory advanced testicular cancer. In other words, particularly aggressive or as Dr. Makis calls them, turbo testicular tumors that don’t respond to conventional treatment.

It’s almost as if they knew.

Also posted at GlobalResearch.ca this past week an update on an article originally published in January of last year which listed hundreds of studies showing the clear link between the shots and severe adverse reactions and deaths caused by blood clotting, myocarditis, pericarditis, thrombosis, thrombocytopenia, anaphylaxis, Bell’s palsy, Guillain-Barre, cancers, and a laundry list of other side effects.

The list of studies is now in excess of one thousand. Not one thousand globally. The list on this page is just from science-and-government-gathered data from the UK Health and Security agency.

But actual science cannot be allowed to interfere with profits.

Last week I left on the cutting room floor an article about 11 million deaths annually in the U.S. alone from the toxic food supply. I did so because you don’t need me to tell you that the manufactured foods diet is lethal and that Americans consume it at a higher rate than any other country in the world.

So is it any wonder that The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services enlisted not a health food company, fitness outlet or even a hospital or medical facility but McDonald’s to promote its COVID-19 narrative. McDonald’s created new packaging with imaging and text promoting HHS’ We Can Do This initiative, which was intended to quote “increase confidence in COVID-19 vaccines and reinforce basic prevention measures”

I can hardly wait for the new mRNA happy meal.

Remember those one thousand plus studies based on data from the UK Health and Security agency? Vaccine victims in the U.K. have launched a lawsuit against AstraZeneca and their government assured legal indemnity may not protect them.

“The claim is under the Consumer Protection Act 1987, which holds manufacturers liable for injury caused by a defective product,”

The Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme is a one-off tax-free payment of £120,000 if someone is proven to have been severely disabled or has died as a result of vaccination from diseases such as measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR), swine flu, and more.

In December 2020, ministers agreed to add COVID-19 to the scheme to demonstrate “government confidence in the safety profile” of any vaccine being used in the programme.

One in 20 claims made to the UK vaccine injury scheme are successful in the case of COVID-19 jabs, according to data obtained by Freedom of Information requests in March. Which means there is a strong precedent for courts to rule that the product is defective.

According to responses, 44 claimants have been notified they are entitled to a Vaccine Damage Payment, which means over £5 million has so far been paid out.

And in the U.S., former Pfizer employee turned whistle-blower Karen Kingston convinced Collier County Florida Commissioner Chris Hall to stop the $1.4 million in NIH funding to the CDC by proving that Pfizer produced bioweapon injections with the help of the government!

And in Idaho two Republican senators have sponsored a House bill that would make administering an mRNA injection to either humans or animals a criminal misdemeanor which would mean a fine if found guilty.

Meanwhile in Canada the Commons public accounts committee last week ordered the Department of Public Works to surrender secret Covid vaccine contracts for scrutiny. Pfizer executives responded by threatening that Canada could lose its “reputation” and foreign investment if MPs insisted on reading the vaccine contracts that cost taxpayers $5 billion dollars.

The health department ordered 238 million doses of Covid vaccines from Pfizer Canada alone including 30 million to be delivered in 2023 and 2024. Prices were not disclosed.

The Department of Health signed vaccine contracts with six other manufacturers in addition to Pfizer: AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson, Medicago, Moderna, Novavax, and Sanofi. MPs voted to have the public works department hand over all contracts. They would only be available to 11 members of the public accounts committee in a closed room without access to smartphones, cameras or written notes.

Cabinet earlier demanded MPs take an oath of secrecy as a condition of seeing the vaccine contracts. The committee said no. It likely won’t surprise you to learn that the Canadian House of Commons Standing Committee on Public Accounts is one of only five federal standing committees chaired by a member of the opposition, currently Conservative MP Kelly Block.

Industry rates from all vaccine manufacturers ranged from $14.50 per dose in the European Union to $19.50 in the United States. Canada’s Auditor General in a December 6 report said costs averaged about $30 per dose here in Canada.

It’s time for the woke news, but for the first time in months I have nothing to report. The wokies did nothing of note this past week.

Just kidding. Of course, they did.

In news from the world of those who are offended by absolutely everything, the city of Regina recently apologized to those who were offended by their latest ad slogans, “Regina, the city that rhymes with fun”, and “Show us your Regina”.

Sidestepping the fact that I personally find these ads very clever, we’ve gotta ask just what is it that the woke find offensive about them.

After, all, in Alberta and Saskatchewan Glassmasters Auto Glass has had great success with their ‘Show Us Your Crack” radio commercials. Just between you and me I think they stole it from Australian auto glass company Novus.

So it can’t be because the ads make reference to a part of the body normally kept hidden. It must be because it refers to sexual organs.

Nope. That commercial was also extremely popular, so it can’t be that either.

Oh, wait, I’ve got it, it’s because it refers specifically to female sexual organs, which offends the woke because, because…

It’s offensive to pussies.


That is all for this week’s Iron Will Report.

Interviews coming out next week Bob DuBroy, who I last interviewed on Paramedic deaths, on the attack upon freedom of speech and freedom of religion. Bob has worked extensively both for the CBC and the Catholic Church. And Professor Barry Cooper, co-author of the excellent book Canada’s Covid, The Story of a Pandemic Moral Panic. There have been many books written now on the Covid narrative but few from the Canadian perspective and none as well researched as this.

Stories that got left on the cutting room floor this week but that are available in our weekly Research Report, CBC News in Manitoba gets plastered with signs commemorating those who have died from the shots; Heritage Canada thinks our museums are too colonial; scammers used AI to con Newfoundland seniors out of 200,000 dollars; the City of Calgary proposes charging residents to park – in front of their own homes; and the U.N. Security Council refuses to launch an independent inquiry into the Nord Stream gas pipeline explosions. Those stories and many more can be found in the research reports by upgrading to a Centurion level membership.

This week please tell someone about the Iron Will Report. We’re working hard to bring people the truth and it helps a great deal when you spread the word.

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