Vax Nation: Freedom Over Fear – JCCF
February 20, 2022
The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms protects freedom of expression, peaceful assembly and the right to peacefully gather with fellow citizens to communicate political dissent to the government. In 2022, thousands of Canadians travelled to the federal capital of Ottawa to peacefully communicate their suffering and disagreement with government lockdowns, covid restrictions and vaccination mandates which have devastated their lives, their children’s lives, their mental health, and their businesses. Canadians across the country have come together to peacefully protest, united in their calls for a return to a free Canada. Their peaceful protest has inspired similar convoys and protests in countries around the world.
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Will and Cris may be in Ottawa for some time. They have committed to staying until we win. Please donate to cover their expenses, which include accommodation, gas, food, equipment and incidentals.
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