Our Partners

Other organizations that are fighting for our rights and freedoms


Action4Canada is a grassroots movement reaching out to millions of Canadians and UNITING our voices in opposition to the destructive policies tearing at the fabric of this nation. Through Call To ACTION campaigns, we equip citizens to take action. We are committed to protecting…FAITH, FAMILY and FREEDOM


World Council for Health

The World Council for Health is a non-profit organization for the people, that is informed and funded by the people. Our global coalition of health-focused organizations and civil society groups seeks to broaden public health knowledge and sense-making through science and shared wisdom. We are dedicated to safeguarding human rights and free will while empowering people to take control of their health and wellbeing.

WokeWatch Canada

We are 🇨🇦 teachers, school admin & parents concerned about divisive radicalism in schools & culture. Share your examples of woke indoctrination with us.

Iron Will Report

News and Interviews mainstream media won’t report and the government doesn’t want you to hear.

The Wellness Company

By unequivocally and unapologetically standing up for medical freedom and the right to affordable health care, our company’s vision champions the right to make one’s own choices for their body.

We strive to build a new health care system that earns people’s trust, governed and operated with transparency, and offering the highest quality practitioners who align at their core with our fundamental belief – to put the patient first.

Above Phone

A truly private phone.

Since 2021, Above Phone has been creating friendly technology ecosystems where people are empowered and free, not surveiled and controlled. Whether it’s your phone, laptop, tablet, or communications – you can use our products to change the world for the better. We trust that technology can be used to free the masses from surveillance, corruption, and tyranny.

Alberta Press Leader

Our mission:

Alberta Press‘ award-winning journalists – with decades of experience working for mainstream media – bring Albertans unbiased, truth-driven, accurate and timely news.

Our website gets up to 76,000 unique visitors a day, and up to 2.3 million unique visitors a month.

In our stories:

• Remain independent of any government, corporate or lobbyist influence.

• Give readers the information and let them make up their own minds.

• Consider the public interest when making decisions about what to publicize.

• Correct mistakes.

• Treat everyone – individuals, organizations and government – with fairness and equality.

• Be impartial and present balanced stories.

Alberta Jericho March

For too long, liberty-loving Christians in Alberta have been deceived by serpents like Jason Kenney. This despicable deception has the further effect of transferring the rightful wealth of ordinary working-class people into the hands of the ultra-wealthy global elite.

1)  Force the recall/resignation of Premier Jason Kenney, and the UCP Government Cabinet.

2)  Unite all Patriotic Albertans under one political banner; and

3)  Return to a culture of liberty and decency throughout Alberta.

Canadian Political Accountability

This group was created to allow people to submit their own links, videos, and other types of accountability posts.

We want this group to be for those who want to work toward improving Canada, restoring sanity and accountability to government and working to unify Canadians for a better tomorrow.


Chris Sky is a motivational speaker and the world’s most prolific human rights advocate. His vast knowledge and articulate delivery are second to none when it comes to examining and presenting the facts to find the truth. The truth that is intentionally kept hidden from you. Chris Sky not only provides the knowledge to assert your rights and preserve your freedoms. He leads by example and puts his very life on the line, everyday. His mission to help and educate others has seen him targeted and persecuted by our own government in previously unspeakable ways, which are now becoming a commonplace as our country and much of the world slides steadily towards tyranny.


Welcome to Druthers, Canada’s new, FREE, alternative media outlet.

Canada, you have really stepped up big time with all your love & support of this project and we truly are making a difference. Druthers is only 5 months old and growing like crazy! With your help we have printed and given out 675,000 free newspapers, started making video reporting content & have this spiffy new website for sharing important news and information that every Canadian should know about.

Check us out on BitChute! 

Elders Without Borders

Elders Without Borders is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to the preservation of the wisdom and teachings of our Indigenous Elders and Ancestors with the knowledge that their guidance, protection, and support are our compass during the chaos of these changing times.

This site is to offer just that, a reconnection to the traditional ways with innovative ideas with the preservation of the Next 7 Generations at heart.   We have created a sacred circle and invite you to join our team as a supporter in any way you feel called.



Free To Fly

Are you one of the millions of people in Canada who have just lost access to travel because of your vaccine status?

Sign up, and join 2,868 Canadian aviation professionals, and 38,717 passengers, on a mission to make their voices heard in every legislature, court, and board room across Canada. Together, we are a potent force for change.

Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms

We are a Canadian legal organization and federally registered charity that defends citizens’ fundamental freedoms under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, through pro bono legal representation and through educating Canadians about the free society.


Lawyers4Truth is a dedicated team of legal experts who are taking practical steps to end mask and vaccine mandates.


Librti is Canada’s social media platform. Connect with people that value the free flow of information, critical thinking, and individual liberty. Access and discuss timely information, find tools and resources from freedom organizations all in one spot.


Librti Talk Canada

Liberty Talk Canada is an Independent current events and opinion show hosted by Odessa Orlewicz from Vancouver, BC. The show is focused on exposing corruption, disinformation and sharing information typically hidden by the mainstream. Odessa interviews a variety of guests and industry whistleblowers on a wide range of topics centered on economic, medical and political corruption. Her candid and unfiltered style has grown a large following on many media platforms even with the heavy censorship her show has faced . All uncensored episodes can be viewed on Librti.com at Librti.com/odessa. You can follow her show on the big tech platforms at https://www.facebook.com/odessa.orlewicz and on Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/libertytalkwithodessa

Liberty Coalition Canada

What started with the effort to Reopen Ontario Churches and led to the writing of The Niagara 2020 Declaration has now developed into a national network of clergymen, elected officials, small business owners, legal experts and other concerned citizens. A variety of urgent concerns face our nation. Alone we are incapable of producing meaningful change, but together, with a clear vision for a better future, we can bring about change for the good of all Canadians.


Dr. Mark Trozzi

This site is dedicated to sharing useful and interesting information and ideas, with the intention of contributing to a happier and healthier future. Here you will find a collection of medicine and health related articles and videos produced by 25 year veteran MD and emergency resuscitation specialist Dr. Trozzi, as well as other resources that he recommends. The mission of this project is to empower our visitors to health and understanding on subjects from within Dr. Trozzi’s sphere of expertise.

Mountain View Freedom

Mountain View Freedom is a group of common-sense

folk, who enjoy research and truth,

putting the statistics regarding COVID into context so that good decisions can be made.

You are welcome to join us.

New Federation Party

The New Federation Party (NFP)

bases its principles on creating a new uncorrupted Government infrastructure starting with a “new constitution” and a new federation for the Canadian people, whereby a new Canadian constitution will be “designed and created” by and for the people through a constitutional convention where delegates from across Canada will be elected, and create a draft constitution for public review and debate, and to provide an opportunity for changes and more debate until a final version is created.


Dr. Paul Alexander

Dr. Paul Elias Alexander is a world-class epidemiologist, former associate professor at McMaster University (until he lost his position for speaking the truth about Covid), and a former advisor to President Trump on Covid policy. Dr. Alexander publishes regular papers on the real science of Covid.

Police on Guard for Thee

We will today, and the days to come, continue to Stand on Guard for Thee.
We are a group of concerned retired and active duty peace officers looking to see an end to unconstitutional public health orders. Peace officers are being directed to defy their Oath to uphold the rights of the people they protect and this must end.

Save Our Small Business


(403) 470-3739



 We will stand strong using lawful, peaceful and effective ACTION to end the tyranny of those who are actively attempting to take away our Rights & Freedoms.

We will hold them accountable for their actions using truth & facts.

We will act in service to others while rising up to defend ourselves and our families.

Street Church

Street Church Ministries is a multi-denominational, multi-ethnical ministry of believers, who have been reborn in the spirit of the Lord, coming together to take part in the call of Acts 1:8. Our vision is to give everyone an opportunity to respond to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ through the proclamation of the full Gospel. We envision a Street Church in every city and town in Canada, and around the world.

Street Church Ministries is involved in evangelism every week in the city of Calgary where we go out by the power of the Holy Spirit to proclaim the full gospel, giving everyone the opportunity to respond to Jesus. We know that there is power in the simple message of the gospel.


Take Action Canada

We support the many activists working to end lockdowns, forced masking, censorship, health intimidation, and political cancelling (amongst many other issues of this time) by aggregating all petitions, notices fundraising activities and events.

It’s time to let your voice be heard. It’s Time to Take Action, Canada!

Truth Matters

Open Letter and Information Package
The Truth about SARS-Cov-2 & Covid19
BC package available for DOWNLOAD NOW!
AB package coming soon!

Walk for FREEDOM

Walk for Freedom was established by Freedom UNITY Alliance in Calgary as a UNITED front for various movements and peoples to rally and peacefully promote breeches to our civil liberties across Alberta


We Are All Essential

In the struggle to subdue the Coronavirus, we are in for the fight of our lives. One that will test our communities, our institutions, and the culture that binds us.



VIVID Psychology & Wellness

* Community * Holistic * Compassion * Healing * Consciousness * Transformation *

We are a collective of mental health and wellness professionals who are aligned in providing exceptional and responsive customer service. Vivid believes in the holistic approach to wellness and we deliver that by providing psychology, counseling, and coaching services, a wellness space that provides programs and activities, as well as courses and seminars; all designed to support you in your journey.


AB Independence Party

Our Mission

The people of Alberta, after being forced into the Canadian confederation without their consent, have attempted since 1905 to gain a fair deal in confederation without success. Therefore, it is necessary that The Independence Party of Alberta be established to end the cycle of injustice.

The Independence Party of Alberta is committed to separating from Canada and creating a sovereign nation, without exception.



The People’s Party of Canada brings together common sense, populism, classical conservatism, and libertarianism to create solutions adapted for the challenges of the 21st century. Our beliefs are succinctly summarized in our four founding principles: Freedom, Responsibility, Fairness and Respect


Button Boy (Thumbs Up Movement)



No More Lockdowns Canada

Since we learned about COVID-19 we have been inundated with experts and politicians perpetuating a narrative of fear at a time when we were not so clear on the science. Looking back at 2020, we have far more science to help us better understand how COVID-19 affects us and can better judge our response to it. Despite this, the narrative of fear continues from politicians and experts alike.

Misty Wind Media

Expert Silver Colorist, Digital Entrepreneur, Author, and Freedom Fighter!

Check Misty out on her websites!


Alberta To The Point (ATTP)

Truth. To The Point Conservative Discussion Page about Alberta and Canadian Politics.

Wildrose Independence Party

Albertans find themselves daily confronted by a federal government, far removed, with destructive, predatory policies designed to exploit and obstruct for its own ends, at our expense


Well-rounded REAL news from all corners of the continent, bringing you the TRUTH DAILY!

Freedom 4 Canada

As we find ourselves at the dawn of the “The Great Reset”, an “opportunity” as Justin Trudeau has said recently, to build back better.  The problem is that this devious plan is not intended to make your life any better, in fact the opposite, it will slowly destroy your freedoms and leave you without any hope for the future, a dystopian society concept known as Neo-Feudalism.

The Western Voice

Since corporate media is powered by advertising, sensationalism is the deciding factor when it comes to headlines. Unfortunately, Globalism is the agenda most TV and online platforms have embodied and #CancelCulture is getting to almost every talent that refuses to comply.

Justice Center for Constitutional Freedoms

The Justice Centre is uniquely positioned to help Canadians who have faced shocking and stressful intrusions on their freedom. Our experienced in-house legal team provides legal advice and representation to clients without charge.

Founded in 2010 as a voice for freedom in Canada’s courtrooms, the mission of the Justice Centre is to defend the constitutional freedoms of Canadians through litigation and education. We fight for Canada to become and remain a free society, where the equality of all Canadians and their individual freedoms are celebrated and respected.

Lawyers 4 Truth

Lawyers 4 Truth are an Alberta-based coalition of lawyers advocating for our rights and freedoms, as well as providing tools for Albertans to exercise their rights under the lockdowns and Covid bylaws.

The Grizzly Patriot

The Forum for Canadian Sovereignty has been created to educate the masses in regards to the consequences of globalism and the globalist agenda, the great reset/Agenda2030

Want Your Country Back?

We are in desperate need of monthly recurring donations so we can hire assistants to create more tools in a timely manner. Donate below!

Can You Donate Monthly?

Please consider making your donation monthly. This allows us to make commitments to produce tools and content we otherwise cannot.