What’s Wrong with Men in Women’s Sports?: April Hutchinson

January 7, 2024

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Women’s sports in Canada are under attack. Men are being allowed to compete against women simply because they identify as women. There is no sport where the unfairness of this is more amply demonstrated than in powerlifting.

I have no patience with the woke. They can identify any way they wish, but that doesn’t mean I have to play along. My answer to Matt Walsh’s documentary question, What is a Woman, is simply an adult human with two x chromosomes. Similarly, a man is an adult human with an x and y chromosome.

Recently the Canadian Powerlifting Union decided that anyone who identifies as a woman can compete in women’s powerlifting. And a gender confused man who calls himself Anne Andres has done just that, shattering women’s records.

April Hutchinson is a record setting Canadian powerlifter. April is a woman. She holds the North American record for women’s deadlift, and often places first at powerlifting competitions. Or at least, she did, until the CPU allowed Anne Andres to compete. Many female athletes said nothing, knowing they would suffer consequences if they did. But April had the courage to speak up in defense of the integrity of her sport. For this, the CPU banned her from competition for two years. While April’s lawyer is appealing, we have no guarantee that sanity will return any time soon.

In this interview, April not only tells her story but April and I reveal the extreme degree of unfairness in allowing men to compete against women. If you’ve been watching my interviews for any length of time you know I’m something of a fitness nut. I’ve been lifting weights for 42 years. I’m not a powerlifter. I’ve never been a competitive athlete of any kind, but years spent in gyms has equipped me to understand just how much stronger than women men are.

After over 350 interviews, I can tell you that no subject has made me angrier than this. So angry, that I forgot to turn on two of my cameras. The wide angle view of my studio you’ve become used to recently is missing. We have only the zoom feed but that in no way lessens the truth you are about to hear.

The Canadian Powerlifting Union completely understands what they are doing. Actively working to destroy women’s powerlifting in Canada.

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