15 Minute Cities: Human Corrals | Julianne Romanello, Part 2

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15 minute cities. They’re being implemented around the world as a means to address the imaginary climate crisis while providing people with the ease and convenience of having everything they need within walking distance of home. They’re also sometimes called smart cities, but the globalists who are behind the concept prefer not to use that term, as it comes much closer to revealing what they really are.

Stockades for a population of human cattle, whose every move will be monitored and controlled 24/7.

Recently one of our viewers sent me a link to a presentation given to an Oklahoma state board by Professor Julianne Romanello, a former professor of political philosophy.

Julianne has tied together all the seemingly disconnected concepts of the great reset and shows how all of these fourth industrial revolution tyrannies will be implemented in 15 minute cities as the practical application of the globalist’s transhumanist depopulation and control agenda.

In this two part interview, Professor Romanello walks us through each aspect of that agenda, reveals the truth behind their double-speak, and the terrible future that awaits us all if we don’t stop them before it’s too late.

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Julianne Romanello  00:07

Yeah, Justin Trudeau, our prime minister, and it galls me to call that traitor that, but that’s what he is right now. It was only I think about a week, week and a half ago, that he went and did a press conference where he told Canadians go out and run your credit cards out because the economy needs stimulation. Well, what you’re doing is you’re setting them up to not be able to pay their bills. So that when the central bank digital currencies come in, and the government steps in and says, Well, okay, well, you can’t pay your bills. So you tell you why we’re going to wipe out all your debts. Oh, you’re not going to own anything anymore?

Yeah. Yeah, that’s exactly what they’re gonna do. And, you know, I mean, that’s what George W. Bush told the American people after 911. Right. He said, Go spend money. And, you know, that led, I think, directly to the 2008 crash, right? I mean, these people are liars and they are evil. And it’s, it’s just twisted.  You know, one reason I think Canada and Australia have been targeted the way that they have been, is because you’re resource rich countries with large land masses, and relatively small populations that are clustered together already into sort of urban areas.  And that makes it – that has just made it very easy for them to impose this control at, you know, on unsuspecting people.

So I think if you look at what’s been done in Canada, and Australia, you could consider those like 15 minute countries, basically. So what they’ve done on a national level, taking away rights and traumatizing people, that’s going to be done more acutely, when we move into the Smart Cities. You know, and, and Toronto is like, the smart city of the world, I think, you know, people aren’t talking about it as much, but it is so far advance, you know, and it’s going to be, that’s going to be the engine for the economy.  Because when people start to realize this, when they’re frustrated, you have to have a Savior come in, and the Savior is going to be the big corporations. And they’re going to roll out this new inclusive capitalism, multi multicultural capitalism, it’s got a million different names, regenerative capitalism, and so on. And what it claims to do is to pivot the economy toward this model of creating true value.

While you know, as we’ve said, that is, you know, that is subject to their definition of it.  And it’s going to be based on, you know, what’s profitable for them what they’ve decided that we need, and it’s going to be a giant nanny state for a while, and then it’s going to be a, you know, an abuser state. Yes, but how are they going to do it? Well, you know, one of the prongs of sustainable development is to manage risk, right? And our “Resetters” have done their homework, and they know that they’re going to create social instability with these situations. And they’re worried about getting this ideological backlash. This is what you see on the screen right now.  And, and they want to make sure that capitalism’s popularity doesn’t wane because populism, and nationalism and protectionism, those those policies actually would fight this off. So they don’t want growing movements in support of those. So what are they going to do?

They’re going to offer all sorts of feel good programs and you know, stimulus checks from the government, and various benefits, and they’re going to wash it over with this veneer of good feeling and community sentiment. So that moves us into the new economy, which is about corporate purpose. I mean, doesn’t it sound cold and steely to you, but they’re going to use this new model of corporate purpose.  For capitalism, that scale is going to guide capitalism from here on out. And we’re going to see that not simply the pursuit of financial profits and economic efficiency, but the pursuit of true value is where we’re headed. And so this is going to lower the risk of social and economic stability that is like that the people rise up and fight I’d author abusers, and it’s also going to make a big profit for the people who are pushing this agenda. So, you know, prioritizing true value creation.

This, by the way is white paper from the World Business Council on sustainable development called “Reinventing Capitalism: A Transformation Agenda”. So just the same garbage that the WEF was putting out with the finance industry, saving the world. And you can see here business models are going to – must contribute to a flourishing society. Earlier, we saw that in the UN graphic about the ICT sector, that you’re going to have 8 billion people leading dignified lives, dignified, flourishing society, it sounds wonderful. But it’s all about managing, how much how much energy, how much carbon you use, and they want to get it down to the lowest possible level.

So here, we see these are some different ways that business is going to be adjusted in the new economic order. And we see that capital markets are going to properly value inclusive sustainable business practices, rewarding the companies with the greatest positive social environmental impact. So if you are a small business, and, and, and you’re liberty loving, or you’re just trying to, you know, make a decent profit, so that you can pay your bills and sort of old school way that we think about, you are not going to have access to capital investment, because you’re not participating in this project of creating a flourishing society along the lines of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.  So this is how all of the businesses the supply chains are going to be controlled, is through the fact that no institutional investors will give capital to companies that are not performing very highly on the measuring and managing of ESG indices. And so you can see here that ESG is really tied to the Sustainable Development Goals,


Will Dove  07:23

which basically turns all of all of finance economics into an old boys club owned by the globalists, their companies which can cook their books to meet these ESG goals, and they, because they’re not they’re not ethical, they they’re not. They know that everything they’re telling people about manmade global warming, climate change is other bunk. It’s a control mechanism. Yes, so they cook their books to make it look like they’re complying with these things, so that they get the investments and all these new startups that want to do this, but they can’t get any money, because they’re not part of that old boys club.


Julianne Romanello  07:55

Right. And, you know, we’ve got to ask ourselves, how are we going to be able to audit this kind of system? You know, I mean, that’s sort of a, you know, a tool that we like to use, and the last limping, you know, stages of our Western and representative governments, you know, we like to think of the power of an audit, but you have to have very high capacity computing power and, and super expertise to be able to unravel the mess that these companies are fabricating, and we’re not going to have access to it, they talk about open data plans, you might get a little picture here or there. But it is nothing like what these giant corporations are going to have. So we’re really at a loss to even understand how the tabulations are being made with the, you know, if the data is being manipulated, it’s all a farce, right. And that’s my perception management.


Will Dove  08:59

I’m sorry, but we’re the flow of information is all one direction. Yeah, it all goes to them. We don’t do anything back other than what what they choose to show us, which is part of the propaganda and censorship. Yes, but in terms of that, that huge pipeline of information, data collection and monitoring that they’re gathering, that all goes in one direction, uphill to them, none of that comes back down the hill to us. And we certainly don’t get to see what they’re doing.


Julianne Romanello  09:22

Right. And, you know, and people saw this with the manipulation of numbers of deaths and, and injuries, you know, with COVID. I mean, you know, you would see a big graphic printout that says, so many people have been infected and died and da da da. And then, you know, if you have someone with a little bit of capacity to analyze some numbers and maybe run, you know, an Excel spreadsheet, you can see that this was blatant manipulation.  And if you talk about that, you’re going to be one of those people that are arrested for pre crime, you know, I mean, we saw it with the censorship that, you know, if people think that they can just go along with this stuff, and it’s gonna go away, they are absolutely delusional because it’s just gonna get worse and worse. And, you know, what’s it for it is for impact investing.

And this is something I learned about from a woman whose name is Allison McDowell, she, I found her work when I was looking at why the University where I worked was taken over. And I kept running into AI blockchain hexagons, you know, p20. pipelines and trying to make sense of what was going on. And I finally found an article, someone sent it to me that she had written about impact investing. And I read it and was just, I lost my breath.  And I probably didn’t sleep for an entire two months, actually. Because it clicked. And once you start looking at how this, you know, how the finance industry is going to save the world through impact investing, it will really, it’ll really make you sick, because it’s sold in this very flowery way there, you know, we’re gonna see impact investments are investments made with the intention to generate positive, measurable social environmental impact alongside a financial return.

So you’re gonna do, you’re gonna do well financially by doing good in the community.  That’s a big lie. But it since really 2009 2010, the financial mechanism of social impact bonds and other social impact finance tools have been developed. And I forget, I think this slide is, well it cites June 2018, the Global Impact Investing Network, this is the web if it’s all your major banks, it’s all your major corporations, your institutional investors, pension firms, Canada’s public pension fund is totally on board with this. you know, the numbers there for how big the market was, you know, it was already 228 billion and that was, what, five six years ago so that’s what they’re setting up. That’s why you have to have a smartphone —


Will Dove  12:26

Just back up one slide because there’s something extremely important there. Okay, look at that first paragraph that’s in black investments are made with intention to generate positive measures social and environmental impacts alongside a financial return. Okay, but that’s that’s one part. But then look at this where we get into your range of returns from below market to market rate depending on investors strategic goals, folks, this is communism. Yes, this is what they’re telling you right here in plain English if you know how to read the doublespeak is all the people who they deem worthy to stay in their system and become drones for them. Well, you’re going to do all this work you’re gonna get nothing below market to market rate the best you can expect is to get back what you put in certainly not and financial return well, who financial their financial return, not yours. Yeah. Yes, is exactly the way communism works. All the people are universally poor. Well, the oligarchs at the top get rich and control the whole system.


Julianne Romanello  13:28

Yeah, I mean, this doesn’t even run on money. Like we’re gonna see that, you know, once you switch to, you know, CBDC You’ve already moved one more layer away from the from our currency actually having something valuable backing it right. It’s hard to use these words because they’re, you know, the different senses going on. Right?


Will Dove  13:54

Well, its a construct, because these these globalist and who are the globalist one out there nothing but wealthy industrialists. That’s who the members of the web Fr. And these are people who are so wealthy, that money, stop meaning anything to them alarming for you and I and our viewers, money is how we pay our bills. It’s how we put food on our table. But they’re wealth surpassed that so long ago, that means nothing to them money to them is control. It’s power. Yes, that’s exactly yeah, they don’t need a financial system. They need a control system.


Julianne Romanello  14:27

that is you express that so clearly, and that’s what I wish I could get through to sort of the business normies who think you know, sometimes they’ll say, Julianne, this will never work, you know, they’re not going to make any money about and and I say, it is not about money. It is it is about I think is the libido Dami Nandi, will to power it is the love of controlling. And, you know, God’s creation really is what I think Think and and they don’t they have, they own everything already that we


Will Dove  15:07

BlackRock and Vanguard togather, own 80% of just about every major corporation on the planet and who owns BlackRock and Vanguard? The investors who are the wealthy globalists. Yes, they don’t need more money, they’re just consolidating the power. Because once they’ve got the power, well, what why do you need money, if you have a an army of drones, to provide you with everything that you want?


Julianne Romanello  15:31

Yeah, you just have to get all of this human social, emotional learning data, so that you can program this AI and meld it with your own mind, so that you can live forever. I mean, you know, this, the transhumanist agenda. And so much of it comes out of, you know, sort of Russian schools of thought, like the Global Futures Institute, I have some slides from them, and in a minute. And they, they are really interested in this project of melding man and machine and living forever. So that’s the only reason why they’re still putting up with us is because they can figure out how human souls and minds work so they can, you know, refine their AI, they don’t need money, money is boring. That’s for that’s for the proles until we’re just issued um social credits, and that that’s exactly where we’re going. So


Will Dove  16:37

You make a very good point, Julianne, because, folks, I, you know, I tried to give you some messages of hope in all of these interviews, because we’re talking about some very dark stuff, there is hope. Because the reason why and Julian said, they’re going to keep us around, because they’re still trying to figure out exactly how to control everybody. It’s the same thing with what’s going on with the US banks right now. And people predicting that the system is going to collapse is not going to collapse, you’re not gonna let it happen. Because it was only just two weeks ago, they introduced their universal monetary unit, there’s a central bank, digital currency, I’m in touch with some experts here in banking, who believe it’s going to be years before that can be effectively used, they are not going to allow the current financial system to collapse until they have the structures in place to replace it with. Same thing with the control of people, they haven’t quite figured out how to do it yet. And so there is time to stop them.


Julianne Romanello  17:28

There is and really how we stop them is by controlling, taking back control of the narrative. You know, I mean, if people don’t believe this image, then it falls apart. You know, I mean, that’s why there’s so much emphasis on the propaganda and the using of the same terms over and over and limiting our vocabulary by dumbing us down in government schools, you know, and keeping people isolated, it’s because they have to have that control of the narrative.  So if, if we just bring this into the public, where people are not afraid to be called a conspiracy theorist by talking about it, and people start to put the dots together, then it really will fall apart.

I mean, you know, that’s not to say that it’s going to be easy to deal with mopping up the mess that’s been brewing for 100 plus years. But it is, you know, it all depends on trust. And that’s a buzzword that they use and they have a Trust Barometer that’s published by Edelman’s at from the UK, and they measure trust them. And that’s one reason why all the cybersecurity is rolling out because we have to have trust in the system. If we’re going to give it all over all of our data, all of our soul over to the system, we have to trust it. Well, if we don’t trust the stuff, then it falls apart. And


Will Dove  19:00

as I have been saying this since I started speaking at demonstrations in the summer of 2020. And I’ll say it again, now, our governments and yours and mine, every government, they have no power, but what we give them and we don’t give them power when we elect them. But when we choose to obey them. When enough of us refuse to comply, their power collapses. Let’s talk about a practical example. Because we’re talking right now, but this new quote unquote, financial system, which is really a control system, as part of that they’re going to try to outlaw cash. Yes, but cash is actually kind of hard to get rid of. There’s a whole bunch of it in circulation. So what happens when a large percentage of us simply refuse to comply with that, and we choose to continue to conduct our transactions with each other in cash, which they can’t track? Right? And you know, there’s an underground economy right there that we already have in our wallets? Yes.


Julianne Romanello  19:58

You know, and they I mean, They have to go along with, with this sort of public perception of what is normal. And what I mean by that is that they can’t just pull all the cash, once people start to use it more, they still have to, you know, print more for circulation, because they don’t want to pique people’s interest and get people to start asking questions. So it we can change the system in that way, you know, it’s the same model that they’re using with the impact investing. If you look at all of the white papers that talk about how to expand impact investing markets, it all hinges upon governments imposing the obligation on corporations and financial institutions to do the mandatory reporting. And it also depends on government spending in impact markets.

So you know, government has the role of I’m trying to remember there were three specific things that a Harvard white paper talks about, it has a role as a convener, bringing different interests together as a, it has purchasing power, and then it also has regulatory power.  And those three things must be given by the government to support this system, for now, because our perceptions about who controls our activities do matter. And we still think that our government is the one that makes the rules, we don’t understand that they’re puppets, right. But the let’s say, the puppet masters have to get the government’s on board to lend the system, the legitimacy and the teeth to get it started.

So if we pressure governments, and I’m not talking just at a at voting, I mean, that does not work, but real, direct pressure, and the willingness to defend our right to say what our constitutions mean, then this is not going to work.  Again, it’s not going to be easy, but it is simple. It’s a simple solution, just like using cash. And that we have to take responsibility for our behaviors and do it and, you know, you put yourself out there and, you know, you might get arrested for pre crime, but let’s just hope that it’s, you know, we’ve got a little bit of time that we can still navigate through that. So we’ve, I’ve probably gone on way too long. So I feel like I should probably just, you know, sort of, maybe wrap this up or breeze through some of it. But you can see impact investing is about measuring and managing, and again, for monetization.

So what I have in this slide is a paper that I don’t have the date on it, so I’d have to go look it up. But the internet of impact, and it was written by several professors who are interested in looking at how the Internet of Things can be integrated with programmable money. That’s your CBDC that’s been programmed with smart contracts in the use of, of that new kind of money. It’s really a token in order to, again, transform the world.  So if you look here in this sort of first column that I’ve got, it says that when we see where Okay, Blockchain based internet will become an essential digital infrastructure for sustainable decentralized finance, and impact data. Okay, that’s for impact investing, right, to finance and verify the changes that are urgently needed in the social, environmental and economic state of the world and to mitigate the impacts of the climate crisis.

So you can see right here, new Smart Money programmable money combined with the Internet of Things is going to give you the proof of impact that will be the decider item for investors getting their payments on their impact investments. So they have to make they have to demonstrate that they have made a measurable change toward the sustainable development goals in order to get the the financial return on their impact investments.  And it is this smart grid with tokens, programmable money and inner, you know, internet of things that’s going to allow them to To do that, and you see, again, the same language over and over in the second column by transforming how we finance, implement, measure value and create markets for sustainable impact, that is, how the Internet of impact is going to create this brave new world.


Will Dove  25:19

So once again, to translate the doublespeak here, yeah, and they talk about rewarding companies, for contributing to the sustainable development goals, what they mean is, did you contribute to our control structure? Yes.


Julianne Romanello  25:35

That’s exactly what I mean. And, you know, when they talk about rewarding companies for, you know, contributing to that control structure, they’re not only talking about, you know, improving the books, so to speak, you know, they’re not talking about the corporation is going to earn more money, but rather, that the corporation and this is really, I mean, the big corporations don’t care about this, but you know, midsize and small, and, you know, more independent businesses, they will care about this, you know, you will be remunerated not in terms of money that can be traded freely for anything, but but for, let’s say, credits at another company store, and you might be given, like, a was basically a gift card or a coupon to enjoy some future benefits.

So you don’t have the freedom that money itself has, you know, to go purchase whatever you want with it, but you have a sort of limited opportunity to use whatever benefit you’ve been given by, you know, the the financial industry that is creating these new incentives. So think about it, like a gift card exchange, you know, you get a bunch of lousy gift cards for Christmas. And you would rather have had the $20 cash, you know, but you’ve got now, so many gift cards to junkie stores. And and you have to find a way in this new economy to, you know, swap to get credits at a store that you actually want to shop at. Yeah, that’s how this is gonna work. Yeah, I mean, like you —


Will Dove  27:32

— would be trading their their tokens or tickets for certain goods. Yes. Because the government is controlling the supply. Yes, they control what you can access that way.


Julianne Romanello  27:48

Yes. And it will all be governed and surveilled through this smart city grid. And really, you know, we’re going toward a cognitive city. I mean, Oklahoma City, this is one of the reddest states in the United States. You know, many people don’t even know what that really means anymore. But, and our red here is, you know, more conservative, and a lot


Will Dove  28:13

a lot of people don’t reverse in Canada colors are reversed. Yeah. Liberal in the US, red means Republican, Conservative. Okay.


Julianne Romanello  28:22

Yes. So I’m in a red conservative ish state, you know, and, and so on. And so we want to our state capitol is a cognitive city that means that the level of predictive analytics is much higher and and more fully implemented than in a smart city. Tulsa is just a smart city, but Oklahoma City, there are many interstate highways that go through Oklahoma City and I’m pretty sure that’s why they have gone cognitive first.  So, you know, tying this all together, what are what are smart cities for?

They are for tracking impact, and collecting the data from the internet of things, and you know, all the infrastructure build up that’s going on right now. Putting us in debt is building the the digital prison around us, it’s going to control your Smart Water Smart Meters, you programmable money, the whole works, we’re going to face a situation of massive unemployment. And in order to not collapse the system in a way that just triggers everyone so that they actually overthrow these tyrants. You know, that smart city is going to manage it slowly, slowly and placate people through a variety of benefits, education, training, housing, you know, food benefits, you name it.

We’re gonna see urban densification so that people have fewer options. For true self sufficiency, and they can be measured and managed more easily. And, again, that helps sort of refine the algorithms because you can run pilot programs on different demographic groups, and control all the variables, we have new value streams that are emerging from the increased capacity to measure and manage and that those value streams are the basis for impact investing markets or social impact finance.  Because this is a global model, and everyone in the entire world is doing the same thing. You can track progress toward positive social outcomes in a way that allows institutional investors and social finance speculators to compare metrics quite easily and to determine what their best bets are.

So, you know, again, think back to that 2008 mortgage crisis and how some Wall Street titans were able to analyze certain markets and see that this one was going to fail, and they could make a big profit by short selling it, you can do the same thing, but now with human beings.  And that’s what your impact investing markets are. So, you know, smart cities, again, I think we’ve probably covered that they just use information and communication technology to improve operational efficiency, that’s your control grid, and share information with the public and the police, and provide a better quality of government service and citizen welfare according to their own definition. And if you look down here, signs that you live in a smart city or you’re headed that way, infrastructure based around technology, environmental initiatives, progressive city plans, everyone’s got them. These are some slides from Tulsa. And and, and my next one is Oklahoma City.

But it just shows you this was 2016, in collusion with our government, the US Department of Transportation, we’re rolling out, you can see it printed right here. I mean, it’s small, but I’m smart delivery of all of your items, car free zones, collect massive amounts of data, I’m just reading some of the red boxes. And you know, you have this slide. So people who are listening to this can go back and zoom in if they like, but it’s all right there 2016, Tulsa, Oklahoma.


Will Dove  32:36

And, folks, as always, you will find a link to this presentation to the slides directly beneath the interview on our website.


Julianne Romanello  32:44

Yeah, it’s, you know, I everything that I do, I put, I’m trying to make as available to the public as widely as I can, because the more people know about this, the more people will fight back. And they just have to know what it really is about. You know, all the cameras this, you can see a slide from Oklahoma City, Red State America, lots of cameras.  So, you know, earlier, I showed you a graphic that said, from fixed capital, to human capital, and that is what this is about managing human capital or like you said, human capital. Right.

And this paper right here that you see the, you know, the excerpt from it’s August 2020, the WEF, human capital as an asset. And it talks about how the new opportunity for corporate growth and for, you know, the real engine of the new international economic order, a built back better economy is to reset the workforce.  So, you see that, you know, that buzzword again. And you see that they are talking about actions to protect, preserve and sustain human capital value will be important for an organization’s reputation. So, that is corporate social credit right there. Corporate Social credit is ESG same thing, how is the company going to preserve its brand it’s going to be by measuring and managing its workforce.

And, and let’s see, you’re gonna have to … this paper urges, you know, corporate industries and finance, to take bold measures to shape a workforce ready to deliver value to the organization and to economy and society at large. Your employer here is going to be transforming you into a good Global Citizen and making a profit off doing so.  It’s really twisted as you know, you And I’m here, I should have highlighted it, but I didn’t. But the lat very last sentence that I have companies have struggled to quantify the contribution of their human capital assets. Until now with this 4IR technology and smart cities. Now we can quantify the contribution of human beings do corporate purpose. Smart Cities are for impact tracking, what are they going to do this is from the that global education Futures Institute, it’s Russian Institute. And this paper is just wild,

I’ll send you the full paper, Will so that you can post it because anyone who reads it’s just going to be shocked.  But here you have systems of reputation, capital, you know, the Internet of Things is going to allow monitoring of your lifestyle in real time, a healthy worker is a more productive worker. So this is why you’ll see corporations rolling out employee wellness plans, the government is working with them. It’s a giant public private partnership, basically. And this is all about managing workforce, wellness, education, sustainability commitments, so that a brand a corporate brand, a governmental brand.  And, you know, so that it can supersede all others and get the most money from investors and really get the control.

But yeah, it’s all real time monitoring, reputation capital assessment systems. This is how you make the money. The Do you have you increase someone’s trust in, in a brand? Well, that is a measurable impact that can be tied to this impact investing model of, you know, the new finance industry’s way to save the world, right. And it says, integrated reputation, capital models may have a significant impact on our abilities to learn and build a career. So if you don’t comply with this model, from a very young age, if your parents, you know, have taught you to be independent and, and to think for yourself, then you will not pass the AI gatekeepers in order to receive training in order to get a job in order to provide for yourself and your family. And right here, the very last box on this slide, reputational currencies, these would like those impact tokens will determine people’s access to resources. So in a smart city, just like you said, Will, if you’re driving and you haven’t done your duty with, you know, some kind of you know, behavior toward equity or you haven’t been inclusive enough, then your kill switch in your car will, it will be activated, right —


Will Dove  38:08

— or if you’re still running. If you’re still running a gas powered car, you go to the pumps, you can’t get gas, you can’t get your your credit, once again to to interpret the doublespeak reputational currency means social credit score.


Julianne Romanello  38:22

That’s exactly what it means. And if you don’t have enough social credit, you will lose access to resources. This is resources, food, this is water, this is the time that you have to take a shower or to, you know, wash your clothes. I just saw an article that talked about, you know, we need to stop washing our clothes so often, you know, you need to eat bugs, right? So, you know, just to sum up, is this a conspiracy? No, it’s not. I know that you all who are listening, you already know that. But you can tell your friends who are normies you know, this is absolutely happening here.  Here we have a company Digit X. They they publish this article on their website, if you can call it an article, all you need to know about personal ESG score.

What is it it you know, this just says that it’s basically the individual analogue for corporate social credit scoring. So this is your individual social credit score. And it says More companies are of the view that a person who is not dedicated to corporate sustainability, that is the ‘control system’, cannot be entrusted with a task that requires a high focus on responsibility.  So no one’s going to move up in the workplace. You’re not even going to make it in the door. If you don’t have the level of compliance with The parameters of good global citizenship. Again, I mean, this talks about how it’s related to strengthening a company’s brand. And just like we saw with the pandemic, and these, this is so important for the good of society, in a situation in which jobs are few, and the economy is suffering, is limping along, you know, you are not – people are going to be very averse to the risk of losing their jobs, they’re going to do everything that they can to keep their job and placate their employers, right?

So how does that work in the new economy, it’s going to be about your actions as a personal individual, even on your private time, must be geared toward strengthening the company brand. And if you aren’t willing to do that, then you’ll be let go.  This goes to calculating a personal ESG score goes to all of the areas that you’ll find listed in your Smart City Plan, or your regional economic development plan. They go by different names. Here you can see energy choices, transportation habits, environmental impacts, carbon footprint investments, you know, if I look at my city plan for Tulsa, sure enough, it has economic development, transportation, mobility, housing, education, and so on.

These are all areas that your comprehensive plan talks about measuring and managing progress toward sustainability, right? Well, it goes exactly in line with this personal ESG social credit scoring.  And then, you know, this is just another the impact investor, it’s a blog about impact investing. And sure enough, it says, it talks about calculating your individual ESG score too. And I love this. I mean, I wanted to skip it, because I’ve wanted to sort of, you know, I don’t want to be too wordy. But here, I just have to read this to you on a personal level, just as much information is used to create a picture of who you are and how your personal actions influence the world around you as that is the analog to corporate ESG scoring, buying a gun, alcohol or even clothing will affect your ESG score.

Your political affiliations also factor into your personal ESG score. I didn’t write this. This was published by the impact investor, the party’s you support or even the person you vote for will make your score go up or down based on that person’s actions, policies, and voting habits, the type of car you driving, even how many people are in the car, that will affect your ESG score. A wide variety of things that most people have yet to consider are going to factor in. You know, and I think it talks in when you know further on in this article about, you know, your cooking habits.


Will Dove  43:03

Don’t be surprised if people who have these high ESG scores, these high social credit scores are given access to the credit scores of other people so that they know who they want to associate with and who they don’t. Now, peoples’ scores won’t, because that would allow us to identify each other who’s resisting, but the people who had the high scores are, they’re going to know everybody else’s scores.


Julianne Romanello  43:26

Yeah ,and you know, I hadn’t thought about that in that way. But that is exactly what’s going to happen. You know, I have a book “Hope Against Hope” written by Nadezhda Mandelson who, her husband was killed in the Soviet purges. And she, so she writes a memoir about him. He was a poet, and is it it’s a fascinating memoir about life under communist rule. And it talks about that very thing, your if you self censor who you associate with, because of the impact that it will have on your own, you know, prospects for surviving. So that that’s an excellent point, I’ll have to bring —


Will Dove  44:09

— you made reference earlier to the people who have the highest scores, and they’re going to be the ones who get to climb the corporate ladders. So that’s another reason why they’re going to allow all these high credit score people to know each other’s credit scores, because your credit score is going to be a big determining factor in whether or not you get that promotion, which means they all start competing with each other to see how well they can enforce the globalist program.


Julianne Romanello  44:33

Yes, it’s a race to the top and it runs on, you know, two words that sound wonderful to people who aren’t paying attention, accountability and transparency, right? Those are two buzzwords that you have to watch out for. Because people want to track and trace every single bit of data. They want to have a verified, trusted, verifiable picture of who someone is. And so yeah, you’re absolutely right, you’re gonna have a cohort of people who are going to get to select, you know, or let’s, shall we say, groom others, to just simply perpetuate this mentality that’s been set up.

Whereas by misanthropic receptors, you know, they’re going to do it, and you already see it happening in your 40, under 40 lists, you know, all the people who are on a 40, under 40 list, or who have gone through the latest Community Leadership Institute, or young professionals’ organization, these all do the same thing. It’s selecting that elite group, it’s going to, you know, receive the benefits, you know, that, that have been offered to them. So, I mean, they, you know, they’re gonna be just as enslaved as as the proles, you know, but they might be a little bit more physically comfortably enslaved, we might say,

Yes, though, you know, and, here, we get, I mean, your point just leads into this last sort of slide perfectly. This is, again, it goes back to that WEF article and talks about the fourth industrial revolution, and it says, you know, debates about the, about fundamental issues, such as the impact on our inner lives of the loss of control over our data will only intensify in the years ahead. So you just set, set it up perfectly for that. And, you know, and it’s going to compel us to redefine our moral and ethical boundaries.  I mean, that is the full scale transformation of again, what it means to be human. So I think, you know, that’s sort of where I’ll leave you. Will, one more, here’s, I’ll just put this up on the screen just for the two seconds of it. But these are my top 10. buzzwords, I have listed hundreds of them. If you know, these you can, you can defend yourself because they use the same words over and over again. But yeah, that’s what they’re doing. They’re creating a sustainable control grid. So we have to fight it. We do. There’s no choice.


Will Dove  47:25

I’m I’m very glad that you finished up with those buzzwords, because when I watched your presentation earlier, you talked a little bit more about that about these words that they use to control the ideas, and we have to pay very close attention to the language. And throughout your presentation. You did a very good job, because you in many ways, but also because you kept referring to them as smart cities, which is a term they sometimes use but they prefer 15 minute city. And the reason why they prefer that is because they’re saying to sell it to people as a convenience for them. Yes, well, what they mean, when they talk about a smart city is basically a stockade for the human capital, where they can control and regulate everything that they do. Yes.


Julianne Romanello  48:07

Yes, they’re absolutely doing that. And, you know, they sell it with it, you know, I mean, I if I had time, I would have put it in here because I have a slide from Bloomberg C40 Cities and they in it says, you know, sometimes you might find resistance to implementing transit oriented development, which is another term for the smart cities. And in that case of residents sort of fight back, appeal to the 15 Minute city concept.  I mean, it tells that is their toolkit right there. And it says they’re going to, you know, you emphasize how you’re going to have access to education to grocery stores to walkable, livable neighborhoods, and people are gonna love it.

So yes, it’s absolutely sold in terms of convenience and, and things that really we would like, I mean, it is, yeah, I don’t want to hop in my car, every time I want to do something, it’d be nice to be able to just walk a couple of doors down and get, you know, a jug of milk. And, and I think there’s some sort of longing for that that we have that that is being weaponized against us. And if we know the terms, then we can defend ourselves anytime you see livable walkable city, quality of life, and, you know, access for all, prosperity for all, these are all buzzwords that are designed to appeal to people’s sense of, you know, really their care for other human beings and their desire to do good and then the convenience factor, but if we know them, then we can pause and say okay, then You know, I might, this might sort of appeal on the level of feeling that my reason is going to win out and no, I’m going to steer clear.


Will Dove  50:09

Professor Romanello thank you so much for all the work you put into this for taking the time to speak with our Canadian audience. And, folks, as always, like I said, the links to her slide deck will be there, the links to that other presentation or document that she referred to will be there. Take the time to read them over and talk to your friends, the ones who are sitting on the fence. Get them to watch this so that they can understand what this is really about.


Julianne Romanello  50:35

Thank you so much for having me, Will and you know, all of my best the good people of Canada who are fighting this and just know we’re with you and Godspeed.

Will Dove  50:48

Thank you

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