15 Minute Cities | Julianne Romanello, Part 1

May 13, 2023

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15 minute cities. They’re being implemented around the world as a means to address the imaginary climate crisis while providing people with the ease and convenience of having everything they need within walking distance of home. They’re also sometimes called smart cities, but the globalists who are behind the concept prefer not to use that term, as it comes much closer to revealing what they really are.

Stockades for a population of human cattle, whose every move will be monitored and controlled 24/7.

Recently one of our viewers sent me a link to a presentation given to an Oklahoma state board by Professor Julianne Romanello, a former professor of political philosophy.

Julianne has tied together all the seemingly disconnected concepts of the great reset and shows how all of these fourth industrial revolution tyrannies will be implemented in 15 minute cities as the practical application of the globalist’s transhumanist depopulation and control agenda.

In this two part interview, Professor Romanello walks us through each aspect of that agenda, reveals the truth behind their double-speak, and the terrible future that awaits us all if we don’t stop them before it’s too late.

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Will Dove  00:07

Julianne, it’s a pleasure to have you on the show.

Julianne Romanello  00:10

Thank you for having me, Will, it’s great to be here.

Will Dove  00:12

And I really appreciate you responding to me so quickly. One of our viewers sent me the presentation that was on YouTube that you did in Oklahoma, where you live on 15 minutes cities and how you’ve tied it into everything else the globalist are doing and so without any further preamble, I’m going to ask you, if you would please share your presentation with our audience?

Julianne Romanello  00:31

Sure, I’d be happy to. Okay. So we’ve had here in Oklahoma, a wonderful turnout to all of these talks. And so I’ve been doing different iterations of them. And I should have asked which one you’ve seen, but I’m just going with the latest one, which is called Smart City Reset and it ties in the smart city agenda, “15 minute cities to impact investing”, which is the new economic model,

Will Dove  01:01

I believe one that I saw was from earlier this month.

Julianne Romanello  01:06

Okay. That should be the same one, then, like April 12. But, you know, like I said, people here in Oklahoma, or they are just hungry for this kind of information. So I’ve done it a little bit differently. But on four occasions, I think so. Anyway, this is basically what we’ll talk about today, which is I can get my slides show going…  Okay, what is a smart city? How does it tie into the global reset? If we want to understand what the global reset is, we need to go through the new international economic order, which is, of course, a UN program to completely overhaul the world’s economy. And we also have to look at the fourth industrial revolution (“Four IR”), which I’m sure your audience knows, it’s the High Tech program to you know, put sensors in everything, total connectivity, use quantum computing for predictive analytics, and measure and manage all human activity, all planetary activity, everything, it’s a total power grab.  So I’ll look at those two background items first, and then we’ll move into the implications of the Four IR and how the new economy draws on the chaos that’s created by the Four IR, especially unemployment, and look at how the UN Sustainable Development Goals, especially goal eight, which is explicitly about the economy, it tries to impose this new system, which is essentially a way for giant corporations and the banking cartel to make money off of changing behavioral outcomes so that they align with the UN SDGs.  So I, you know, I always like to start with, you know, just an overview of the great reset I, you say that your, your audience is savvy, so I’m sure they know, it is a commitment to jointly and urgently build the foundations of our economic and social system, for a more fair, sustainable and resilient post COVID future and it touches on all of these very important sectors that have heretofore been under the purview of nation states. So, you know, the future state of global relations, then we also look at the private sector in the nature of business models. That’s your stakeholder capitalism versus shareholder capitalism. You know, this is a montage that I put together, you know, just to help people see the totality of the program to see that it is not just a conspiracy, actually, these language symbols that are part and parcel to the reset are saturating all of our media outlets, interent, radio, TV, you name it, it all you can see here, all of these logos for reset. So I just tried to put that in so that people know we’re actually dealing with a real thing.


Will Dove  04:22

And I think we’ve done a really good job there of highlighting just how in Klaus Schwab words how penetrated as the cabinets have become, because they showed their the logo for Louisiana, and they’ve incorporated the great reset logo into their logo.


Julianne Romanello  04:39

Yes, it is just copycat information. And so you know, before we, we started recording you and I talked about my academic background and how I was looking at symbols of order, and philosophy, you know, historically and so, seeing all of the repetition of the phrases and the images It just immediately stuck out to me and I thought why, why is this not registering with anyone else, but you can see, it’s all right there. And, you know, they use the same phrases over and over again.  So here, you know, my one of my key points that I always try to give audiences because if they know this point, then they can identify any new world order program, it is that what gets measured, gets managed. So essentially, we’re moving to an economy, which is going to monetize the measuring and managing of all activity on this earth. So it’s rolling out under, you know, the auspices of ESG reporting, and, you know, measures of equity and resilience and so on. But what it’s really about is not saving the planet, it is about managing us. Because we’re moving to an economic model that doesn’t deal on hard physical assets, it doesn’t deal in money as we know of it. But rather, it’s going to trade in human capital, and your value as a human being is going to be determined by your willingness to align with those sustainable development goals. And in some cases, it’s going to be the opportunity that big banking cartels have to make bets on whether or not you will align or will resist. So —


Will Dove  06:39

— yes, human beings, cattle as a cash crop to be managed in the same way that they manage investments.


Julianne Romanello  06:46

Yes, exactly. And if you just think back to the recession of 2008, and how, you know, all of these derivative markets really fueled a huge housing bubble and instability and all of our banking systems, because they were securitizing these mortgages and and, you know, adding many different options to the trading of those securities, mortgage backed securities. That is exactly what they’re doing. But this time, it’s with human behavior. So there’s a great film, The Big Short, who does it have in it? Christian Bale? Yes. And if you watch that, that is what we’re doing now, but not with houses – with human beings. So, you know, I always like to prove to people that, you know, the UN did, in fact, talk about a new international economic order.  This is all about the economy. As you can see, it’s a program of action on the establishment of a new international economic order. And it claims to be a program of unprecedented scope. And the goal is to exert maximum efforts with a view to securing the implementation of the present declaration. So all of the member states who have signed on to this program are bound to use maximum force in the deployment as the means to force us into this economy that none of us really want. And I use those military terms on purpose because it is a hostile takeover.


Will Dove  08:33

And as a former professor of political philosophy, I’m sure it has not escaped your notice that anytime a new regime wants to take over, somehow, New Order always ends up in their terminology.


Julianne Romanello  08:45

Yes, yes. You know, you have to have a before and after you have to have a decided break. And you have to initiate people into this new paradigm. So all of the language programming is getting us ready. It’s getting children ready, especially to be built back better. I mean, it’s just, it is mind blowing how sinister it is. But there is I think there’s a mass formation going on or cult mentality, that once you have accepted it on whatever psychological level you’re operating on, you, you simply have to block out all of the old you have to cut off all options and alternatives. So it is a total program designed to create a new kind of human being and human thought. And when we when you play with it,


Will Dove  09:40

and when you say build back better and most of my audience already knows this, but that’s pointed out. We mean, what they define as a build back better turning as we said human beings into cattle into a cash crop that they can manage.


Julianne Romanello  09:52

Yes, control. Yes, they want flexible, adaptable, resilient human beings because what they’re going to do is make money off of that behavior change. So they want you to be able to be stretched very far, many, many different times. And you know, they’re using the the SDGs as a target right now, because there’s some legitimacy in the general population to the activities of the UN, they think, Well, my country has signed on to this, it is a sort of quasi governing body. So, you know, it makes sense that we follow its rules for world peace and so on.  Well, and some people, you know, they look at the goals, and they’re written very strategically to appeal to a broad number of people, Oh, it’s good, that we’re going to, you know, that we’re going to lessen poverty, I mean, who’s going to argue against that, right. But just think this is a program that once they get everyone aligned to those SDGs that, let’s say, are very progressive leaning, they could flip the switch very easily, they’ll want to add to introduce a new kind of morality. And you can do that over and over and over again. Right now it’s the SDGs. But who knows what it’s going to be next time. So we have, I think —


Will Dove  11:15

— plus, as you are well aware, as a professor, a scholar and a Christian, they are intentionally attacking our youth, with transgenderism and the woke movement, in order to make them amoral, to not have any morals and therefore, the globalists can dictate to them, they can tell them how to behave, and they won’t question it.


Julianne Romanello  11:36

Right? They want rootless human beings who have no, they have no sense of principle of truth of, of anything permanent. And then during, you know, they are totally flexible, totally adaptable. I mean, it’s like an amoeba actually. And, you know, the young people are being told that their very flesh and bones can lie to them. So, you know, that just prepares them to do what to move into the metaverse where they can create infinite possibilities of, you know, worlds that feel good to them. That’s what they’re, that’s really where we’re at. It’s very dark. I just don’t know how you how anyone can look at that reality and, and be complacent. So. But yes, that is what they’re doing. And it is about measuring and managing that kind of adaptability and flexibility. And, you know, they’ll measure and manage young people’s openness to new ideas, and then they’ll manage it.  And this all occurs within the context of a smart city or a 15 minute city, really a 15 minute city is just the same thing as a smart city. You know, it’s talking about the kind of development, you know, compact, dense development, but all of it is going to be smart. And it’s all part of the New Urban Agenda, which is a program of the United Nations. So on the slide that we’re on now, I just show you that comprehensive plans at your city level, at the county level, at the regional level. These are frameworks for implementing the measured and managed economy, they all incorporate different kinds of development that puts that put, it puts people very close together, so that variables in their lives may be controlled, and we can get better data into the predictive analytics algorithms, so that you can manage better. And that is what that is about.  Okay, let’s see. So, you know, the WEF has already thought about all of this. And they’ve been priming us for a long time. So I think the slide that you can see now is how the finance industry can save the world. And this was for 2018. And you’re gonna see the same exact language that was there in that UN resolution. So, you know, they start with global warming, which I don’t believe in. And they say, in order to tackle that you have to have a global economic initiative that has no documented historical precedent. They talked about overhauling the world economy, remember, this is 2018 and talking about collaborating to pull off this great feat in human history of greatest collaborative feat in human history, so they are absolutely not hiding it and it is absolutely about the economy.


Will Dove  14:59

And I just want to point out Folks, just in case it wasn’t clear what Julian is showing us right now, this is directly from the WEF app website.


Julianne Romanello  15:08

Yes, yes, as it is an article from December 11, of 2018, how the finance industry can save the world, right. And so you have to have, again, a global financial value system that has been completely rethought. It’s been rethought by who? by the finance years, and the bankers who cause the very crisis that we’re suffering under right now. And it’s important to note that they say, this is not a global monetary system, but it is a value system. And our financial incentives are going to be tied to the creation of, of true value. That’s a sort of buzz phrase.  And if you know those buzzwords, you can, you can spot a New World Order program very quickly, and then defend yourself from it. But you can see how are they going to impose this new financial value system it is through better metrics. So the problem that we’ve had until now that has held back, say sustainable investing, it’s going to be the fact that we’ve had vague metrics, faulty metrics, they’ve not been standardized. And it is the smart city infrastructure, along with corporate policy and governmental policy, it’s going to make sure that those metrics are aligned, that they’re universal, and standardized, and all the data is shared, so that we can, you know, do this major shift in our economy.  So again, I just highlight in red, you know, that this is about data capture, it’s about using Four IR technologies in order to glean all of the human behavioral data, and to refine these, you know, relationships of cause and effect so that we can be more easily managed. And you can look at how, say, the 15 Minute cities are configured, and they everyone exists in a little pod, basically. And they’re governed around identity politics, that arts district or, you know, the industrial zone, or, you know, this sort of suburban, you know, family pod, whatever it is, all of these are supposed to be, they call themselves sufficient, but really, it means that they’re enclosed. And with the data capture, and the total surveillance, this is going to go on in those areas, you’re going to be able to really control for all variables that could occur and, and explain different human choices. And you can see how different demographic groups respond differently to stimuli that, that you present to them. So it’s about using all of that smart city infrastructure to gather the data, to run pilot programs that are gonna, you know, let the receptors know how best to control us. And then likely it is that they’re big bets on our behavioral outcomes will be lucrative.


Will Dove  18:32

And my viewers who are familiar with me know that I speak fluent double speak. So I frequently translate for you. Look at that line that says accurate sustainability metrics. What that means is fine grained monitoring of everywhere you go, everything you do, and through predictive AI’s, even what you think.


Julianne Romanello  18:53

Yes, yes, all of it. I mean, you know, data is the new oil. And I mean, I couldn’t believe I found this wonderful little quote, here, ‘we need to find it, extract it, refine it, distribute it, and monetize it’. And that is on the most granular level. You know, it’s even beyond what we can imagine because it goes to precision health care, it goes to educational outcomes, housing, your purchases, and not to be graphic or crude, but it’s gonna go to what comes out of your sewage line. So all of that’s going to be measured, manage and monetized. And, you know, the big corporations are the ones who are going to benefit from this in terms of ESG scoring.  So, you know, I like to tell people here in the States, the government right now is a puppet. It’s a proxy for whom? For the banking cartel and these giant corporations. They’re the ones that are really going to enforce this program, and they’re going to do it by looking at workforces and making investments in the wellness of their workforce in the inclusiveness, sustainability, equity, and so on. So, if you work from home, then you should know that all of these climate agreements that our governments are signing us on to or that private corporations are signing on to, those are going to require tracking scope, three emissions, those are indirect emissions, that, that count toward a corporate ESG score. So when you’re at home, and you’re working remotely, the number of lights that you have on will matter to whom, to your employer, and they’re going to incentivize you positively at first, but then, in a, you know, a more punitive way to turn off the lights to use less energy while you’re working at home, because it’s gonna go to that corporate


Will Dove  20:59

Yes. And in a recent interview that I did with a gentleman, Cal Washington here in Canada, he showed us how those smart meters that most of us have in our homes now. Yes, they’re tracking everything you do, and analyzing it.


Julianne Romanello  21:12

Yes. They can tell which appliances are being used. You know, and —


Will Dove  21:18

— they know when you open your fridge, yes, and how long doors open for,


Julianne Romanello  21:23

right? They know what’s in your fridge. I mean, this is about and I’ve got some slides, you know, that, that I’ll show you in just a minute, it’s about total connectivity. So every item that has a QR code, every item that has a nano sensor in it, these are all designed to speak with one another and share the data through the Internet of Things. Even if you think that it’s turned off, you know, even if you don’t know that it exists, all of these items are going to be talking to each other. And what you know, what do you do with that sort of power? You know, I mean, I think it is a dark satanic program to control everything. And most of us don’t want to know all of that about ourselves or anyone else.


Will Dove  22:11

So there isn’t that ironic? They know more about us than we want to know about ourselves?


Julianne Romanello  22:17

Oh, yeah. I think and that’s, that’s where I think the real dark spiritual dimension is so obvious. You know, I mean, they want to know, every single thing about how you know, how our emotions work, how our attitudes are shaped, like what mood people are in, they, they really want to destroy the privacy and you know, we make fun of the web, if you’ll own nothing and be happy. But we have to remember that, in that slogan, there was also the privacy component. And I think that that’s what really, most of these resellers are after, because they, you know, one, on a practical level, they want to figure out how to make AI more human, like, you know, so they need to feed that emotion into it. But to I think that this is really about capturing human souls, you know, why else would you be so intrusive in people’s lives if it isn’t just for power? Right?


Will Dove  23:23

And they are, they’re using and teaching AIS, how to formulate messages, that one manipulate people most successfully. And you combine that with this level of surveillance, where, yeah, predictive algorithms, they don’t just know what you’re doing. They think they know what you’re going to do, when Sadly, in some cases, they’re, they’re correct. And then they can have an AI in real time formulate a message or some sort of interaction for you, that may steer you in the direction they want you to go. Exactly. Don’t even know they’re being manipulated.


Julianne Romanello  23:58

Right. I mean, and, you know, there have been, you know, several films that are, you know, sort of went mainstream that give you little reveals about this, I forget the name of one it was about the, the US election and Facebook and so on. I mean, I think it’s controlled opposition. But there’s still there’s still insights that we can get from these reveals and they, they should still, you know, heighten our our sensitivity to the reality of this situation that they are going to deliver personalized manipulation to you to make you buy something, you know, I mean, again, I’m not trying to talk about things that happened in the bathroom here a lot but you know, they can track fertility they can track when women are going to start their periods and might be moody and so then you can have targeted advertising that you notice I’m going to use some stereotypes that nudge you toward chocolate or that you know, can In D, decrease, I don’t know something good at, you can come up with a million different examples. But yes, it’s all going to be manipulating us without us even knowing it.


Will Dove  25:14

And it can get even darker than that, because I’m not sure how much you’re aware of what’s been happening in Canada, but you probably know that our government has arrested people and imprison them for speaking out against these totalitarian measures. And I often refer back to that old Tom Cruise movie Minority Report. Yes, where they were using a form of, you know, very science fictiony, but a form of predictive technology, yes, to arrest people before they committed a crime. So what happens when it gets to the point where they’re going to show up and arrest you? Because they predicted that you’re going to say something they don’t like?


Julianne Romanello  25:52

Yes. I mean, they’re setting up for that. Now, if you look at the Rand Institute, you know, which is related to the US military industrial complex, they have an if, and the Atlantic Council is another, you can look at all of these different published white papers, this is I use Google, I don’t use the dark web or anything. And it all talks about needing to control information and to prevent harms before they start. So I think, people in the western world, we’re so used to the idea of free speech, I mean, we haven’t really enjoyed it in a long time, but we still have the idea that it exists, they are going to be totally blindsided by what is coming. And, you know, who knows that you might just see a random intervention in someone’s speech, you know, sort of pre crime arrest, that isn’t even related to the the, but I hate to use the word actual danger that that person might pose. But it could just be because, you know, the AI has determined that the community that that person lives in needs an example.  So the the possibilities for manipulation and, and running these simulations on simulations, it’s infinite. So, you know, to your point earlier about having about young people having no sense of the real, that that’s exactly where we’re going. We’re nothing is real. And you can see here, I mean, I’ve got this slide from the fourth industrial revolution article. And this, the article that I have shown is from 2016. And then you can see another white paper that was published in 2020. And what is the fourth industrial revolution or for IR? It is, it is characterized by a fusion of technologies that is blurring the lines between the physical, digital and biological spheres. And, you know, the WEF issued a promo that said, we’re going to have trouble discerning what’s real and what’s not. And that is the goal. These technologies are absolutely available.


Will Dove  28:23

And we need to point out why that’s the goal. Because once a person can’t tell the difference, what is real and what is not, they can define reality.


Julianne Romanello  28:30

Exactly. They can define reality. If you have a VR headset on or if you don’t, they can pick, you know, they can, they can really control your whole environment. And again, that’s where the smart city comes in, because it’s going to be programmed to, again, to deliver these personalized outcomes. So one of the white papers that I use in this SlideShare, but I don’t have the exact section, you know, in a slide for you, it talks about passengers riding on public transport, and the entire way that they are on that public transport, maybe it’s a bus or a train, they’re going to be able to participate in all kinds of different experiences. And the ‘experience economy’ is you know, that is another lens through which we can evaluate what is coming. It’s it’s the total delivery of experiences, and the separation of of our lives from anything physical, real, enduring. It’s all going to be fleeting and appeal to emotions rather than reason. So, you know, how could you not think that this was a dark satanic program, right?  And, and here it says we’re gonna, it’s going to roll out for every industry in every country, and the velocity, scope and systems impact. So, you know, a comprehensive end to end analysis of the Four IR shows that it’s going to be exponentially greater and more powerful than anything that’s gone before. You know, one thing that I think we need to be talking more and more about lots of, you know, lots of truthers understand this, but the general public does not, is that, you know, smart cities and the infrastructure that they rely on, they are all about generating data, and they run on information and communications technologies.  So if you just look at the past two years, and all of the wires that are going up all the new transmitters for 5g and six g and beyond, you know, that should clue people in that there is a real problem going on, or there’s something new and different. Because, you know, smart cities run on that exchange of data, and that’s what is going to make the money. So you can see the core characteristic that that underlies all of the key themes of a smart city is that the components are connected, that’s your refrigerator, your toilet, your car, your credit card, your performance at work, everything is connected, and generating data, which may be used intelligently, that’s by machines and algorithms not as to ensure the optimal use of resources and improve performance. So there’s your rationing and control right there.  And, you know, you asked earlier, who sets the definition of better and the bill back better. And we can ask here, who sets the definition of what constitutes good performance? Well, this is the same people who are wanting to surveil every aspect of our lives and confuse us about what’s real and what’s not. So, they, they are not looking at, you know, traditional like, say business outcomes, or you know, the standard type of results that we’d want to see from government or any organization, this is something much darker. So, here, we get to the six g and this is I have some excerpts from a paper from Ericsson, which is a partner of the WEF, it is a part of the UN Global Compact, and the UN Habitat Smart Cities Program.  And in this white paper, published February 2022, you can see 6G connecting a cyber physical world as the exact language we saw in the Bryar article. So what the six g make it possible to do to move in a physical cyber physical continuum, and the this network, it’s a compute network, it pervades everything. And this, you know, third highlighted section that I have here, it says actuators in the real world, carry out commands from intelligent agents in the digital world. So this is human beings doing the work of AI and, and following AI orders, right, it becomes possible to trace back and analyze events, observe and act in real time as well as to simulate, predict and program future action.  So there’s your pre crime Minority Report, it’s all right there. Again, to link it to Smart Cities directly or 15 minute cities, you know, this six G technology, the ICT technology makes it possible to have interactive 4d maps of whole cities, every single thing that’s going on in that city, along many different indices. And you can see that the cyber physical systems that are made possible through that are going to be able to again, issue commands to large scale steerable systems. This impacts your mobility. In impacts housing, it impacts the hours of operation for businesses, we’re gonna see arbitrary lock downs that have to do with the climate or a pandemic or any other emergency that they can dream up. Those will happen.  And even here, you know, again, to your point about this granular monitoring, they make no bones about the fact that we’re going to have miniature nodes measuring bodily functions. and devices issuing medications and physical assistance. And it’s going to be supported by a continuously analyzed digital representation online. So it’s all managed through the technology. So, to be sold in terms of “for your good” for, you know, to improve your performance, but come on, they’re going to embed new types of devices in your body, right. And I always like to highlight the fact that you’re going to lose your car, I mean, your autonomous vehicles on the ground and in the air. If you look at the what they’re doing with transport and mobility, it’s all about keeping you locked up in your home. And then delivering these experiences through an implant through VR goggles, to keep you placated while you’re essentially imprisoned in your, in your own home that keeps getting smaller and smaller.


Will Dove  35:54

And I’m sure you’re well aware that President Biden passed legislation that says by 2026, all US auto manufacturers must install kill switches in their cars, yes, and tie that into the social credit score. And they don’t like what you’re doing, or where their predictive model says where you’re planning to go, when you get into your car, it won’t start,


Julianne Romanello  36:14

right. I mean, you know, just having electric vehicles at all, you know, those, you can always track where they are and how much energy is going in, you know, the good thing about gasoline, at least is that you can move it physically from place to place and it can’t totally be tracked, right. And electric vehicles, and they make it possible to track all the time. So yes, if you have not met your quotas for equity, resilience, sustainability, community mindedness, and you’re trying to travel farther than that you’re available quotas of you know, carbon credits will allow you to go, then these, you know, your car with the kill switch can be remotely turned off?


Will Dove  37:06

Yes. And as you’re talking about gasoline, another advantage of gasoline is properly treated, it can be stored for up to two years. Yeah, well, you can’t store electricity in your car for up to two years, if they wanted to shut down everyone’s ability to move all that just kill the power grid.


Julianne Romanello  37:22

Right. And that is what they want to do.


Will Dove  37:25

I don’t know what the legislation in the US is. But here in Canada, they’re pushing to have no more gas powered cars available for purchase of new cars, at least by 2035. And I can guarantee you that if they managed to pull that off. It won’t be much longer after that before they will outlaw driving a gas powered car.


Julianne Romanello  37:47

Yes, I think you’re you’re absolutely right. And I think that they’ve, they’ve already passed similar legislation in California, I haven’t looked on the federal level here. But yes, they’re going to do that they’re going to outlaw using that kind of, of combustion engine. But it might even be that we can’t use them well, before that, because the supply chains, or, you know, traditional gas powered vehicles are being disrupted, right and left. And again, it ties into this ESG scoring. So when, you know, corporations are going to lose their access to capital investments, if they don’t perform on these ESG, metrics, environmental, social governance, and, you know, corporations are not going to make vehicles that you know, have a large carbon footprint or contribute to someone else making a a larger, you know, emissions load. So I think we’re gonna see certain kinds of tires go, go very high in price, and then eventually, we’re not gonna be able to find them, you’re not going to be able to repair your own car, and then, you know, our access, just two roadways is going to be constricted that’s already in place.  So you know what you’re talking about, this is so close, and people just don’t realize it. And they’re going to control everything. It’s food, housing. Let me see in my, I’ll show you on this slide. Your participation in government and you and the community, your work business, this goes to e-banking, e-commerce, smart manufacturing, mobility, infrastructure and environment, health and learning. So all of these different sectors are going to be connected through the internet of things. And you can see in the center of this graphic that you know, by 2030 they want us living dignified lives. Those are lives in which you sacrifice your individual rights and your ability to know what’s real, and what isn’t to the, the good of the community. And it is the ICT technology, the Bryar technology that enables that to happen —


Will Dove  40:19

— the good of the community, as they define it,


Julianne Romanello  40:21

as they define it is all about their definitions. And it is, you know, it’s just catching Westerners who haven’t been paying attention to this totally off guard. And people think, Oh, well, you know, you can’t do that here in the US, you can’t do that in Canada. Because, you know, we have these laws. Well, reality check. We have criminals right now that are breaking laws and rewriting laws, right and left. So you know, our definitions and our understanding is totally outdated. You have to learn their double speak, to know where this is really going. And we have to educate each other. And because people just use this language sloppily, because it hasn’t been focused, tested for decades to find the right kinds of words that are going to appeal to a broad number of people without cluing them into the real agenda. And, of course, the real agenda is to put all of us out of work, because we are, you know, useless eaters, right? I mean, let’s just be real.


Will Dove  41:36

And that’s that’s what the depopulation agenda is for to reduce the population to only essential workers that they need to continue with their system running. No one else is there, as far as they’re concerned is, is yes. useless eaters, expendable.


Julianne Romanello  41:50

Yes. I mean, if you’re not adding value to the system, and again, it’s their definition of value, you’re not adding that, then the carbon that you take up in this world is just too precious to, to expand upon you. Right. And I mean, they’ve known that there was going to be a huge uptick in unemployment and joblessness for a while. And they already have in place programs to reskill and upskill. And even they use the phrase retool people to, to maintain their productiveness, as we, you know, enter into this new economy. So, you know, that goes to this question I’m measuring and managing human capital, because in a world in which robots and machines do everything for us, you know, what value can in human beings who have done those jobs then produce?  Well, according to our receptors and banking cartel, it is just to generate the data and just to be manipulated, and to serve as, you know, an opportunity for financial speculation. And you do that through training programs and measuring impact and how well someone can be, you know, retooled into a new purpose. So they already have it, it’s all laid out your workforce development plan, economic development plan, you know, for every region in the world, it has already decided on the target industries that your area will have in support. And those will be the the touchstones for guiding all kinds of training from womb to tomb.  And, you know, they do that to keep us busy also, because, you know, you’re gonna have a lot of people who are out of work. I mean, just this past week, I’ve seen 1000s of, of layoffs coming, you know, 1000s reported here and there from different companies. And so what are people going to do, they’re going to be hungry, they’re going to be frustrated, maybe they’ll start talking to each other and reading up on this a little bit. And God forbid, they start to organize. That’s why you have to keep them busy with training. And this lucrative for the investors and you have to have the surveillance in place to see oh, I’m sorry, go ahead.


Will Dove  44:26

Because you made reference earlier to them using this predictive technology, and the surveillance to make examples of certain people within communities. Right. The people that they will pick on are the ones who through their surveillance, they know are the most connected, the most well known so that it will have the greatest impact. And what will people do as a result when they start to see that it’s those who are connecting with others, those who are well known, who get arrested, who get penalized, they’ll stop connecting with other people, which is what They want isolation and people will self isolate because it’s the way to keep your head down and make sure they don’t come for you next.


Julianne Romanello  45:07

Yes, I mean, and people are already doing that. And they’ve been trained to do that they’ve been trained with the masks. You know, they were trained with lockdowns, I could not believe what what Canada went through with the severity of your lockdowns. And, and I told you in an email, I have some friends who, who just moved here to Tulsa, Oklahoma, I’m so glad to have them. But they moved from Canada because of they could see it coming from 10 years ago. And my friend, Laura said that when she came across the border, she was talking to someone in a grocery store, talk to her. But she had been so used to wearing a mask, and this is an outgoing liberty loving person, right? She isn’t, she was so used to wearing a mask and people not talking to each other that she actually did not know how to respond, she sort of froze.  And this was just shocking to me, you know, and I’m in Oklahoma. So we didn’t have the severity that places like Washington State or New York, and but this is a program to let you know, just to destroy every human bond that there is. Because once you are isolated in that way, you can be done away with in a flash. And as soon as you’re not economically productive to them in one way or another, then you will be and that’s the goal. And, you know, they’re going to start with poor people first, and then move up to the middle classes. So here, you can see that the elimination of the middle class is a goal I haven’t highlighted in green, or at least the middle class will be virtually decimated.


Will Dove  46:56

And of course, part of that is turning the middle class into poor people through as you already pointed out decimation of the job market, eating away at real estate values, which is where most middle class people hold the majority of their wealth, destroying investments that make them poor. And now they can be made dependent on the system in the same way that the poor people are.


Julianne Romanello  47:16

Yes, and people have been prepared for the kinds of taxes that are going to be levied, and licenses and fees that are going to be levied. You know, for a long time, because they’ve been told over and over again, in the propaganda. This, you have to do this for the sake of the community, the community survival depends on it. So you know, that training, plus just the, you know, the busyness and distraction, and we’re all tired by now, you know, that is going to make people just sort of accept these little encroachments, you know, I mean, it’s like a boiling frog. And here in Oklahoma, we are already seeing it’s reported that our trash bills are gonna go up 13% in the neck for the next year, our my property taxes have gone up. I mean, it’s just inching up and up. And people in the middle classes think that they’re going to be able to handle it. They’re not because it’s just all going to pile up and it’s actually piling up pretty quickly. So you have you have to be able to control that unrest by making people depressed, isolated, busy and surveilling them.


Will Dove  48:40

And they’re, they’re setting people up for it to pure insanity once again, because we’re we’re, you know, work. We’re kind of a canary in the coal mine. I think for you guys in the US. You didn’t watch what’s going on here. It’s probably coming eventually there. Yeah, Justin Trudeau, our prime minister, and I calls me to call that traders that but that’s what he is right now. It was only I think, about a week week and a half ago, that he went and did a press conference where he told Canadians go out and run your credit cards out because the economy needs stimulation. Well, what you’re doing is you’re setting them up to not be able to pay their bills. Right? So that when the central bank digital currencies come in, and the government steps in and says well, okay, well you can’t pay your bills. So you tell you why we’re going to wipe out all your debts. You’re not going to own anything anymore. Yeah,

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