64-Year-Old Doctor Cures Himself of Type 2 Diabetes | Dr. Paul Marik (EXCERPT)

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Type 2 Diabetes is one of the most common ailments in our society. More than one in every 10 adults has type 2 diabetes, almost 30% of people over 65 have diabetes, and it’s even becoming common in children. If you are diagnosed with diabetes, your doctor will tell you that you will need to take insulin for the rest of your life.

Your doctor is wrong.

My guest today is Dr. Paul Marik, the co-founder, chairman and Chief Scientific Officer of the Front Line Covid Critical Care Alliance, based in Washington, D.C. Dr. Marik is an accomplished physician with expertise in a diverse set of medical fields, with specific training in Internal Medicine, Critical Care, Neurocritical Care, Pharmacology, Anesthesia, Nutrition, and Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.

Dr. Marik was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in his early 40s and was put on medication to control his blood sugar. Until he discovered what medical colleges are not telling doctors, and what the pharmaceutical industry doesn’t want you to know.

Recently, Paul changed his diet and eating habits. Today, he is on zero medications and his blood sugar levels are returning to normal. At the age of 64, after more than 20 years as a diabetic.

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