A Common-Sense Crusade | Interview with Lynne Nelson, host of The Filthy Truth

December 23, 2021

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Lynne is the host of ‘The Filthy Truth’ Blog and most importantly, she is a mother. Using various social media platforms Lynn uses critical thinking to question the mainstream narrative around covid where she speaks out on the current culture of pandemia.  Watch the interview with Will to discover where Lynne sees this all going and what everyone needs to remember.

On Lynne’s recent move to Mexico, in contrast to Canada…

People in Canada have just taken to this notion that it’s okay to be vaccinated for your freedom…it’s literally one of the worst places. Here in Mexico, everybody looks at you and smiles…says ‘Buenos Dias’ …, ‘Hola’. They call you ‘Amiga’ and it’s very kind here because the narrative isn’t here, if you would never see masks here, you’d never know what was happening. Right now, Mexico is the only country in the world that…doesn’t require a vaccination passport nor a PCR test. There’s a couple other countries that allow you out but I’m sure that’s all going to change with Austria and Germany forcing the vaccinations…

In Canada, I think we lost our kindness and compassion. I think we lost what the Canadian way was, which is to be there for your neighbor. Give them that cup of sugar, give them the shirt off your back. And we’ve really let the narrative of what the mainstream media [says] you can’t see your family, you can’t hug your loved ones, you should never allow your kids to come over if they’re not vaxed, don’t hug my grandkid, you’re not vaxed. And I think that we need to go back to what family dynamics were.

On what’s happening in Mexico, and how it is freer than Canada…

[There are] no fines, nothing…the cops aren’t around, they’re just patrolling the streets like they normally do. The security guards here, sometimes you’ll see in the malls, they walk in with their machine guns and stuff like that. And it’s just an everyday occurrence here, but nobody’s sitting there telling you to put a mask on and if they do, it’s usually just one of the workers and that worker has…the double mask cause she’s scared.

They have talked about the first case of Omicron here with a 51-year-old lady. It’s soft restrictions [here]. There’s no mandate for any shots here. It’s very 2019 here with people wearing masks. They don’t force the shot.

On this contrast and Lynne’s perspective on Canada as things progress…

I think Canadians just need to really see and they need to learn what fighting really means, if you need a history lesson, just watch the Beaches of Normandy. There [were] 18-year-old kids in there —— their pants because the gate goes down and they know they’re dead.

That’s what fighting for freedom is. They fought because Hitler was trying to do the same thing that they’re doing right now…Canadians don’t know how to fight. It was our great-grandfathers that fought, we didn’t see our grand-fathers fight. We didn’t see our fathers fight. We didn’t see our brothers go off to war. I think that’s why Canada doesn’t know how to fight because we never had to. We’ve never had to see it.

On how Canada used to be and what Canadians need to realize…

Canadians, if they think right now just complying and bending over backwards is what’s giving them their freedom back, they’re not going to have the same freedoms that they thought they had. Because if you don’t get the third one, you’re not free. If you need a passport to get into places, you’re not free. I don’t understand how the jabbed are getting this so bloody backwards.

Do you know how quickly it would have changed, if any NHL [player] would’ve said, “You know what, I’m not playing until you allow everybody to come in”. How quickly would the NHL and Canada switch that rule? if every Canadian would say no to the third shot, how quickly would things change? This is what we need for Canadians; to Wake Up.

On terrifying restrictions in other countries…

Everybody knows what’s happening in Australia. They’re forcing people into the camps now. There’s no way you’re escaping the camps. Austria and Germany are the ones that surprise me the most because they’re going to start implementing the camps again. 82 years later. When Austria and Germany are implementing vaccinated only, it’s very much reminiscent of the Hitler times of when he started to say little by little; the Jewish people were the reasons why the economy was tanking, the Jewish people were the reason that people are getting sick. They shouldn’t be grocery shopping in the same store that you’re going. They can’t be in the same cafes. They can not be part of society.

[In] Austria, if you’re unvaccinated, you can’t leave your house except for essential travel, which basically means going to work and I would assume getting groceries. I don’t know how people are allowing this to happen. Even just looking at New Brunswick with Sobeys, how are they allowing this to be a thing. I’m not sure why.

On what Canadians can do to regain control…  

At some point, I think that we have to find a unification between the vaxed and the unvaxed. To start voting with our money. You spend more time with your family, which means you’re not going to the mall that requires a vaccination passport to go and hang out all day and spend your money on stupid things. Maybe you’re not going to the casino every other day. Maybe you’re actually taking more time to do more family things and invest in your family instead of investing in businesses that are causing segregation.

I do believe at some point we have to unite together. Vote with our dollars. Even if you’re vaccinated, it doesn’t mean that they go along with the [current] narrative…support the mom-and-pop shops, the Vita Health, those little shops, make your own garden, grow your own stuff… have community gardens. You don’t need to go to the big box stores to go buy your food.

Interview with Lynne Nelson

Will: [00:00:00] We’re joined today by Lynne Nelson, who is the host of The Filthy Truth Blog. Lynne is from Manitoba, but recently relocated to Mexico with her family to escape the COVID tyrannies and has been speaking the truth from Mexico ever since. Lynne, thank you for joining us today.

Lynne: Thanks for having me.

Will: So I want to get into, first of all, this trip to Mexico, because I know from one of your vlogs, you were talking about this and one of your blogs about how you weren’t asked for a vaccine passport, you weren’t asked to do a PCR test, just come right on into the country.

Lynne: Yep

Will: And I think that this is really important because knowing some of the history of Mexico, myself, knowing that there’s been huge corruption in the Mexican government throughout almost its entire history and yet today, Mexico is a freer country, than [00:01:00] Canada.

Lynne: Yeah, isn’t that crazy? We watch a lot of like I’m fascinated. I’ve always been fascinated with the mafia, especially in New York city. I’ve always been fascinated with the cartel here in Mexico and and it’s and the corruption and following all of that. And it’s crazy to think that what I would have considered a two tier country before I left Canada to be freer than Canada.

It’s absolutely mind blowing. Yeah, that we’re freer here than in Canada.

Will: And why do you think that is? We were looking at a system here where, when I talked to some of my guests from the U S and I have to find out what state they’re in, because down there it’s very much a state by state basis, but here in Canada, it’s across the board.

Every provincial government has bought into this, is violating our rights and freedoms.

Lynne: Yep.

Will: Why do you think that’s happening?

Lynne: Honestly, I think the whole we had actually had this discussion. I had the PPC party on my show about a couple months back. And one of the theories that I had asked them was, do you think that if we were a [00:02:00] province by province theory, like the states were where the governor had more pull of the state, do you think that we would have the same corruption and a couple of them had.

No. Cause I think if, I think the governor makes a bigger decision than the president, when you’re talking about the states here in Mexico, I think, I don’t think people trust their government so they can say, Hey, go get a COVID shot. And they’re going to be like, yeah. Okay. We know the whole deception between what happened with El Chapo and the whole the whole the thing that they had with the da and how they would just let the drug traveling trafficking back and forth. And as long as nobody was getting hurt, the government let it happen. So nobody’s sitting there telling you trust us because nobody’s going to trust them because of the history here.

So I think that’s a big, the biggest thing here in Mexico. I don’t think the government, I don’t think there are people trust their governments. And then I think the other thing that happens in Canada, I just, I’m a little bit mind blown with when I was flasher. I’m just a little bit mind blowing that.

People in Canada have just taken to this notion that [00:03:00] it’s okay to be vaccinated for your freedom. It’s I don’t get, I don’t get that.

Will: So before we get into that, and we’re going to get into the red pill, blue pill thing in a few minutes, but give us a picture of what its like living in Mexico right now, you’re in Mazatlan.

And I had heard that Mexico was a little like the states in this, in the sense that it’s dependent upon which province you were in. Is that the case? And what are things like in Mazatlan?

Lynne: Yeah, so it is it is definitely like that. It is city by city almost, even in Mexico. When we were in Cancun, for example, it was a lot easier to go in and out of stores in and out of shops without wearing a mask and never really caring here in Mazatlan more so since they came out with the Omnichron version of the COVID crap, whatever they’re talking about. They’re a little bit more sticky with putting on a mask. But the biggest thing that I found is the further south you go of Mexico the less they implement masks wearing [00:04:00] at all.

So here in mass Mazatlan, it is depending on where you go. So if you go into the mall they force you a little bit more to put a mask on, but you get to just wear it like a. So as long as it’s on your face and you’re wearing it like a chin strap, it’s fine. Half the time it dangles on my ear, basically

Will: they want to see that you’ve got one, but they don’t care if you’re actually wearing it.

Lynne: Yeah. It’s like soft restrictions. There’s no mandates for any shots here. So picture a back in 2019, it’s very 2019 here with people wearing masks. That’s about it. They don’t force the shot. They have talked about the first case of Omnichron here with a 51 year old lady. They talk about how Baja California is a little bit more restricted and that state stack, border the United States. So I do believe that and then another, and I can’t remember the other one off the top of my head. Those ones have gone from what’s called the green zone to an orange zone. So a little bit more so I’m not sure what the difference in restrictions here in Mazatlan we’re in Sinaloa [00:05:00] and it’s green, there’s no restrictions, you do whatever you want,

Will: And what about enforcement, because of course, here in Canada, they have, they’re cracking down as much as they can on any businesses, acting as henchman for these tyrannies was still threatening people with fines.

Lynne: No fines, nothing. The cops. That’s the biggest thing here is we try to be respectful with the police because again, just from the history of Mexico, like it’s, who’s to say that they like you’re, you’d be pretty safe to say that some of the police that you come across are probably, on, on somebody’s payroll But again, they don’t, they, the cops aren’t around, they’re just patrolling the streets like they normally do. The security guards here, sometimes you’ll see in the malls, they walk in with their machine guns and stuff like that. And it’s just an everyday occurrence here, but nobody’s sitting there telling you to put a mask on and if they do, it’s usually just one of the workers and that worker has doubled the double mask cause she’s scared.

Will: And you had been talking before the interview about checking into other countries that weren’t enforcing. These mandates and I believe you mentioned Mexico [00:06:00] was the only one that wasn’t requiring a PCR test wasn’t requiring a vaxx-port?

Lynne: Yep. Yep. We’re the we’re at right now? I say we like I live here. Right now Mexico is the only country in the world that I was able to find that doesn’t require a vaccination passport nor a PCR test. If you go to Croatia, you don’t need to be vaccinated, but you need a PCR test within 72 hours, I believe. There’s a couple other countries that, that allow you out. Greece is one of them as well. For right now, you don’t need a vaccination, but I’m sure that’s all going to change with Austria and Germany forcing the vaccinations to be a thing now. So I think it’s just a matter of time with over there again here. I don’t think they could do that because I think what they do is they take away their economy. And I think that’s the biggest reason why they don’t mandate it, because if they took away everybody’s rights to travel. They, their economy would tank here. Like you’d no longer have a Puerto Vallarta. You’d no longer have a Cancun. All their economy would crash if they didn’t have [00:07:00] tourists.

Will: So you were talking in one of your vlogs about Austria and Australia as being two of the worst examples of these tyrannies. Let’s talk about that a little bit. Tell us what you know.

Lynne: So the research that I’ve done in with Austria everybody knows what’s happening in Australia. They’re there, they’re forcing people into the camps now. There’s no way you’re escaping the camps and Austria and Germany is the one that surprises me the most because they’re going to start implementing the camps again. 82 years later is a head-scratcher because if people, and it’s not that long ago, like if our generation remembers it, like it’s very easy to teach our younger generations, like the Gen Z’s and the millennials, like why can’t history does not that long ago.

So when Austria and Germany are implementing vaccinations only, it’s very much reminiscence of the Hitler times of when he started to say little by little; that the Jewish people were germs that the Jewish people were the reasons why the economy was tanking. The Jewish people were the reason, that people [00:08:00] are getting sick.

The Jewish people need to start being pushed over here, and they’re not allowed to have the same rights. They shouldn’t be grocery shopping in the same store that you’re going and you’d need. They can’t be in the same cafes. Like whenever mind going to see a symphony or anything, like they can not be part of that society.

And for that, it’s absolutely mind blowing that they’re allowing that

Will: Austria. And you had done the research and this, I actually didn’t even know this until I watched your blog on it. If you’re unvaccinated, you can’t leave your house except for essential travel, which basically means going to work and I would assume getting groceries.

Lynne: Yeah. Yeah. And that, that you would assume that they would allow you to get some groceries and stuff like that. But I guess it’s not a main part of essentialness is to eat anymore. So I don’t know, I’m not sure how they’re gonna how people are allowing this to happen and how they’re allowing that to roll through even just looking at New Brunswick and you see them with Sobey’s and all of that, how are they allowing this to be a thing [00:09:00] and I’m not sure why.

Now the reason why I’m bringing up Austria, because you were talking about this and your blog, your concerns that’s where Canada is headed. And obviously New Brunswick is on alarm bell there. But you also talked about the solution, which was that both the vaccinatedand the unvaxed need to get together and boycott any businesses that are requiring these vaxx ports.

Will: We have a difficulty here in Canada because we’ve got a huge division between the vaccinated and the unvaxed on the surface, because we also know from surveys that have been done, that at least 80% of Canadians are opposed to mandatory vaccines opposed of vaxx ports. And this includes many people who have been double vaxed.

So how do you think that’s going to play out?

Lynne: While I think that I honestly, I think at this point, I think Canadians are just going to comply. I think it’s going to take a little bit more than just this. I do believe we’re at a breaking point and I do believe, like I was saying in my podcast before I think 2022 is going to be the big pivotal year [00:10:00] that the year that things need to change.

And I always say. And I actually heard a podcast the other day about Bitcoin and people. And he said at the same way people need to vote with their money. So even if you’re vaccinated, it doesn’t mean that they go along with the narrative of you guys are dirty and you guys are this and you guys are that, some people who got vaccinated because they need to save their jobs because they’re the single mom that have five kids to feed and they had.

Cause welfare is going to your need to be vaccinated. If your kid gets sick guess what? You have to be vaccinated to get into the hospital. So not everybody is on the same page as if you’re unvaxed you’re dirty. You’re you deserve to be a second class citizen. But I do believe at some point we have to unite together.

And I think at one point when we unite together, we have to vote with our dollars. Like that this was the one that picture that I saw with the New Brunswick was Sobe. It’s going to be those big box stores, go support the mom and pop shops, the Vita Health the, those little shocks make your own garden, grow your own stuff.

I know that people can’t in some apartments, but they have community [00:11:00] gardens. Like you don’t need to be. You don’t need to go to the big box stores to go buy your food. But at some point, I think that we have to find a unification between the vaxed and the unvaxed to start voting with our money, the Starbucks, the Tim Horton’s, the McDonald’s.

I don’t know why people still go to McDonald’s to eat, but they actually do. I don’t know if you saw the Jamie Oliver just won his case against McDonald’s that they literally prove that the meat isn’t actual real meat; it’s just a bunch of chemicals and s— that’s put in there. People need to start being smart and they need to almost go back to how it used to be back in the old days where, you know you ate real food.

You, you spent more time with your family, which means you’re not maybe going to the mall that requires a vaccination passport to go and hang out all day and spend your money on stupid things. Maybe you’re not going to the casino every other day. Maybe you’re actually taking more time to do more family things and invest in your family instead of investing in businesses that are causing segregation.

Will: And I agree with you and you were just talking about real food. And so I want to go down an avenue that I wasn’t really planning on [00:12:00] going on, but I know that we have a common interest in fitness, in health, in proper diet.

And the reason why I want to go there is because a lot of what’s driving what’s happening right now is fear. And I believe that the reason why many people are so susceptible to fear of this virus is that they know they’re on.

Lynne: Yep.

Will: They know that they’re sick already and if they get something else, it just might do them in.

Lynne: Yep.

Will: So you and I, as people who are dedicated to fitness to eating a clean diet, we’re not worried. And we weren’t worried from day one because we knew that even if it had been a dangerous virus, we’re going to survive it. Your thoughts on that?

Lynne: I had one bajillion percent with that agree with that, because I think they made this a pandemic of health, it was always about your health. It was two weeks to flatten the curve for your health. It was to keep you “safe”. And the problem is the real pandemic was never, ever addressed. The real pandemic is the pandemic of [00:13:00] obesity. The real pandemic is the pandemic of addictions. The real pandemic is the brokenness that everybody gets a ribbon generation that you, you get everything at a click of a finger and that’s the real pandemic. People who are healthy work to be healthy. They don’t just get healthy by doing nothing. They put in the time and the effort, the people who are afraid to do the work or the people who let themselves get sick for whatever reason.

And that could be trauma. That could be lifestyle. That could be how they were raised. That could be because they had issues that they’re eating to cover up or trauma, whatever. The thing is that when we make it about obesity and we look at what the real problem is if we could just switch the narrative to: if you ate healthy; if you ate more real food and was like that whole 80 20 rule, whatever you, whatever is better for you to process the healthiness. If you can just do something to be healthier every single day, you’re going to have a better chance of at any [00:14:00] illness that comes to your body than someone who is 400 pounds, eats a box of donuts a day, goes to McDonald’s, has a case of beer, has a bunch of pop.

And that is the real sickness. The people that are getting that are dying more from COVID and it’s been proven already is the people who have some kind of type two diabetes. Obesity heart conditions while anybody before even COVID who would catch a cold that had any of those issues would have had some severe health issues, nevermind a COVID pandemic.

Will: Yeah. And I don’t usually do this in interviews, but I’m going to inject some of my own knowledge here, because this is something that I’ve studied at a great length. Obesity, in fact is not the disease is just a symptom and it’s a symptom of something called chronic metabolic syndrome, which means that your insulin levels are constantly highly elevated.

And they’re highly elevated because as everybody knows, insulin regulates your blood sugar levels and people are eating this manufactured food diet. And these manufactured foods are coming from many of the same people who are [00:15:00] behind these COVID. tyrannies

Lynne: Yep.

Will: And they don’t understand that what they’re eating is poisoning them. So in many cases it’s not their fault. They just don’t understand. Nobody’s ever educated them on this. And so when we talk about eating a healthy diet, I want to be clear. What we’re talking about is whole foods that you prepare yourself. The best rule that I was ever given on this is if it has an ingredients label, don’t eat it.

And if people would just do it. It would fix a lot of these problems.

Lynne: If you think about if you don’t have to go that far back into thinking about when I don’t want to call it laziness, but I want to call it laziness because we do get and everybody gets lazy. But when we when the quick easy TV dinners came out, that mom is tired, man. Like back in the seventies, you have to think like women were starting to work. Full-time women were starting to go out into the workforce. Women were having kids still having clean the whole house and do everything for the family, plus do whatever they were doing on the side. So when the TV dinner came in, of course you had the easiness [00:16:00] of that kind of flowing through.

And then what happens is we got lazier and lazier over the society. Then you think about the diet Coke era. When that came in, aspartame came in, cancer, went through the. And again, then you have the ultra SlimFast phase that came in while have a zero Coke, zero with zero calories. It’s really good for you.

Cause it doesn’t, you don’t gain any weight. And then you do the ultrasound class with only two cans a day. Plus a healthy meal and exercise is going to help you lose weight while you’re starving yourself. Number one, number two, you’re ingesting a bunch of chemicals and number three, exercise and whole foods is always been the case. It’s easy science

Will: and we could go on that all day, but I want to get away from that. I want to get back to this idea you’ve had about bringing together the vaxed and the unvaxed and to do that, what we need to do is we need to wake up the unvaxed . And this is where you were talking in one of your blogs about.

Lynne: Yeah,

the red pill, blue pill. So we actually had come across that theory. I don’t know. It was weird cause I was youtubing something and I [00:17:00] saw the Matrix Revolution or Revelation or whatever. It’s the fourth one or the third one that’s going out. And and I saw that and I was like, dang, that’s exactly what we’re like. I was asked that question a little while ago. If I had a choice to take the blue pill again instead of the red one, but I’ve taken the blue one and there’s no way I would have taken the blue one because living under a rock doesn’t help anybody situation either. When we came up with that theory, I talked to my producer pretty extensively about it.

And I’m like what do you think? Do you think I should do it? And he’s yeah. He’s totally do it. So the red pill I think is the theory that I had, the people are afraid to take the red pill because they’re afraid that everything that they believe their whole life is going to unravel.

When you fall down a rabbit hole and you see just the stuff like the adrenochrome and when you find out all this stuff, that’s going on, like it shatters your world for a minute, right? Like I was a huge fan of Sid Lindsay, for example, finding out exactly what, everything about that, it’s that breaks your heart a little bit, finding out about Hollywood and, the Tom Hanks’s and the Epstein island and why that was there.

Like. People have a hard time with that because [00:18:00] it’s such a hard truth to see, and it’s such a hard truth to want to swallow. And it’s such a hard truth to believe that there could be that kind of evil in this world. So I think that, that’s why I think people are like, oh, you’re crazy. Like none of that s— has happened.

But if you actually go back in time it’s even shown in like Egyptians time. You know that that they would kill infant children and drink the bloods and actually, they would do that even here and that, that blood was always to keep them young. And you just have to follow the history a little bit.

And none of that is made up. That’s all true stuff. If you just follow the histories of certain people’s. So when we take the red pill, you have to be willing to fall down a few rabbit holes, and you’re going to have to take a few hits on the way down, because that’s just the reality of the red pill.

When we take the red pill that people who want to do it, it depends on the level too. I think there’s so many people on different levels. I know people that are down, so far down, they’re talking. It’s stuff that I still think is crazy talking. You know what I mean? And I my tinfoil hats pretty high.

But then you think about some people who, they take the [00:19:00] there, the red pill and they’re like, Hey, I believe that COVID is fixed. I believe that the government is doing this, but there’s no way that this could be real. Do you know what I mean? So I think when you take the red pill you just have to be ready to take a few bumps.

And I think that people who are vaxed that are starting to see, I think there’s just a little bit tentative to put that pill in their mouth because once they do, I think the reality of what, when your life turns into shambles and you have to almost rebuild a new platform to stand on.

Will: And I like how you expressed that when I interviewed MPP, Rick Nichols in Ontario, who’s been ejected from the Conservative Party by Doug Ford for refusing the vaccine, and he’s been very outspoken and he said this, he said the difference between a conspiracy theory and fact is about eight months. So given that, that it’s really, it’s just, it’s it just takes time because the evidence just keeps mounting and it’s getting harder and harder for people to ignore it every day.

So your Canadian share Lynne, you’ve been living in Mexico for the last six weeks and who knows how long it’ll stay there [00:20:00] and I don’t blame you one bit for getting the heck out of this insanity, but as a Canadian, what do you think it’s going to take for the Canadians who are still drinking?

The cool. To wake up and really see what’s going on.

Lynne: Yeah. I think this is what happens for myself and maybe it’s a harsh say that I’m going to be saying, but I think it’s going to take the five-year-olds and the six month old to die from the first shot and within a quicker narrative of that.

And I think it’s going to be a rough ride yet. I think that Canadians are going to wake up. I think the world wakes up, I think we win. Do I think we win tomorrow? No. Do I think that we win in a year from now? Maybe not. I think we’re in for a good little site yet, and I think it gets worse before it gets better.

You, we were talking before. You’re not a Bible guy. You’re not a religion guy, but it’s, even if you go with how a seed is planted in the dark, in the mud, and there’s a bunch of s— on top of it before it sees light. I think we’re going to get darker before it gets lighter, but I think it’s [00:21:00] going to take Canadians to see the five-year-olds dying.

I think it’s going to take the six month old sign. I think it’s going to take the newborns. I mean there was that the 13 stillborns within 24 hours and in BCa couple of weeks back, I think it’s going to take a whole lot of heartache for people to see it. And then they’re going to go do, they were right.

And then I think that’s where our revolution starts in, where we start to fight back and where we start to take back.

Will: I think you’re absolutely right. My counterpart, our partner organization Take Action Canada, Ryan Penn has very wisely said that this is going to end when enough grieving mothers start speaking out just as they did with drunk driving.

And they formed Mothers Against Drunk Driving and that pretty much put a stop to drunk driving because it shamed people. It wasn’t because there were tougher laws, surely. Yeah, but that wasn’t what did it, it was a social ostracization. Yeah. This horrendous thought that you could kill somebody’s kid because you were irresponsible enough to get behind the wheel of a car.

And that leads to another question because yeah, [00:22:00] we’re going to see kids dying. I’ve already heard some horror stories of these children who are in our ICU and ER, but we’ve got the Colleges of Physicians pushing these injections, muzzling, any doctor who tries to give proper treatment, muzzling any doctor who reports these side effects?

Lynne: Yep.

Will: What do you think’s going to happen to those people when the truth comes to light and they were basically, we’ve got a country full of Dr. Mengele.

Lynne: I’m like I, and this is where my human side kind of gets me from my spiritual side. And I’m not spiritual in the sense of I’m not Catholic or Christian, but I’m very spiritual in the sense of my, my soul is we come from energy or we come from source energy.

I think it’s very universal. So this is where I get a bit of a conflict with my yoga side to my human side. But would love to see all those motherf—– hang, not going to lie. But my spiritual side says that karma is going to catch up with them. It may not be legal action. It may not be something, but at some point, whatever you throw in this [00:23:00] world comes back at you.

And and they’re going to get there at some point, they’re going to get there, what it is only whatever they threw out there can be determined with that. So I’ll leave that to the Universe. It’s to settle some scores. You gotta think, right? Like nobody, nobody escaped, looked back in our history.

Nobody has escaped without dying. It Hitler died well, they say he died. It depends how far down, which rabbit hole you go with that one, but Stalin’s gone like they all go away and then Good always prevails. Yeah. And even in the other way, nobody, escape’s life alive, we all pass away at some point.

And what you hope that you leave is always some kind of good, but I think that when you throw around a bunch of awful things and you sell and I was actually telling my wife this the other day, and I was like, and I was watching, oh, it was actually this morning. I was watching James Corbin whatever he is.

And I was watching him sing and dance about getting the vax and he’s oh, everybody should get the vax. And he’s singing in this huge Hollywood. And I was like, I wonder what it’s like to sell your soul for [00:24:00] a shot, a bunch of money and fame, because that’s what they did. All of these guys sold their souls and everybody wants to be pissed off at the governments when we know that it’s a higher up even pushing our government down.

You just hope that somebody, at some point has the balls to stand up to this. And unfortunately right now, the balls that are being held are the moms who have had enough. Moms aren’t putting up with this and moms are tired of this and more girls I know in Winnipeg, especially there’s more moms that are freedom fighters than dads.

And so we need to park the skinny jeans and that’s a quote from one of our big freedom fighters in Manitoba. We need to park the skinny jeans on the men and we need the men to grow a stack again and start fighting back because that’s how we win. That’s how we win. We need that. We need men to be men.

We don’t need men to be girls. We have another girls fighting

Will: And I agree completely it’s stunned me because I launched this organization almost a year and a half ago. And the overwhelming majority of our volunteers and members are women. [00:25:00] And I keep asking myself, where are the men? Why aren’t they standing up?

It’s very puzzling. But I think that leads us into something else really important. And it’s going to seem maybe to our viewers, like I’m taking a left turn, but I don’t think that I am. You mentioned a few minutes ago your wife and you’re a gay woman.

Lynne: Yep.

Will: But we were talking earlier about the attack upon our youths’ sexual identity and I believe that’s very intentional. One of the reasons why Dr. Peterson has become so very popular is because 30 years ago there was an attack on male identity and young men no longer know how to be. And Peterson came along and he taught them how to be men. Now his lessons apply to women as well, but now we’ve got, as far as I can see it, this concerted attack upon the identity of young women through this non-binary crap and all these other attacks on their gender identity and I think that you, as a gay woman are very qualified to speak about that.

Lynne: Oh, God this attack, when I saw, I think it was in [00:26:00] Michigan that are allowing children to go to the, they have a non-gender bathroom. And I just, I have to say this before. I dive into that. I’m all for anybody to do what you want to do. You want to be gay. You want to be straight be straight. You want to be all colors of the rainbow, gold, big, all colors of the rainbow. I don’t care what you do with your personal life, but where I draw the line is when you start to say it’s a personal attack and I can actually have you arrested because you’re not using the proper pronouns and you call it a terrorist attack on me. It’s a f— line that I’ve drawn in the sand a long time ago, because as a gay person being gay, doesn’t define who I am. It’s just a piece of my life. I just happened to be with a girl.

I was straight before I was married. I had two kids and, I thought it was going to be forever with my ex-husband and then I met her and I was like, oh, okay, maybe that’s not the way I’m going to go. I’m going to go this way. But being gay doesn’t define me what defines me. What kind of [00:27:00] mom I am, what kind of role model I’m going to be? What kind of world am I going to leave my kids? When I die, what can I do to help the world be a better place?

That’s what defines me not being gay. So when we see these activists going on Tik TOK, and they’re like the one tick doc that went viral was like, okay, Parents, pass the phone to your kids so that they can understand what non-binary means. It’s whoa whoa whoa. You want to identify as a cup, go ahead.

But the second that you start to push this narrative, which is a B.S. narrative that the black lives matter pushed that the what was the other one that I’m trying to think of? Antifa? They’re all there to persuade you to become a non identity person. When you take away somebody’s identity, you’ve got to think back to the Jewish concentration camps.

Everybody got tattooed, a number on there. This is what’s going to happen. You’re going to have a little QR code scan, or here. It’s not going to be a tattoo. It’s going to be a QR scan and you’re going to be a number you’re going to be non binary because you’re not going to have a sex. You’re going to have no identity because you’re not going to know [00:28:00] who you are.

And I think that being a woman and I’m very tomboyish because, you can kinda tell. But being a woman, I’m so proud of the fact that we’ve fought for everything that we fought and everybody’s bending over backwards right now to allow chest feeding, to be a thing, to allow men, to have babies, to allow men to be whatever listen, we fought hard. Gloria Steinem is I don’t know how she’s just allowing this to even happen and not standing up for this because she was such a huge woman’s advocate. Where are the women fighting for the freedoms that we, and our rights that we fought for it now. And I’m not saying that I think that what happened is we went and we swung the pendulum too far.

I think that men started to bow down, a women went at the same point. We’re both equal genders and we’re both equal people in this world. Men have the men testicle, fortitude, and women have the compassion heart hugs, and all of that stuff. And I think you need both to have this big equal world.

And what’s even [00:29:00] happening now is the, pendulum’s not even on the fricking radar anymore because we’re going, they, them there and its attack on people. You’re identifying yourself as a non binary person and that’s your whole identity. And I think that’s a bunch of crap because you’re teaching these little kids that it doesn’t matter what sex they are.

It doesn’t matter what their name is. It doesn’t matter what their heritage is that’s where it’s going to go because we’re not allowed to be white anymore. We have to be shamed for being white. We have to be shamed for being straight or gay because we’re not using the proper pronouns. It’s such a bunch of ——- and it’s just a bunch of smoke and mirrors to distract everybody.

And I think it’s 100%, 100% a way to get rid of our little kids identity. So that they don’t know who they are. And you think that everybody gets a ribbon generation is lost. Wait till we grow, raise little kids without a gender. And with thinking that chest feeding is a thing.

Will: Yes. And I agree with you completely on a number of points.[00:30:00]

First I myself have had a number of gay and lesbian friends in my life. And I agree with you completely: a person’s sexual orientation tells you absolutely nothing about their quality as a human being. It’s completely irrelevant. It has nothing to do with anything, but where I believe that they’re going with this attack upon the identity for our children, I believe it’s intentional because if you don’t know who you are, what foundation do you have to judge anything else?

How do I really think that’s what they’re doing with it? Yeah.

Lynne: But how do you pick a side on what’s right or wrong? And I think that this is why it’s so many 20 year olds right now. They’re just bending over all: “we have to get the shot because everybody else is doing it” . The 20 year old something right now, that’s the, everybody got a ribbon generation even I look at sometimes a couple of our younger kids, like we have. and it’s like you guys there’s winners and there’s losers and there’s people who you have to realize that the people who don’t put in the same [00:31:00] effort don’t get the same outcome. And that goes for anything sports. If you’re a, if your little Timmy’s on the soccer team and little Timmy’s off picking dandelions.

And when he turns 14 and he’s still picking dandelions, he shouldn’t be on the, in the lineup. But because everybody got a ribbon and everybody got a chance to play, little Timmy, got to be on. And I think that’s where we went wrong. I think our generation, the generations Zs, like we, or X we let that happen because we’re like, we’re the ones who raised these kids to get everybody got a ribbon.

I never raised my kids that way. I was like, you know what? You played. You’re not gonna, if that’s the, if that’s the effort you’re gonna put in, I’m not bringing you to hockey. I’m not bringing you to soccer, like screw that. I’m not going to sit there and waste an hour of my time. If you’re just going to sit there and pick dandelions.

Play or get off the field.

Will: And once again, I think many of our viewers are going to agree completely with what you’ve just said. And I think you’ve identified one of the problems that we have with the complacency here in Canada is that people have become, and I’m pointing, I’m using a phrase here. I’m not necessarily meaning this literally, but they become fat and happy [00:32:00] and they become lazy.

And they’ve forgotten that if you want the freedom, isn’t free, you gotta fight for it. And as a Canadian, who’s now living in may I say free Mexico what are your thoughts on that?

Lynne: I think that Canadians need to learn what it’s like to fight for your freedom. And I think that they’re learning right now quickly that if they think right now just complying and bending over backwards is what’s giving them their freedom back.

But real quick, they’re not going to have the same freedoms that they thought they had to. Because if you don’t get the third one, you’re not free. If you need a Passport to get into places you’re not free. I don’t understand how the jabbed are getting the so bloody backwards, if you need to do a shot.

And this is what gets me off, like I was watching we, we happened to go to a place and the bomber game was just letting out. And I was like, how are people in the stands okay with being in the stance? How are NHL players okay, [00:33:00] allowing this to be a thing, just to collect a paycheck?.

Do you know how quickly it would have changed? If any NHL, if think of the Connor, McDavid’s and the Sidney Crosby’s if they would’ve said, you know what, I’m not playing until you guys allow everybody to come in. How quickly would the NHL and Canada switch that rule? How quickly would they have said, oh s—, we can’t do that. We can’t have Connor play in he’s our top player of the league.

Like we can’t have him. And then now Crosby sitting out, now this guy sitting out, this guy sitting out, we can’t have. If every Canadian would say no to the third shot, how quickly would things change? This is what we need for Canadians to wake up as li as a Canadian living in free Mexico.

And then I see it from afar now. It’s absolutely mind blowing what I see happen. And I don’t get a lot of the news I used to get when I lived in Winnipeg, so I have to go on the CTVs and all the —– media to see, just to get their narrative of what’s actually happening because I don’t get to see it as much anymore.

I just, I think Canadians just need to really see it [00:34:00] and they need to learn what fighting really means, because if you really need a history lesson, just watched the beaches of Normandy. There was 18 year old kids in there —— their pants because the gate goes down and they know they’re dead.

That’s what fighting for freedom is they fought because Hitler was trying to do the same thing that they’re doing right now. And Canadians don’t know how to fight, because that was our great-grandfathers that fought or great-grandfathers that fought, we didn’t see our grandfather’s fight.

We didn’t see your father’s fight. We didn’t see our brothers go off to war. And I think that, that’s what I think that’s why Canada doesn’t know how to fight because we never had to. We’ve never had to see it.

Will: Because I think that we’ve forgotten that when good fights evil, it’s not like the movies, the good guys don’t all get to ride off into the sunset.

Good is going to take casualties and you’ve got to be prepared for that sacrifice. Yeah. Lynne, thank you very much for sharing your thoughts with us. Thank you. If you had some closing statements for our Canadian, what would it be?

Lynne: Kindness and compassion. The Canada that I grew up loving so much was the [00:35:00] Canadian would give you the shirt off their back and pay for your coffee in the line. And now it’s literally one of the, I’m going to say probably one of the worst places that I think I’ve seen because here in Mexico, everybody looks at you and smiles, Everybody says Buenos Dias everybody says Hola. They call you Amiga and it’s very kind here because the narrative isn’t here, if you would never see masks here, you’d never know what was happening.

And in Canada, I think we lost our kind and compassion. I think we lost what the Canadian way was, which is be there for your neighbor. Give them that cup of sugar, give them the shirt off your back. And we’ve really let the narrative of what the mainstream media, of….you can’t see your family, you can’t hug your loved ones.

You don’t, you should never allow your kids to come over, if they’re not vaxed, don’t hug my grandkid, you’re not vaxed. And I think that we need to go back to what family dynamics were. And I think that we need to almost go back to what’s that that TV show “goodnight, Pa goodnight, Ma goodnight, John Paul.”

Will: The Waltons.

Lynne: I think we have to be a little bit more Waltons in our life. [00:36:00] And I think that we have to remember our family values because your mom is only going to be here for so long. You’re only going to be here for so long.Is that the memories you want to leave? I could never, I have a grandson and I could never imagine saying well your guys aren’t vaxed, don’t come over. Like never, it’s like you guys aren’t vaxed. We’re not vaxed. You guys are moving in so we can see our grandson because it is so important to keep your family so close to you, especially in times like this.

And I think Canadians need to remember that.

Will: Thank you Lynne, despite being in Mexico, Lynne Nelson is still fighting hard for a Canadian rights and freedom, and she’s working with many people in Canada to help them out. If you like her thoughts and want more, she can be found online @filthytruth.ca. Thank you very much for your time today, Lynne.

Lynne: Thanks. Thank you.[00:37:00]

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