Almost All People Getting the ‘Vaccines’ Are Being Coerced

September 8, 2021

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Your Rights Under the Charter: Brian Peckford, sole surviving architect of the Charter
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The Surveillance State: Practical Steps to Protect Your Privacy
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The Iron Will Report | October 25, 2021
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“This tyranny is worse than the tyranny of Nazi Germany” says Holocaust survivor
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“They wanted more control – they’re going to have less at the end of this.”
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“12-Year-Olds and Elderly Ladies are Being Pepper-Sprayed.”
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The Iron Will Report | October 18, 2021
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Our Overwhelmed Hospitals: The Vaccinated are the Real Pandemic

Dr. Patrick Phillips is under investigation by the Ontario College of Physicians for telling the truth and having the scientific integrity to question the narrative. Some of the complaints were leveled against him by other doctors who were also first-hand witnesses to empty ER rooms in the opening months of the ‘pandemic’ and are also seeing the large number of patients now entering ER with serious adverse reactions to the experimental mRNA gene therapies being falsely promoted as ‘vaccines’. Dr. Phillips speaks out about the extent of the false Covid narrative, the deception of the public, and the serious harms being caused to innocent people by our government, the media and our own medical administrative bodies. Well worth an hour of your time.

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