Beyond ‘Died Suddenly’: The Real Data | Dr. William Makis

February 28, 2023

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Many of you are aware of the obscene numbers of deaths and injuries occurring around the world from the so-called Covid vaccines. But you are only aware because you went looking for that information.

The vast majority of Canadians are still being duped by state controlled media and our government and in most cases, would not believe the truth even if it was presented to them.

There is a massive cover up in play. The truth is censored while mainstream media continues a relentless propaganda campaign, and those who do speak out, especially those with credentials are attacked and slandered in an attempt to silence them, and to send a message to others that if they speak out, they too will have their lives and careers destroyed.

Dr. William Makis, one of the many victims of persecution by the media and the colleges of physicians has been tracking the deaths and injuries, as well as the methods by which they are being covered up, on his substack at

Dr. Makis joins me today with solid data, and the picture he paints is more grimly shocking than most of us could imagine.

And it’s getting worse.

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