Deconstructing a Bioweapon | Dr. Stephanie Seneff (EXCERPT)

January 26, 2023

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The Covid injections are causing millions of deaths, and potentially hundreds of millions of vaccine-related injuries as well as miscarriages beyond anything we’ve seen before. Scientists around the world are working to understand the mechanisms of injury, in the hopes of finding a way to reverse the damage.

Dr. Stephanie Seneff is one of the top researchers in this field. Dr. Seneff is a Senior Research Scientist at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. She has a Bachelor of Science degree from MIT in biology and a master’s degree and a PhD in electrical engineering and computer science. She has combed through countless scientific papers and identified many of the mechanisms of injury, allowing us to understand on a microscopic level how the injections were designed to kill and maim their victims.

In addition, Dr. Seneff has co-authored a number of papers on her findings, along with other eminent scientists and researchers such as Dr. Peter McCullough. In this interview she shares Powerpoint presentation which will allow us all to understand better what is happening. If you or someone you love has been injured by the vaccines, the information you will see today is an important step toward finding a way to reduce or reverse the damage.

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