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The trans agenda infecting our schools and brainwashing our children is largely based on SOGI, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, an ideology which is being pushed in Canada by the Vancouver based ARC foundation.

But it didn’t originate with ARC. In fact, the origins of the trans movement can be traced back much farther, and today the UN and WHO are now pushing the trans agenda around the world.

The WHO publishes now, as part of their recommended curriculum, the teaching of masturbation to children from 0 to 4 years, and even claims in their official documentation that children as young as 5 can give sexual consent. In Germany, some playschools now have masturbation rooms for pre-school children, and teachers around the world are being trained to use the term MAP, or Minor Attracted Person, rather than the far more accurate ‘pedophile’ in an effort to normalize the sexual abuse of children.

My guest today prefers not to reveal his last name as he has already suffered substantial persecution for revealing these facts. Jason, who writes on Substack as Tri-Torch has done a deep dive into how the trans agenda is being used to attack our children’s identity and safety at the highest levels, including the UN, the WHO and even UNICEF.

Furthermore, Jason recommends that we turn the tables. That instead of allowing our children to become victims, we teach them what the trans agenda is really for, and we, in effect, deputize them and urge them to report to us as their parents when inappropriate material is presented in class or in school libraries.

This interview is an exercise in the famous quote from Sun Tzu, ‘Know thy enemy’.


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