Freedom Convoy Restoring Hope and Dignity to all Canadians | 2nd Interview with Cathy Jacobs, Angel’s Café

February 16, 2022

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Cathy Jacobs owns Angel’s Cafe in southern Alberta. We first aired her story back in late December, talking about how health services were causing her much distress over the mandates, issuing fines for noncompliance and impacting all small businesses in Alberta. Cathy returns to chat about the Truckers for Freedom Convoy and how it has given us hope when we thought there wasn’t any.

On the sadly negative response to supporting truckers for freedom convoy in Ottawa…

Cathy’s daughter Frankie worked at Angel’s Cafe, she is unemployed right now so she drove out to Ottawa in support of the truckers, she just got back. “As soon as she was heading back, I was getting slanderous emails in regard to supporting the truckers, and people tweeting out that we are part of the Nazi organized terrorist group, just massive slander. Our rating on Google has been targeted. One made a comment that we don’t allow vaxxed people in. 90% of my staff is double vaxxed. We don’t discriminate, that’s just not who I am, it’s not who our staff is.”

On what it means to be Canadian…

I believe in our country as a free democratic country. And I flew the flag because for the first time I’ve seen hope in our Canadian citizens, I’ve seen families I’ve listened and read notes of people who had given up, who were willing to commit suicide. I got hope back. We’re seeing people that have lost people to suicide. This is so wrong and the fact that I listened to the emergency call out last night with the truckers because I’ve been following every second of this. And my heart broke again, but I said, I can’t let my heart break. They’re holding hope. They believe that no matter what the blatant lies our government is saying, what our police and police chiefs and mayors do. These guys are saying, we’re going to hold to our truth, that gave me hope and I’m going to hold on to that. They did something that nobody else could.

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