Holding Government Accountable, US County Sheriff System | Sam Bushman, CSPOA Director

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Sam Bushman is the National Operations Director for the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association in the United States. Sam joins us to discuss the constitutional weight a Sheriff holds in any County in the United States, upheld by case law at the highest level.

On the case law in place protecting any Sheriff’s legal arm in the USA…

Bill Clinton decided that he was going to enact the Brady Bill. In other words, forced gun control across the United States. And Sheriff Mack said no, in my county, you’re not going to do that. They went all the way to the Supreme Court and the fact is Sheriff Mack won and Bill Clinton, the President of the United States lost. A county Sheriff had Liberty that day. And the real issue is it’s the greatest 10th amendment decision ever rendered in the United States of America. There are dual sovereignties in America. The people are the ultimate authority and the declaration of independence documents that by our consent, that’s the people’s consent. If the Sheriff does not have the power we claim, how did he beat Bill Clinton at the Supreme Court?

On the US Constitution and protection of civic rights…

A Sheriff has authority that supersedes even that of the President, that if the President attempted to enact an illegal mandate, such as we have seen everywhere in the world in the last couple of years, that Sheriff would have the authority to say, I and my deputies are not going to enforce this, it’s unconstitutional…his county level, all the to the attorney general, all the way to the bottom because to be the top is the county. We do believe there are checks and balances in the United States, vertical and horizontal that prevent bureaucrats from getting out of control.

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