How Many Have the Vaccines Killed?: Dr. Joseph Hickey

December 10, 2023

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Quite some time ago a paper was published in the prestigious medical journal, The Lancet, which claimed that the Covid vaccines had saved millions of lives. The paper was widely quoted as justification for vaccine mandates and endless boosters.

But the study was wrong. The researchers manipulated and misrepresented the data to get the result they had been paid by their big pharma sponsors to find.

Fortunately, we have right here in Canada two exceptional researchers of our own. Dr. Joseph Hickey and Dr. Denis Rancourt. It was they and their team who proved, based upon all cause mortality data from around the world that Covid 19 did not in and of itself, result in any extra deaths. Covid did not kill anyone who wasn’t going to die anyway. You can find my previous interview with Dr. Rancourt on that subject at

Now Drs. Rancourt and Hickey have analyzed the data from the Lancet study, and their findings do not just soundly debunk the claim of millions of lives saved from the vaccines, but give us the first reliable estimates of the obscene number of people worldwide who have died from those same vaccines.

In this interview I am joined by Dr. Hickey, who shows us the methodology used and the resulting charts from their research. You may find Joseph’s style of presentation to be somewhat dry. But I would urge you to take the time to not only watch this interview, but pay close attention to the science presented, which is understandable for most of us.

It is important to see the degree to which data has been blatantly manipulated in order to support the Covid narrative, and to understand the analyses of Drs. Hickey and Rancourt, which shows that the Lancet study wasn’t a mistake. It wasn’t sloppy research. It was an outright lie.

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