How We Can Remove Trudeau from Office | Rob Anders, Former conservative MP

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Rob Anders is one of the longest serving MPs (Calgary-West) from 1997 to 2015. Rob is also one of the founding members of the Reform Party and the Alliance Party. He is here with us today in-studio to discuss the possibility of lawfully removing Canadian politicians who have exercised unwarranted and unjustified authority.

On the Misuse of the Emergencies Act in Ottawa….

You saw lots of Quebecers that were coming across the bridges from Hull, Aylmer and whatnot, livid, because they were reminded of what [Trudeau’s] father did with FLQ situation and the War Measures Act. Quebec probably suffered the worst consequences of that in terms of jailings and interrogations and various things. You saw that his Chair of the Quebec Liberal caucus bolted on him and resigned. What’s going on in Ontario and what’s going on and in Quebec, it’ll give us a sense of what traction can be had there, whether or not things can be done to motivate and activate people in rural Ontario, rural Quebec in the Liberal caucus to say, “Hey, time to get rid of this guy now, enough is enough.”

On the Tools Available to Democratically Remove a Politician…

I believe that the Governor General, ideally, is somebody with a military background who has been around politics and military and various issues for quite a while because they have to understand their constitutional role. Indeed, even with her majesty, one of the biggest aspects of rules [is] understanding the constitutional position. If you have somebody with the gravitas, with the acumen, to understand the constitutional rule, if a prime minister is violating the constitution, and we have that right now with regard to the Charter of Rights and various things, then they do have the power, especially…to ask somebody else to form the government, to not allow for maybe a prorogation, to call for an election…

On Alberta’s current United Conservative Party Leadership Race…

The UCP originally was supposed to be a six-hour vote with a membership that was interested…It would have been a zoo. What he does now, never mind the fact that it’s going to be over three days and you totally violate the sense of a chain of custody. Now what they say is, oh, we’re going to move to mail in balloting…and the American election in 2020 ballot harvesters. You’re moving away from a paper ballot thing. You’re going toward electronic tabulation point systems. You’re going toward a bunch of advanced polls, or you’re going toward a bunch of mail-in votes, et cetera. You’re destroying the chain of custody and you make it that much harder to enforce, [to] make sure there’s not corruption.

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