How We’re Going to Defeat the Globalists | Will on NotTV

August 8, 2022

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Will is interviewed by Travis Cross at NotTV. He shares his projections for the globalist agenda and a minimum of 700 million deaths globally by 2028 from the ‘vaccines’, but most importantly the practical steps to exactly how we will win back our rights and freedoms and how the globalists and their controlled representatives in our government will be held accountable for their actions. Will has now interviewed over 200 experts, authors and whistle-blowers. In this one hour live interview he shares what he has learned over the past two years fighting for our rights and freedoms.

  • How many are going to die in the coming years?
  • What would happen if weaponized Marburg struck the vaccinated population?
  • How can you protect yourself if they release Marburg?
  • How will the legacy media die?
  • What practical steps can you take to spread the truth?
  • How can we render the WHO powerless?
  • What can you do to clear your body of spike proteins if you’ve been injected?
  • Where does self-worth come from, and how does it proof you against depression?




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