If You Are Healthy, They Are Out of Business | Interview with Dr. Mario Sadji

February 9, 2022

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Dr. Mario Sadji obtained his medical degree in 1999, worked for a number of years for pharmaceutical companies, but today runs a holistic medical clinic creating individualized treatment plans for his patients based upon a holistic understanding of the physiology of the human body.

On Pharmaceutical companies that have no interest in your health…

If you are healthy, they are out of business. If there is an opportunity for a market, they will create it – that is their business model. The people who make those drugs have no vested interest in curing you whatsoever, what they want is an ongoing treatment.

On Mario’s introduction to natural medicine…

The first years of medical school, studying anatomy and physiology, was good knowledge, but in studying health issues, there was a lot of gray area where you don’t have answers and that didn’t make sense to me. Five or six years ago, my sister told me that she had breast cancer and she decided not to pursue conventional treatments. For me, trained as a doctor, those were the only options available. She said there are natural ways to heal and to reverse it completely. Everything doctors are taught about cancer is that it is irreversible and that it was fatal. The conventional treatments that were available would probably extend the lifetime years or months at best. I asked her, I am open to listen, I want to know what you came across and I want to study it. She shared with me a few links. I found numerous videos about doctors who were treating cancer naturally. There is so much to learn about how to heal cancer. Since then, I never looked back. [Dr. Sadji’s sister] She is doing totally fine now.

On pharmaceutical industry’s negative influence on health…

Big Pharma use very insidious methods, very subtle methods, bit by bit, especially on TV. You bombard people with fear-mongering every day, all day long, we’ll have a lot of people getting sick. You get into a fight or flight mode and the body is trying to focus all its energy on fixing the damages.

On promoting powerful personal awareness

My clients come to me to achieve good health. So, we set the goals. I don’t use medications at all. Absolutely no pharmaceutical drugs. All-natural lifestyle, diet, mindset, treating and resolving psychological and emotional conflicts, which is really important for healing.


Dr. Sadji’s website

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