IWR News for August 2nd |
Trump Shoooting: Shocking New Videos Show Extent of SS Incompetence

August 2, 2024

dr trozzi message graphic
A Succinct Summary of Covid Tyranny, by Dr. Mark Trozzi
Snapshot - 12
“The FDA Has Become an Arm of Pfizer”, Interview with Dr. Jane Ruby
jccf policing the pandemic featured image
Policing the Pandemic: The Police State of Canada
interview featured image Patrick Phillips
Almost All People Getting the ‘Vaccines’ Are Being Coerced
interview featured image Jeff Matheson
83% of First-Trimester Women Miscarry After Getting the Jab
interview with rob anders featured image
How We Broke Politics in Canada: And How We Fix It
interview featured image mark trozzi
‘Vaccine’ Dependency: How the Covid ‘Vaccines’ Create New Variants
inteview featured images stephen malthouse
It is Illegal to Advertise Vaccines in Canada: How Dr. Malthouse is Going After Offenders

This week in news that mainstream media won’t report and our government doesn’t want you to hear:

  • Trump Shoooting: Shocking New Videos Show Extent of SS Incompetence
  • B.C. Drops Vaccine Mandate, Finally – But It’s Not Over
  • Transgender Canada
  • Trudeau Tries to Hide $24B Expenditure
  • Major Mainstream Outlet Continues Death Spiral
  • Immigrants Spreading Disease in Canada
  • Canada: Taxed to the Breaking Point
  • Ontario Battery Plant Runs Out of Juice
  • World War Watch: Ukraine/Russia
  • World War Watch: The Middle East
  • Hackers Can Wirelessly Watch Your Screen
  • AI Search Engine Leftist Bias Exposed
  • Gates Foundation Caught Funding Bioterrorism
  • Vaccine Infant Deaths Spike
  • Male vs Female Boxers: It Only Took 46 Seconds
  • Pigs in Space: Lunar Ark Lunacy


Contagion Emergency Kit: https://www.twc.health/products/covid-emergency-kit

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