IWR Weekly: Are You Eating mRNA Pork? (EXCERPT)

April 14, 2023

Brigette Belton_Moment(2)
We’ve ALL had ENOUGH! | Interview with Brigette Belton, Convoy Trucker
Librti interview
Alternate Media Is Replacing Mainstream | Librti interviews Will and Producer Cris Vleck
Scott Moe Announcement Jan 15_Moment
A Major Victory | Saskatchewan Refuses Further Violations of our Rights
Iron Will Report Jan 14_Moment
The Iron Will Report | January 14, 2022
Leighton Grey 2_Moment
The Hijacking of Canadian Democracy | Interview with Leighton Grey, Lawyer
Jane and Vaxxport-2022_Moment
Jane and the Vaxxport
Jeremy Mackenzie_Moment
The Road Paved with Silent Consent is Dangerous | Interview with Jeremy MacKenzie, Canadian Veteran

The Iron Will Report for the week of April 14th:

  • Wokies setting up a virtual ‘systemic racism’ school
  • Why are people choosing to overdose on public transit?
  • BBC’s   “job creation scheme for pedophiles”
  • BBC labelled as ‘state-sponsored’ media by Twitter. Will CBC be next?
  • How much did Trudeau Foundation donations increase after Justy was elected?
  • Why the globalists are destroying supply chains? The answer goes deeper than you think.
  • How the WEF, WHO and IMF are working together to control everything
  • Idaho criminalizes transgender surgery for minors
  • Oregon teacher suspended after ‘Wheel of Perversion’ class
  • Are you eating pork infected with mRNA?
  • How eye doctors might help save the vaxxed
  • Canada has been hiding miscarriages from the vaccines
  • Hospital wait times in Canada are killing patients
  • B.C. court rejects appeal for access to private health care
  • The woke cancel Charlie and the Chocolate Factory


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