IWR Weekly: Are You Eating mRNA Pork? (EXCERPT)

April 14, 2023

Matt Sattler
The Skies Are Now in Question | Interview with Matt Sattler, Pilot
Carpay screenshot
The Fight for Freedom | Interview with John Carpay, Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms
Pam Popper Second interview Screenshot
Follow the Money | Interview with Dr. Pamela Popper, author of the best-seller Covid Operation
Safely Storing Gas Screenshot
Special Edition of Iron Will on Everything | How to Safely Store an Emergency Supply of Gasoline
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Special Release: Alberta Frontline Workers Ejected from Our Hospitals for Not Getting the ‘Vaccine’
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‘Vaccines’ will create new and more dangerous variants | Interview with Drs. Trozzi and Alexander
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These shots are designed to sterilize and miscarry pregnancies | Interview with Dr. Bryan Ardis
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The Iron Will Report | December 3rd, 2021

The Iron Will Report for the week of April 14th:

  • Wokies setting up a virtual ‘systemic racism’ school
  • Why are people choosing to overdose on public transit?
  • BBC’s   “job creation scheme for pedophiles”
  • BBC labelled as ‘state-sponsored’ media by Twitter. Will CBC be next?
  • How much did Trudeau Foundation donations increase after Justy was elected?
  • Why the globalists are destroying supply chains? The answer goes deeper than you think.
  • How the WEF, WHO and IMF are working together to control everything
  • Idaho criminalizes transgender surgery for minors
  • Oregon teacher suspended after ‘Wheel of Perversion’ class
  • Are you eating pork infected with mRNA?
  • How eye doctors might help save the vaxxed
  • Canada has been hiding miscarriages from the vaccines
  • Hospital wait times in Canada are killing patients
  • B.C. court rejects appeal for access to private health care
  • The woke cancel Charlie and the Chocolate Factory


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