Medical Tyranny Returns to Canada: Bill C-293 |
Lisa Miron

September 8, 2024

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From 2020 right up until now in some provinces, Canadians across our country have been subjected to gross violations of our Charter rights, under the justification of reducing the effect of a supposed pandemic.

Businesses were shut down. People lost their jobs. Those who could not wear masks were treated as social pariahs. Many of us could not board an airplane in our own country. Bank accounts were frozen, and millions of Canadians were told to take an experimental injection or lose their jobs.

And our government is planning to do it again. All of that and more.

Bill C-293, which will bring in the Pandemic Prevention and Preparedness Act, has already passed the House and its first reading before the Senate. On Monday, September 16th, just over a week from now, the Senate will reconvene and if we do not object, loudly and in great numbers, this draconian legislation will likely pass before the end of this year.

The Act will not only subject us to further lockdowns and violations of our rights to freedom of movement, but censorship, surveillance and possibly even forced injections.

Lisa Miron is an Ontario lawyer who has been raising awareness on Bill C-293, and she joins me today to spell out the many threats to our rights and freedoms outlined in this document. Rights and freedoms that we will surely lose if we do not take action and stop the passing of this Bill.


Petition to stop Bill C-293:

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