Our Overwhelmed Hospitals: The Vaccinated are the Real Pandemic

October 14, 2021

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Canadian paramedic Thomas O’Connor is, like many others, facing imminent dismissal from his job for refusing to be injection with a bioweapon. Mr. O’Connor is blowing the whistle on who’s really flooding our hospitals – victims of the ‘vaccine’.

“As the injections increased I started seeing massive side effects. We’re seeing young people having full-blown heart attacks within days of their second dose. One individual was 37.”

Mr. O’Connor also relates how our health care system is being gutted of frontline workers. In his region alone, some 600 have quit or are being fired for refusing to comply with medical apartheid.

“Mine was very clear that I was not allowed on the property if not vaccinated by November 1st and I would be placed, at minimum, on a leave of absence without pay or more likely be fired.”

When pushed to get the ‘vaccine’ by his supervisor, Thomas replied, “I’m increasing my study group. I’m going to see what happens to you first and hopefully someday you’re not looking up at me asking for help.”

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