Pastor Artur Pawlowski | In Depth and In Person: His Entire Story

November 9, 2021

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Pastor Artur Pawlowski is best known for his street church in Calgary, Alberta, Canada and for the constant persecution he has suffered from the Covid ‘authorities’ for practicing his Christian faith by caring for the poor and homeless in defiance of the government’s illegal health mandates.

In this in-depth interview, Pastor Art tells his entire story, from his youth and early years in Communist-controlled Poland, his move to Canada to live in a ‘free country’, his battle with alcohol, his firstborn son’s health crisis, and finally to living for the past 16 years his promise to God to serve Him for the rest of his life.

Pastor Art’s ministries and charitable actions have taken tens of thousands of people off the streets around the world, and made him the target of Covid tyrants. He has been arrested twice, received hundreds of tickets, was forced to flee Canada for a time, and even had people try to kill him and his family.

This is his entire story.


Transcript of October 13 Court Case Referenced by Pastor Art

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