The Burden of Proof | Dr. Jessica Rose

August 9, 2022

460 Profiting in the Coming Collapse Part 3
Profiting in the Coming Economic Collapse, Part 3:
Protecting Yourself and Your Family
Adrian Spitters, Bryce Wade, Warren Keane
463 Alex Schadenberg MAiD in Canada
60,000 Dead: MAiD in Canada
Alex Schadenberg
465 IWR Week of Feb 23rd
IWR News for February 23rd:
MAiD in Canada: MP Claims ‘It’s Not Suicide’
459 Profiting in the Coming Collapse Part 2
Profiting in the Coming Economic Collapse, Part 2: Canada Under Attack
Adrian Spitters, Bryce Wade, Warren Keane
458 Profiting in the Coming Collapse Part 1
Profiting in the Coming Economic Collapse, Part 1: The Great Taking
Adrian Spitters, Bryce Wade, Warren Keane
462 IWR Week of Feb 16th
IWR News for February 16th: Exclusive! Exhaustive Report on ArriveScam
455 John Carpay In Defense of Freedom
In Defense of Freedom, The JCCF Interview 4 of 4: John Carpay
457 Nathaniel Mead Proof that Pfizer Lied
The Proof that Pfizer Lied: Nathaniel Mead, M.Sc.
  • What is the new and disturbing data we are seeing in the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System?
  • Is VAERS an accurate data source?
  • How is this data being validated internationally?
  • What does Jessica say will “Smash your Heart” when you see it?
  • Just how bad is this?


Unacceptable Jessica

Jessica’s Universe

Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda

Many thanks to prized colleague Byram Bridle, the ‘Pfizer Documents Research team’ and Christophe Plothe, for all of their hard work relating to discovery of the bio-distribution of lipid nanoparticles, particularly in ovaries. Many thanks to the mice and rats who gave their lives to science.” – Jessica Rose


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