The Charter of Health Freedom: Saving NHPs |
Shawn Buckley

September 18, 2024

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539 Shawn Buckley Saving NHPs
The Charter of Health Freedom: Saving NHPs |
Shawn Buckley

Tens of millions of Canadians rely on natural health products to treat illnesses and conditions, and to simply provide better health. But Trudeau’s government is hell-bent on removing natural health products from our store shelves.

Last year it was Bill C-67 where the government amended the natural health products regulations to destroy the natural health products industry. This year, it was Bill C-69, which hid clauses in the budget bill to further protect the interests of Big Pharma. These most recent changes are harder the first time our federal government has attempted to deny Canadians access to natural products they choose for themselves, rather than having artificial compounds prescribed by a doctor.

Shawn Buckley, a lawyer and the founder of the NHPPA, the Natural Health Product Protection Association, has been fighting our government on this for decades. But this time, the government may very well succeed in killing the natural health products industry. Shawn tells us that if we do not take action by spring of next year, we may see these begin to disappear from store shelves.

However, Shawn has a plan to reverse this legislation. The Charter of Health Freedom outlines three action steps that would remove health products from under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health permanently, and establish a Ministry of Wellness to oversee these products and guarantee that they will remain available to Canadians in the future. And he’s already collected 135,000 signatures.

And those aren’t e-signatures. Those are on paper, which already makes Shawn’s petition the third largest in Canadian history. Shawn’s goal is a quarter million. With those quarter million signatures, our elected officials must take notice of voters’ concerns and reverse Bill C-67, protecting and preserving our right to choose natural health products that work for us.


The Charter of Health Freedom

Check out the short 4:22 minute video link below from NHPPA, Shawn Buckley. Also be sure to pass it along far and wide… United We Must All Stand..!

Natural Health Product Protection Association

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