The Iron Will Report | December 3rd, 2021

December 3, 2021

The Fate of Canada Rests in the Hands of its People, As it Should | Tom Marazzo
University Student Fights Against Vaccine Mandate and Wins | Curtis Engerdahl
How We Can Remove Trudeau from Office | Rob Anders, Former conservative MP
Perspectives on the War from a Canadian Living in the Ukraine | Interview with Frank Williams
How We Could Stop the Great Reset Cold in Canada | Interview with Nicole LeBrasseur
Censorship Wasn’t Enough – Now They Want to Dictate What We MUST Say | Karen Selick
Iron Will Report Intro.00_09_50_08.Still001
Iron Will on Everything: The Next Major Step in the Globalist’s Plan – Hundreds of Millions Will Die
The Bill the People of Canada Actually Need Passed | Juscha Grunther

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In this expanded version of the Iron Will Show we feature several new segments, including The Monkey Poo Cannon and The Covid Zone. We continue to strive to improve our content and presentation in order to reveal the incompetence, stupidity and outright disregard for our rights and freedoms by our elected officials.

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