The Iron Will Report | January 14, 2022

January 14, 2022

Interview Christof Plothe.00_18_32_25.Still001
The Most Disturbing Data Yet on “Vaccine” Infertility | Christof Plothe, D.O.
Interview Dr Jessica Rose Final_1.00_06_13_24.Still001
The Burden of Proof | Dr. Jessica Rose
Will Interviewed on nottv August 5 2022.00_28_28_26.Still001
How We’re Going to Defeat the Globalists | Will on NotTV
uninformed consent featured image
Uninformed Consent: An Interview with the Creators | Todd Harris, Dr. Hoffe, Dr. Malthouse
Jane Ruby on CDC Hiding Death Numbers SAFC.00_09_04_10.Still002
Exposed: The CDC is Hiding Death Numbers | Dr. Jane Ruby
Andrew Wakefield Infertility SAFC_Moment
Behind the Scenes of Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda | Dr. Andrew Wakefield
Rob Verkerk Marburg and resiliency_Moment(2)
Resilience to the Threat of Immune Disturbance | Dr. Rob Verkerk
Rob Verkerk Adverse Reactions_Moment
“First, Do No Harm” OR “Adverse Events are Collateral Damage” | Dr. Rob Verkerk

In this week’s report…

  • The Covid Zone
  • The Filthy Truth Rant with Lynne Nelson
  • Setting the Record Straight with Cris Vleck
  • Our New Sponsor, Murderna
  • And Will’s Usual Irreverent Take on the News

Sign Our Petition for a Restraining Order Against Justin Trudeau

And our Poll for World’s Most Wanted

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