The Iron Will Report | October 18, 2021

October 18, 2021

505 Peter McCullough
Will Disease X Break the Pandemic Narrative?
Dr. Peter McCullough
506 James Roguski The WHO Amendments
The WHO Amendments: Back from the Dead
James Roguski
507 IWR Week of June 7th
IWR News for June 7th
Has Global Depopulation Already Started?
502 Robert Malone Psychological Biowarfare
Psychological Biowarfare and Disease X
Dr. Robert Malone
500 Ben Turner Health Care Tyranny
Canada Under the WHO’s Health Care Dictatorship
Dr. Ben Turner
504 IWR Week of May 31
IWR News for May 31st
Is the WHO Pandemic Treaty Dead?
498 Geert Vanden Bossche Part 2
Will Billions Die?
Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche
497 Geert Vanden Bossche Part 1
The Forever Pandemic
Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche

An update on our new toolkit to push back against universities mandating vaccines for students


  • Unvaxxed Canadians will not be able to leave the country come October 30th
  • More news on the Southwest Airlines pilot pushback
  • Texas governor bans mandatory vaccines for all Texas-based companies
  • Alberta premier Jason Kenney ‘can’t get his head around’ those who promote Ivermectin
  • Canada Post working to avoid mandatory vaccines for employees
  • Free public viewing of World Council for Health meetings
  • A JCCF victory against Mount Royal University

and upcoming interviews this week:

  • Pamela Popper, author of Covid Operation on how all of this was planned
  • Josh Needham, an Australian citizen who will give us a first-hand account of life in fascist Australia
  • Patrick Coffin, host of the Patrick Coffin show and creator of the Truth Over Fear Summit


Free Viewing of World Council for Health Meetings 

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