The Ministry of Truth: Globalist Thought Control
Judith Brown

April 21, 2024

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In George Orwell’s novel, 1984, the populace was largely controlled by the Ministry of Truth, which through absolute control of the media, information and education was able to convince the people to blindly accept the government’s narrative.

While Orwell’s novel was inspired by Stalin’s Soviet Union, the irony of the book is that this kind of control has been growing in all countries around the world since before he began writing the book in the late 1940’s.

In fact, throughout history the powerful have sought to control the message because they understood that the easiest way to control people was to have their willing cooperation in their own subjugation. And this could be accomplished if they could control what people believed.

In May of last year, I first interviewed Judith Brown, a retired nurse from the U.K., who about two years ago, began using her considerable research skills to unmask the so-called ‘fact checkers’, to reveal who they really work for and what their role is in controlling the message.

Since then, Judith has launched her own substack, and has expanded her research into the entire information control and propaganda structure, not just in the U.K., but around the world.

In this interview, Judith reveals the interconnected web of the globalist’s Ministry of Truth and their complete control over the narrative; not just what people hear, but what they can say, and even what they are allowed to think.


Judith’s Substack:

Will’s previous interview with Judith on Fact Checkers:

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