The Persecution of Dr. Mark Trozzi…Continued: Mark Trozzi and Michael Alexander

November 23, 2023

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Dr. Mark Trozzi gave up a 25 year practice as an emergency surgeon in 2021 to bring people the truth about Covid and the vaccines at his website He sold his house and has lost everything in this fight, and now the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons is threatening to take away his medical license.

Dr. Trozzi was one of the doctors who stepped up to help when Dr. Crystal Luchkiw had her license suspended by the CPSO for telling her patients the truth, and cautioning them not to take the Covid vaccines. Within hours of stepping into Dr. Luchkiw’s practice, Dr. Trozzi’s license was also suspended.

This interview is an update on past interviews I have done with Dr. Trozzi, and his lawyer Michael Alexander, who also represented Dr. Luchkiw and Dr. Patrick Phillips, both of whom have since had their licences revoked.

Michael is a smart and realistic lawyer. He understands what he is up against, a medical college that has no interest in protecting the health of the people of Ontario, but rather in maintaining a dictatorial power structure where all doctors must follow their directives or lose their license to practice.

But Michael is laying a clever trap for the CPSO, and in the end, there will be justice.


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