They Lied: Waking up the Masses |
Michael Darmody

September 1, 2024

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Replicon Vaccines: The Next Crime of the Century? |
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Stockwell Day
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Lisa Miron
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Today I’ve forgone my usual vest and tie for reasons that will become obvious.

Many of us came gradually to the realization that we are being lied to. Often, it starts with just one thing. Global warming. The Covid narrative. Vaccines.

There was a time when many of us trusted our government and the media. Sure, they made mistakes and sure, there might be a few corrupt politicians, but for the most part we thought they had our best interests at heart.

Then, over time, we became aware that not only do they not have our best interests at heart, but that we’re being lied to about almost everything. By our governments, by media, and by corporations. And for many of us, that realization was almost overwhelming. There was simply so much truth we had not been told that it’s almost a full time job to wade through it all.

A Canadian group has put together a suite of websites that make the facts easily accessible, and breaks them down into bite sized pieces where people who are only just now waking up to the truth can find information on what is of concern to them, and then, over time, they can access more, until they too will understand the scope of the lies.


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