Untrackable and Untraceable: A Truly Secure Phone |
Hakeem Anwar

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We live in a surveillance state. Everything we do, everywhere we go, governments and corporations are watching and listening. Data has become a currency. There are whole companies who make hundreds of millions by simply collecting data and selling it, once again to governments and other corporations, so they in turn can control you or profit from you.

If our government succeeds in implementing Digital IDs and social credit scores, it will get even worse.

And the majority of that tracking is done through these. Almost all of us not only have one, but our society has reached a point where you can’t function without your phone. It’s not just communication, it’s navigation, information, entertainment and social interaction.

Sure, if you’re very tech savvy you can degoogle your phone, and even take other steps to protect your privacy, but how many of us know how to do that. I was in a technical career for years and I have no idea.

But what if there was a phone you could buy that would protect your privacy and security out of the box? And what if it worked almost exactly like the phone you have now, if you have an android? And if you have an iphone, the learning curve for this secure phone is quite manageable for most people. And what if this phone could be purchased for no more money than any other phone, or even less, when compared to some iphone models.

Hakeem Anwar used to work for big tech in New York City. While very good at his job, Hakeem was also awake. Surrounded by leftists who were buying the various narratives, Hakeem understood that everything we did, said and even thought, was being recorded and analyzed by those who will use that information against us. Hakeem is also a core member of the Freedom Cell Network, and co-producer of The Greater Reset.

And so he founded Above Phone, spent many months on coding and development, and produced a truly secure phone. Above also provides secure laptops. Hakeem joins me today to explain, in plain English that any of us can understand, how it all works. How you can continue to use and carry a phone, while having your privacy, identity and security completely protected.


Buy a secure phone:


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