What Makes Us Sick: Terrain vs Germ Theory
Dr. Rob Verkerk

May 7, 2024

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We are subjected to constant propaganda that the next pandemic is inevitable, that sooner or later, probably sooner, there will be a truly devastating virus or bacteria that will kill a significant percentage of us.

But there are those who question whether or not viruses even exist. While belief in the terrain theory, often seen as the alternate view to germ theory, doesn’t necessarily mean that person does not believe in the existence of viruses, there are proponents of the theory who do categorically deny their existence.

As the majority of us are not scientists, not doctors, our own belief is often subject to what we hear. And what we hear is overwhelmingly controlled and funded by those who have a vested financial interest in a belief in germ theory.

In an effort to provide you all with a comprehensive understanding of both sides of the argument, and to do so in such a way that we invite you to draw your own conclusions, I am joined today by Dr. Rob Verkerk, the founder of the Alliance For Natural Health.

Dr. Verkerk is an internationally acclaimed multi-disciplinary sustainability scientist with a 40-year background in environmental, agricultural, food, nutritional and health sciences.

In this, part 1 of this two part extensive interview, Rob explains both sides of the germ theory vs terrain theory argument, while at the same time educating us on the fact that the issue is far more complex than many of us are aware of, or may even have considered.

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