Will and Cris Are on Their Way to Ottawa! New Freedom Convoy Channel on our Website

February 18, 2022

Interview Christof Plothe.00_18_32_25.Still001
The Most Disturbing Data Yet on “Vaccine” Infertility | Christof Plothe, D.O.
Interview Dr Jessica Rose Final_1.00_06_13_24.Still001
The Burden of Proof | Dr. Jessica Rose
Will Interviewed on nottv August 5 2022.00_28_28_26.Still001
How We’re Going to Defeat the Globalists | Will on NotTV
uninformed consent featured image
Uninformed Consent: An Interview with the Creators | Todd Harris, Dr. Hoffe, Dr. Malthouse
Jane Ruby on CDC Hiding Death Numbers SAFC.00_09_04_10.Still002
Exposed: The CDC is Hiding Death Numbers | Dr. Jane Ruby
Andrew Wakefield Infertility SAFC_Moment
Behind the Scenes of Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda | Dr. Andrew Wakefield
Rob Verkerk Marburg and resiliency_Moment(2)
Resilience to the Threat of Immune Disturbance | Dr. Rob Verkerk
Rob Verkerk Adverse Reactions_Moment
“First, Do No Harm” OR “Adverse Events are Collateral Damage” | Dr. Rob Verkerk

Mass arrests and roadblocks. Will has a plan for getting in regardless. This is all the more reason to go and reveal what is happening there.

Once in Ottawa, we’ll begin live streaming and conducting interviews with people on the ground as well as experts who are there such as Dr. Paul Alexander and Dr. Rochagne Kilian. All of this content will be freely available on our site.

We have set up a prominently labelled page at StrongAndFreeCanada.org dedicated to this and our social media coordinator is already posting videos on the convoy from many sources. While truthful videos and reporting are coming out of Ottawa these are scattered about the internet. We’ll be compiling all of this content to one place for your convenience. If you find new content which shows the truth of what is happening in our capital, please email the link to updates@strongandfreecanada.org.

Be the virus. Spread the truth. Refuse to comply.


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