Breaking: Asymptomatic transmission of COVID-19 didn’t occur at all, study of 10 million finds
A new study shows only 300 “asymptomatic cases” in a population of nearly 10 million—there were no re-transmissions among their network of traced contacts, and none of those tested positive for COVID-19.

In other words, of the 300 supposedly “asymptomatic” people that tested “positive” with the now infamous RT-PCR test, absolutely *zero* communicable disease was found.
Now go back and read that again and take in this important message.
This is a landmark scientific finding, and neither the CBC, CTV, Global or any other mainstream-media source in Canada is picking it up since it was published in November, and none of the provincial governments, nor their chief medical officers and their advisors appear to be acknowledging or debating this. There is also no debate among the so-called fact checkers. They are all conveniently ignoring science and continuing to push the narrative of rising ‘cases’. Maybe it’s time to ask yourself why this is happening…
But more importantly, looking at this positively, 100% of the UNINFECTED population should be allowed to go about life as usual, the senseless mass PCR testing (for diagnosis of an uninfected population) must stop immediately, and we must end lockdowns *now*.
The American Institute for Economic Research analyzed the report and its implications and summarized thoroughly here.
Article: Asymptomatic Spread Revisited
Article: Asymptomatic Spread Revisited
LifeSiteNews has a very good article which is here:
Asymptomatic transmission of COVID-19 didn’t occur at all, study of 10 million finds
Principia Scientific covered this study as well here:
Study of Ten Million Finds No Evidence of Asymptomatic COVID Spread
Original study published by Nature is here: