Campaign: Time to Fully Open the Churches. Protect Faith, Family and Freedom!
This is a re-post of a web-page by Action4Canada. They have compiled a brief and powerful video of the impact on Human Rights and Freedoms. There is a searchable transcript of the video available in the event it is removed from YouTube.
Campaign: Time to Fully Open the Churches. Protect Faith, Family and Freedom!
Sign and Send the Freedom and Rights Declaration advising Health Officers that Canadians will no longer comply with orders that are inconsistent, irrational, unlawful, and in violation of our Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Dear Pastors, Church Leaders, and fellow Canadians!
There is a growing movement across Canada to fully and permanently open the churches without restrictions.
The Provincial Orders to limit and/or suspend religious gatherings are in direct violation of the “guaranteed” rights under the Constitution and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The Orders are also inconsistent and irrational. Costco, liquor stores, and airlines are open while small businesses and the church are being discriminated against.
The Emergency Measures and Orders are based on the claim that we are experiencing a “public health emergency.” However, there is mounting evidence proving that these claims are false.
In fact, the evidence indicates that we are experiencing a rate of infection consistent with a normal influenza season.
JCCF report …”71 per cent of Canada’s 11,344 deaths are over the age of 80. A further 18.4 per cent are between 70 and 79, and a further 7.3 per cent are between 60 and 69 years of age. Only 3.3 per cent of deaths are amongst those under 60…. “which is 374 people in a population of 37.5 million.” The majority of deaths are related to comorbidities.
Increased “cases” are a direct consequence of increased testing through fraudulent use of the PCR instrument to diagnose COVID-19. It is well established that the PCR test was never designed or intended as a diagnostic tool, and that the current utilization, set at higher amplifications, is reportedly producing up to 97% false positives. The inventor of the PCR test, Kary Mullis, said the test can be amplified “to find a similar molecule in nearly every single person.”
The media and the government have conditioned Canadians to hyper focus on the .03% of the population who are normally at risk every influenza season, while the suffering of millions of Canadians is going unacknowledged and the abuse of our elderly and children has become the new normal.
We as a church and a body of believers must rise up in defense of our God-given rights which are guaranteed under the Constitution and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. We must no longer be complicit to the unlawful acts of the government.
Therefore, please sign and send the following Freedom and Rights Declaration advising provincial/territorial Health Officers that we, as part of a free and democratic society, can no longer comply with the draconian Orders as they are discriminatory, inconsistent, irrational and in violation of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
In response to the draconian and unlawful measures, of both the federal and provincial governments, Action4Canada, is also commencing legal action. We have retained the services of a top constitutional lawyer, Rocco Galati. We believe it is vital to defend the freedom of religion and the right to assemble.
Please sign and send the letter to your Provincial/Territorial Health Officer, share the video, and join the movement to fully open the churches.
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Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and God’s richest blessings in the New Year.
The Team@