The Strong and Free TruthCast


How We Save Canada |
Stockwell Day

The majority of Canadians today believe that our country has gone completely off the rails, and especially under Justin Trudeau’s government. Our debt has spiraled out of control while societal…

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Famine by Design: How They’re Going to Destroy our Food Supply |
Lisa Miron

In our top stories this week, evidence the Jasper wildfires were intentionally mismanaged. Are our courts seeking to become the top power in Canada? Is NATO on the verge of collapse? An interview with WHO watchdog James Roguski on their plans to push the treaty through early. And Orange County, California admits they can produce no evidence of the COVID virus.

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IWR News for October 11th |
Did Trudeau Burn Jasper? Allegations of Federal Mismanagement

In our top stories this week, evidence the Jasper wildfires were intentionally mismanaged. Are our courts seeking to become the top power in Canada? Is NATO on the verge of collapse? An interview with WHO watchdog James Roguski on their plans to push the treaty through early. And Orange County, California admits they can produce no evidence of the COVID virus.

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Cluck and Dagger: The Ongoing Attack on Our Food Supply |
Clint McNichol

You all know that the globalists are attacking our food supply. What you might not know is that only about 50% of our food supply comes from large corporate farming…

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Our ‘Death Cult of a Country’: Protection from MAiD |
Angelina Ireland

MAiD in Canada has now killed over 60,000 Canadians since it’s legalization in 2016, making Canada the number one country in the world for euthanizing our citizens. And that’s raw…

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IWR News for October 4th |
Is Big Tech Set to Control Our Energy?

In our top stories this week, is big tech set to control our energy, a new threat to freedom of speech in Canada, another major step to World War 3, and proof of self-assembling nanostructures in the COVID vaccines.

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Our Corrupt City Councils: A Case Study |
Lisa Robinson

City councils across Canada have fallen victim to corruption and greed. And almost no one on the inside, even if they have a conscience, also have the courage to speak…

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Canada’s Health Dictatorship: What Trudeau Tried to Hide |
Shawn Buckley

Trudeau’s government has been conducting a relentless campaign to destroy the natural health products industry in Canada, and to protect and increase Big Pharma profits. The latest Liberal skullduggery took…

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IWR News for September 27th |
What is ‘Disinformation’? Truth, Apparently

In our top stories this week, a poll claims that all conservative boaters are victims of disinformation, the FDA admits that the Monkeypox” vaccine could kill the unvaccinated through shedding, Trudeau commits to global government at the UN summit, analysts warn that NATO’s involvement in train could lead to World War III, and three good news stories to restore your faith in humanity and our future.

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Why Canada is Broken |
Frances Widdowson

Canada’s aboriginal peoples are being used. Lawyers and activists make billions every year, bringing lawsuits before the government and spinning the false narrative that if only we gave our aboriginal…

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Surviving the Coming Economic Collapse: 3rd Quarter Update |
Adrian Spitters, Bryce Wade, Warren Keane

Digital currencies are coming. If we who understand the danger resist, those digital currencies will not be tied to digital IDs and social credit scores, but central digital currencies themselves…

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IWR News for September 20th |
How Trudeau Broke the Canadian Military

In our top stories this week, how Trudeau broke the Canadian military, an early election appears unlikely, a special report on violence against women around the world and here in Canada, and Google announces a beta test of an online digital ID.

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The Charter of Health Freedom: Saving NHPs |
Shawn Buckley

Tens of millions of Canadians rely on natural health products to treat illnesses and conditions, and to simply provide better health. But Trudeau’s government is hell-bent on removing natural health…

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Lies, AI and Health Tyranny |
Steve Kirsch

Among the many concerns of Canadians, both on the right and on the left, there is no concern greater than not being able to tell what is true and what…

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IWR News for September 13th |
Will You Lose Your Job to an AI? A Canadian Perspective

In our top stories this week, will an AI take your job, the jobs which are most at risk. Pierre Poilievre promises to topple Trudeau’s government. Bill Gates wants mandatory digital IDs. The European Union will soon introduce a mandatory digital ID for all travelers and the WEF admits that the pandemic was a test of public compliance with rights violations.

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The End of Freedom of Speech in Canada |
Michael Alexander

Ethical doctors across Canada in recent years have been persecuted for telling the truth. Any doctor who went against the Covid narrative faced suspension or revocation of their license to…

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Medical Tyranny Returns to Canada: Bill C-293 |
Lisa Miron

From 2020 right up until now in some provinces, Canadians across our country have been subjected to gross violations of our Charter rights, under the justification of reducing the effect…

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IWR News for September 6th |
An Election This Fall? Trudeau and Singh Divorce

In our top stories this week, a federal election in Canada may happen as early as this fall. BC hospitals have installed vending machines that give away free crack pipes. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu makes it clear the war in the Middle East will not be over until Hamas has been eradicated. And an update from German-American lawyer and freedom fighter Reiner Fuellmich from the prison in Germany where he has been illegally held for almost a year.

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