Inside the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals Summit: Jody Ledgerwood and Cris Vleck

October 22, 2023

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Last month, the United Nation Sustainable Development Goals Summit was held in New York City.

Speakers from around the world laid out the UN plans to destroy our economy, shut down the fossil fuel industry, cut off our supply to essentials such as food, clothing and heat, and to imprison us all in 15 minute cities.

Of course they didn’t say it in those words. The globalists pay marketing agencies to package these concepts in pleasant sounding words such as affordable and clean energy, zero hunger, quality education, and sustainable cities.

And much of what was said at that summit was not recorded or livestreamed and certainly not covered by mainstream media.

Fortunately for us two of Canada’s top freedom fighters and investigative journalists, Jody Ledgerwood and Cris Vleck attended the summit. They came away with reams of documents and videos that reveal the real agenda.

In this interview, Cris and Jody show us some of the materials they obtained, and videos they recorded while they were there and reveal the truth that we must all be aware of. Covid didn’t give them the control they wanted. And so now they will attack us with climate alarmism and agendas to steal our rights and subject us to severe restrictions on our freedoms under the guise of saving the planet.

From the money supply, to food, to heating fuel, to our very right to move freely, their plan is nothing less than absolute control. And they are accelerating those plans, pushing ever faster toward a totalitarian one world government.

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