Censorship Wasn’t Enough – Now They Want to Dictate What We MUST Say | Karen Selick

March 29, 2022

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Karen Selick is a columnist for Western Standard Online, the National Post and Canadian Lawyer Magazine. Karen was also a practicing lawyer for 38 years in Canada. Karen joins us to share her views on the repeated attacks on our Charter and our fading right to free of speech in Canada under this Liberal-NDP regime.

On what Ontario’s Bill 67 truly represents…
It’s not that clear but Bill 67 is something that would probably import into Canadian school rooms this whole critical race theory idea. The Bill talks about racist ideas, socially constructed ideas. It imposes penalties on people if they disrupt or attempt to disrupt a school classroom [using] racist language or engaging in racist activities. What concerns me is that the way they’ve defined things in [the draft Bill] is that racist activities could just mean thinking in your own mind, what somebody else considers to be racist thought…these days critical race theory coming to the fore as it has, it’s almost a racist thought to say, there’s no racism in Canada. I don’t believe that there’s systemic racism in Canada. By even thinking that, would probably be enough to get you fined in a school room if this Bill gets passed.

On the recent railroading of long-standing MP Randy Hillier…
On February 22nd at almost six o’clock when hardly anybody is there, MP for Markham-Stouffville brought forward a motion that essentially accused Randy of using social media “‘to make racist and discriminatory statements about a federal cabinet minister and for publishing social media post, insinuating a call to violence.’ The MP said to the Speaker, if you allow me to bring this motion forward, I can pretty much guarantee that there will be unanimous agreement to discuss this now, because otherwise, if there hadn’t been unanimous support, they wouldn’t have been able to discuss it. All the MP’s who were there apparently agreed as nobody dissented and there was no recorded vote on the matter – we don’t know what any of them said.

On the effect of these actions to our Democracy…
Get your mind around this: Ontario’s legislature passed a motion, theoretically unanimously, that will compel one of its members to say something and to say it sincerely. So, they’re not just saying you have to say it, they have to get into his head and brainwash him to the point where he’s sincere and they believe that he’s sincere. By supporting this Bill, MPs essentially instructed the Speaker of the House that he is not to recognize MP Randy Hiller until Randy writes an apology to both the House and to Minister Al-ghabra and the Speaker of the House has to be satisfied that it’s sincere. This is an example of forced speech, which is contrary to the Charter. Only then will Randy be allowed to speak in the Ontario legislature. It’s just incredible that this could happen.


Read Karen’s work on:
Western Standard
Frontier Centre
Lew Rockwell

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