Cluck and Dagger: The Ongoing Attack on Our Food Supply |
Clint McNichol

October 9, 2024

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You all know that the globalists are attacking our food supply. What you might not know is that only about 50% of our food supply comes from large corporate farming operations. The rest comes from smaller farms and ranches across Canada.

So they are attacking those too.

Clint McNichol lives on Salt Spring Island in B.C. Well known as a summer tourist trap, most people don’t realize that Salt Spring Island is home to many small farms. In fact, that’s the bulk of the land use there.

Clint and his partner Ally breed chickens on their small farm. Or at least they did, until recently they were fined thousands of dollars and had to surrender their roosters due to noise complaints from non-farming neighbors.

And there are a number of very suspicious things about the entire case. From the fact that Clint and Ally have been targeted despite clearly have the support of the majority of the community, some of whom run small farming operations themselves, to an inexplicable increase partway through their case in the decibel measurement of their roosters crowing to just exceed the acceptable limit for nuisance noise.

And Clint and Ally are not unique. Small farming operations across Canada are being harassed in order to shut them down and transfer ever yet more food production to globalist controlled corporations, and so our government can destroy the food supply, leaving us with nothing except toxic manufactured foods and government subsidized bug proteins.

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