Exposing the Lie of the “Coming Pediatric Pandemic”

October 5, 2021

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“Suicide Has Gone Through the Roof in the Deaf Community”, says Canadian Spokesman for the Deaf
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A Succinct Summary of Covid Tyranny, by Dr. Mark Trozzi
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“The FDA Has Become an Arm of Pfizer”, Interview with Dr. Jane Ruby
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Policing the Pandemic: The Police State of Canada
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Almost All People Getting the ‘Vaccines’ Are Being Coerced
interview featured image Jeff Matheson
83% of First-Trimester Women Miscarry After Getting the Jab
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How We Broke Politics in Canada: And How We Fix It
interview featured image mark trozzi
‘Vaccine’ Dependency: How the Covid ‘Vaccines’ Create New Variants

The next step in the fearmonger’s plan is to frighten parents into believing their children are at risk from Covid in order to push the bioweapons being marketed as vaccines on more and more children. Dr. Kilian exposes this lie, and the extreme risks these experimental injections pose to our children.


The New York Times Article on the 1976 Vaccine Fiasco

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