Freedom, Faith, Family – The Ontario Party | Derek Sloan

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Derek Sloan is the Leader of the Ontario Party, a newly formed political party campaigning for seats in the upcoming June Ontario election.  With many years of experience in Canadian politics, Derek shares the Ontario Party’s platform which includes course correcting the woke leftist ideologies and shielding the country, province by province, from the Globalists’ plan to govern the world.

On Freedom….

We have a set of values that our country is based on: Free Speech. Freedom of Conscience, Freedom of Assembly, the kinds of things that you would see written in the Bills of Rights and Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Obviously, these things are under attack. We’ve seen that very clearly during the last couple of years, even myself, I have over seven courts summons for being in crowds that were against the law due to COVID. These were outdoor events.

We had some very strict rules in this province and in other provinces there were very similar rules. Our freedoms have been under attack from that perspective. We’ve seen, of course, doctors and nurses who try and speak against what we’re seeing punished by the regulatory bodies, Facebook and Twitter are shutting down conversation, shutting down people, for example, who may have had adverse reactions to vaccines or any other number of things that people are sharing that goes against the narrative are being shut down. So…it’s certainly under attack.

On Faith…

The modern left wants to create basically a revolution. To take a revolution you have to turn over basically the current foundations of the country. That’s why they’re attacking our history. That’s why they’re attacking our faith. That’s why they’re attacking the very concepts that have made Western nations so profitable. And I don’t mean that only from a business standpoint, I mean successful in terms of the longevity of the governments that we’ve had here, the continuity of our system, the prosperity that we’ve been able to live under.

Our history is intertwined Christianity love it or hate it…Christianity writ large has been intertwined with the creation of our institutions. That’s why, for example, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Transport, they’re all called ministries, right? This comes from the governing bodies in England and in Western Europe were intertwined with the religious the entire time.

On Family….

All of these [points] intersect…the focus with the family of course, is recognizing the family as the primary institution of importance in raising new citizens for the country. And that’s why we want to have strong families. We want to have moral families that can incorporate those values into their children. There’s no other institution, even a good government couldn’t do as good of a job raising a baby as a family can, it just cannot be replaced. And what we have now is bad governments trying to replace the family…we need to make sure that we respect parents…give them the space to raise their children. If they think that certain things are inappropriate in the school system, age inappropriate, they need to have the ability to decide what gets taught to their children.


Ontario Party

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