“I have never seen so many suicidal children.”, says Ontario ER doctor

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Dr. Patrick Phillips reports on what he’s seeing in the ER as a result of lockdowns and the bioweapons being falsely marketed as ‘vaccines’, and provides a warning for parents, especially of teenagers, to watch for signs of suicidal depression.

For following the law and proper medical practice in reporting Covid ‘vaccine’ harms to the public health officer, Dr. Phillips is now being disciplined by the CPSO (College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario) and has been prohibited from providing exemption letters for masks, ‘vaccines’ and testing as well as from prescribing effective medications for Covid such as Ivermectin.

Dr. Phillips also makes some sage observations on what is happening in our society.

“They’ve made the Canadian people just so miserable by the lockdowns, social isolation, taking away our economy and our hope for the future…and they start pitting this against those who don’t comply, and that funnels all the rage, all the despair against the innocent, rather than those who are causing the problem.

It’s almost like a genocidal rage that’s being scapegoated against the unvaccinated.

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