IWR News for June 7th
Has Global Depopulation Already Started?

June 7, 2024

409 James Roguski and Valerie Borik on the WHO, part 1
The IHR Amendments, Part 1: James Roguski and Valerie Borek
IWR Weekly Oct. 13th: What MSM ‘Forgot’ to Tell You About Israel
406 Leighton Grey the Corruption of Our Courts
The Corruption of Our Courts: Leighton Grey
407 George Douklias Jabless Jobs
Goose and Maple: George Douklias
411 IWR Week of October 6th
IWR Weekly Oct. 6th: WEF Suggest Death Penalty for Climate Deniers
405 Leighton Grey Covid Mandates Illegal
COVID Mandates Ruled Illegal: Leighton Grey
400 Tish Conlin The Thrive Protocol
The T-H-R-I-V-E Protocol: Tish Conlin
404 Mahmoud Mourra Million March 4 Children
Million March 4 Children: Mahmoud Mourra

This week in news that mainstream media won’t report and our government doesn’t want you to hear:

  • Has Global Depopulation Already Started?
  • WHO Amendments Back from the Dead
  • The Bankrupting of Canada: Deficit
  • 3 Liberal Scandals in One Week
  • MPs Accused of Treason
  • Results of Our First Viewer Survey
  • Cross Canada Vaccine Injury Lawsuit Launched
  • Bad News for Gates’ Methane Vaccine
  • Green Energy Policies Found to Cause Global Warming
  • Liberals and NDP Want ‘Ecocide’ to be a Crime
  • ‘Human Body Activity’ Surveillance Patent
  • MAiD is Like Waterboarding: Victims Drown
  • Did the Globalists Cause the 2007 Financial Crisis?
  • Fauci Admits ‘No Science’ Behind Social Distancing Rules
  • Major Scientific Journal Publishes Study Proving Shot Deaths

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